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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. This forum is supported mainly by other users like me. We're not Evernote. If you're a subscriber please report the situation to Evernote Support. If you're a recent subscriber, Evernote may temporarily be especially busy setting up its infrastructure.
  2. Evernote Legacy is the pre-v10 unsupported version. There's more information here - Install an older version of Evernote For the moment it syncs with the same notes as v10 and will save a complete copy of your current notes to your local hard drive (if you have enough free space).
  3. Having done a bit of marketing myself I wondered how I would write such a message - came up blank: can't think of much to say apart from "we're still here... everything is fine..." which sounds fake as heck. Sometimes I (now) use ChatGPT to suggest directions, but it hadn't much to offer either... 🤔
  4. Again wow... A company, whose CEO is a long time Evernote user and fan, lives the dream and buys Evernote; then needs to kick the new composite organisation into shape and deal with a bunch of layoffs, while also keeping a huge customer base happy with ongoing service. Seems to me they're concentrating on restructuring the workforce to continue delivering business as usual. That's a lot of work, and it hasn't - as far as I know - affected the service one bit. I'll grant that a lot of it was already in progress before the new guys came along, but if the layoffs were as big a bloodbath as is being made out in some quarters, few of the original team would be there to keep things on track. If the new guys are prioritising talking to staff over talking to users, they're avoiding lawsuits and looking after people they might want back. As long as my syncs work and my data is safe I'll let them get on with it, and look forward to hearing about new ideas in due course. There's probably a year's worth of development already in hand, so that may not be until Q3 or Q4. But there's no point giving competitors advance notice of what's going to be in the pipeline. Mind you all those competitors are going to be pushing the gloom and despondemcy angles - but without AFAICS any justification whatsoever...
  5. Wow - where are you getting this stuff? I found one post on Linkedin about the marketing team, and general web searches only turn up uninformed speculation from the press and YouTube about what might be going on. While it's a horrible situation for the individuals involved, marketing teams are an obvious soft target for a new company owner with its own marketing team. Evernote is still working for me, and I plan on continuing to use it unless and until that becomes impractical. I don't much care whether the new owners respect me as a customer, just as long as their service still works!
  6. Hi. Syncing is done from one device to and from Evernote's servers, and not one device to another. Evernote has some suggestions for sync issues... Tips for troubleshooting syncing issues
  7. Hi. You seem determined to find issues with Evernote and /or Revo while we're simply pointing out that glitches do happen in the best regulated system - and fixes should be easy and quick. In Windows you can use Task Manager to verify whether or not any application is running, and to stop it if necessary. The most basic of all fixes is to uninstall an app, power the system off and on again to clear temporary srtorage, and then to reinstall the app. If you are a subscriber and contact Evernote support (which we are not) they'll recommend the same thing.
  8. I'd be interested to have the URLs for any such cautions. If your original question is still valid, then please reinstall the app or fell free to move to OneNote.. you seem unwilling to accept any other suggestions to resolve this issue.
  9. We'll have to wait for more information. I have seen takeovers from both sides, and if Company A - which has a full set of IT, accounting, marketing and HR staff - takes over Company B - which also has a full set... Then the prime area where some useful cost savings can be made immediately is in merging departments and losing anyone regarded as 'spare'. Yinxiang Biji is a separate company serving the China market, so separate from any other activities. 'Spoons seems to be pretty strong in IT skills, so their influence shouldn't be discounted - it will be interesting to see where this goes...
  10. Hi. Why? If I want to write a web address, I don't want to have to copy and paste it into a browser if I visit the page. I'm very happy that www.evernote.com shows as a link. And how does that relate to your title "Copy Paste super inconsistent" ?
  11. Hi. If you're simply looking to backup your notes against possible data loss, then ENEX files should be fine. They are importable into Evernote - and quite a few of its competitors - but not readable as notes outside a host application. The only advantage of HTML is that you should be able to read notebooks and notes in a browser like web pages - but it is a more complicated export and clearly sometimes it can go wrong.
  12. Hi. If you didn't already sort this out - I'd suggest putting down your usual conversations as headlines - date / contact / contract name etc - and then save the headlines note as a template to use every time you have a conversation. Add individual details every time you have the conversations - plus lag any additional tasks as... well, tasks. Do a regular search for tasks to see what's still outstanding, and to keep on top. Save the search.
  13. I use Filterize to scan my incoming notes and scans and apply appropriate tags / send to specific notebooks where necessary.
  14. If that was your question, then the answers are: no it won't "be fixed" because there's nothing to fix. And if you'd like to go to OneNote, please don't let us stop you. Evernote is used by 200M plus people, and the other 199,999+ of us don't have a problem with the update, so you might need to do a little house-cleaning on your own system to join back in...
  15. Hi. I moved your post to General Discussions since you didn't mention your device, OS or Evernote version. "Teams" where you first posted is the business product which I assume you don't have. As to your query - there's no way to sort the content of a note in Evernote, but if you have your files in a table - either an Evernote table (use square brackets to generate one - [][] = 2 cells wide x 1 high) or an Excel sheet, you can copy/ paste the Evernote table into a spreadsheet or just open an Excel sheet and sort there. Then just replace the cell contents with the revised list...
  16. ...or on a desktop select your -tag:* files and copy the links to a new note. Then step through the listing to add appropriate tags. Or - group select the notes and tag them with a keyword - "tagless" - or some such. Then group select similar notes from the search and add tags. They'll disappear from your -tag:* search because they now have tags. Search again for 'tagless' and continue tagging groups. Then remove 'tagless' and relax.....
  17. I did see a Forum email about staff levels being "streamlined" as part of the merger with Spoons but I think it must have been re-thought, because the link gets a 'not found' error if you follow it. Sounds like the usual though - when two organisations join, there are always overlaps in accounting, PR and so on which are already covered...
  18. I did a quick test print to PDF which worked without any issues in Win 11. Have you tried exporting the note to PDF rather than printing it?
  19. That's a yes - Windows users never had the preview feature in Legacy, it's a total upgrade to us now in v10.
  20. Hi. Who did you pay? It sounds as though there was a problem with the transfer of funds which you need to sort out with the original vendor. The update pop-ups will be to do with using the Free account which has low upload limits. Are you sure you're logged into the correct account? We occasionally have reports that someone has lost all their notes, because they accidentally created a new account when trying to log in with slightly incorrect details. Try logging out and back in again - carefully. Otherwise - we're mainly other users here; to query payments issues...
  21. Right or wrong, Evernote's servers have the final word on this. If you are locked out, the only options are to start another temporary account if you have another email address you can use - or to subscribe, even if only for a month, while you sort the matter out. I'll attach some background which may explain the situation better - Understanding the device limit
  22. Hmmn. Even so, I don't think the history should be empty... Oh well: support is your next step. We've said here many (many) times that small notes are better than large ones - I'd suggest that you add your links and files to separate notes in future. Keep them together in one notebook by all means, and there are ways, with numbering, tags, titles and dates, to deal with timelines and priority order; but in that scenario if you lose a note which (AFAIK) has never happened without user involvement, you lose one task, or one link - and not several.
  23. Hi. Don't know how big your notes are, but nearly 12,000 notes has got to be a fairly humungous file size which then has to translate into page graphics and/ or text... I think the Support suggestion of 'try smaller chunks' would be a good idea. It's possible to merge PDFs together, so you could try some variations on 100 notes / 500 notes / 1000 notes and number the resulting PDFs in sequential order - but again if you wind up with a series of 20MB PDF files, I'm not sure how that software will handle a bulk merge...
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