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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Is yours a new account? Since it would be rather easy to spam by sharing, Evernote allow a 'cooling down' period (my phrase, not theirs) of a couple of days before allowing shares from new accounts.
  2. Hi. Please see the link I sent you... HOW DO I CHECK HOW MANY AND WHICH DEVICES ARE ASSOCIATED WITH MY ACCOUNT? You can view and manage all of the devices associated with your account on the "Devices" page in your account settings.
  3. I don't think there's room for discussion: if you're locked out, you have to wait for the account to refresh / update for at least one month (check your upgrade page and App store for a possible monthly payment option...) / or start a temporary additional account if you have another email address available. See https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/218558068 for more...
  4. I now understand that Evernote are aware of an issue and working on a fix, but meantime it's support or workaround!
  5. Hi. Have you exceeded the device limit in your account? Understanding the device limit
  6. Then I suggest you contact Support if you have access, and / or use the workaround which was posted above your entry.
  7. I had an issue with my new Samsung Tab 7 tablet where I was unable to clip or create new notes. Support helped me fix that by (weirdly) setting up a new default notebook and then switching back to the original. Everything - including widgets - is now available.
  8. Glad you got it back. Updates do fail from time to time - probably just to make sure we're still paying attention. My VPN updated recently and I'm still getting weird connections on my laptop...
  9. No-one is questioning your ownership, and I'm sorry if I jumped to the conclusion that an "export all notebooks" feature was to print, but there is already an export to file option - both enex and HTML, and if it comes to that a 'print' option - to PDF; and various other note-taking software will already import directly from Evernote. Analysis is possible through third-party apps like Infranodus. We're not denying you access to this feature, but it will help Evernote decide whether or not it is in their interests to provide such access if they have a compelling reason for changing the existing structure of their database. https://infranodus.com/
  10. Hi. No clue. Mostly users here, not Support. Usual case of 'losing' notes is accidentally logging on with the wrong details and creating a new account (if you can open the app at all...). Your notes should all be synced to the server though, so try signing on to Evernote.com and maybe use the 'forgot password' option if you don't see your notes? And 10.52 is the latest update for Windows, the download link is on the website... https://cdn1.evernote.com/boron/win/builds/Evernote-10.52.8-win-ddl-ga-3911-111c1a8a34-setup.exe
  11. Hi. It will be interesting to see how much support this request receives - many users (I would have thought) are trying to avoid paper, not annihilate several trees with a copy of what's safely online. I've spent several years converting a lot of paper onto a couple of hard drives to make it easier to manage. I'd hate to see my 60,000 (or so) notes back in the real world - a lot of them contain multi-page books! Can you elaborate why this is an issue? Are you looking to share information / back up your data or write a book?
  12. Less than a dozen people have commented here, and Evernote users number in the hundreds of millions. Not all of those are Apple users, and many may not have updated to v10.52. However 12 reports do not a crisis make - especially when one contributor found a way to fix their issue. Please try the quoted fix(es), and if that doesn't work, contact Evernote Support. If it wasn't already obvious, that's not us - we're mainly users. Evernote are the only people with the ability to try to replicate this situation. If the rest of us don't see an issue, that's the only comment you'll get here...
  13. There are dozens of options out there - Wikipedia or Evernote will hopefully sort this out fairly quickly if they get support requests with examples...
  14. Hi. Please see the full explanation below. I don't known of a way around the limit, other than to subscribe for a month or two or to start a new account if you have a spare email address. Understanding the device limit
  15. That's not a Tasks issue, it's a not loading issue: please start a new thread. It will help if you also specify the OS and Evernote versions and what steps you've taken already - restarting the device? Signing out and back in? Reinstalling?
  16. Hi. No clue. We're mostly users here, not Support. I'd recommend you reach out to them and be prepared to share your system logs / notes where this issue has arisen. I'm also a long-time user and don't seem to have any problems, and you're reporting an intermittent fault that may be hard to pin down. Notes, and note contents don't typically go missing - and syncing 'between devices' won't be an issue: each device syncs with the server in a 'star' pattern. Having said which, editing one note on more than one device could overwrite one version of a note with another if the first device doesn;t havetime to update the central server record. Have you used Note History to check back to see whether notes with a missing PDF actually had that file at some time in the recent past? Use note history to view older versions of a note
  17. Sad that this still has to be mentioned, but This is not a request forum, or a democracy. Evernote notes new ideas and works towards implementing them if and when it makes business sense to do so. Evernote has 200M+ users (something like two thirds the population of the US) so any changes are planned out in detail and a long time in advance. Evernote doesn't pre-announce changes, so it's "requested" until it's delivered - which might be in two weeks ot two years. Nobody knows... If you really need a feature now, and Evernote doesn't have what you need, go find different software. Things won't be delivered overnight (see 2 above). If you can use a work-around, then by all means vote for this feature, but please don't post "are we there yet" reminders - it won't help!
  18. Provided your data is synced to the server, the data on your local device is only a working copy of your database. If you delete it, Evernote will rebuild it in full from the server. If you don't delete it, you'll keep a copy which may be corrupted in some way, possibly causing your current usage issues.
  19. On my Win 11 PC Evernote is running but currently showing 0% CPU usage. What exact version number are you on?
  20. When other stuff fails I use Nimbus Screenshot which produces a PNG file that is then OCR'd by Evernote. A web search with your OS will generate a ton more options...
  21. Just a suggestion in case you aren't already - when you locate untagged notes, the first tag you should add should be <WIP> or some such; then do a second search for tag:WIP and multi-tag away. Also: Filterize can ID untagged notes as they are created and could auto-tag them with <WIP> (or whatever) saving you the initial search...
  22. Yes You can opt not to delete the data, but you can't save it elsewhere and 'reinstall' it later - Evernote will recreate everything it needs from the server copy of your data.
  23. Hmmn. Confirmed - with or without VPN, Wikipedia won't allow Clipper to load in Edge. If you have an issue with this, I'd say contact Support - Evernote and Wikipedia might have to come to some arrangement. In the meantime other forms of page grabbing do exist...
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