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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Like @PinkElephant I mainly use my Import Folder for scanning - although in my case I use another desktop folder as the initial target and do my editing / renaming / merging and splitting there. When I finish a scanning session I bulk move the completed files into the Import Folder so Evernote can eat them in one operation. Bear in mind that the file in that folder has been copied into your Evernote database, so you have duplicate copies - if you're short on storage space you can delete the folder copies.
  2. If you're still having issues, seems like there's another happy camper over here...
  3. As I've mentioned a couple of times here: if you check the forums you'll find that everything (AFAIK) that Evernote has added so far has been at the request of users. The company has more users than most countries have people if this population chart included Evernote they'd be in the top 5. You can satisfy some of the people...
  4. OK - for the last time. Requests, suggestions and technical queries, plus comment and relevant assistance. Evernote are pretty relaxed about the content here as long as we can all behave like grown-ups. @PinkElephant I'm sure, is "just" another user who has posted solutions and help.
  5. For the avoidance of doubt I just deleted the last three posts in this forum since we're getting to silly name calling and well away from the point. Play nice please - the Forums have a code of conduct and that the intention here is to give folks an opportunity to post requests, suggestions and technical queries where other users can comment and offer relevant assistance. Sniping and personal comments are no part of that. If another user offends you it is possible to ignore or report them. The forum Admins will deal with all reports.
  6. Already available via the Home page - Home Overview – Evernote Help & Learning
  7. Hi. Did you try the 'continue' option? If you don't supply the right credentials that might revert to a user name and password option. Otherwise you'll need to contact Support (who are not us - we're mostly other users).
  8. Hi. I have no idea what window you're seeing, but you will get exactly the same app no matter what answer you give. I'd guess this is for market research purposes - to see whether more people are joining for personal or for business reasons.
  9. Hi. If you're using the app at all, there should be a feedback button somewhere. You could, if you wish, join the private beta for Linux here > Evernote for Linux. ...and you're using a free app. Subscribers don't have a device limit.
  10. Hi. You need to contact Support, which is not us... we're mainly other users.
  11. As I remember, most of the requesters were quite insistent that "no serious note-taking app" could possibly survive without (insert preferred feature here)...
  12. Last quote, I promise. Please stop making hugely inaccurate statements to scare others into following your example. Evernote completely rewrote their original package a couple of years ago and have since then issued 50+ updates to include various features that were all user requests. Everything from to-do lists, to calendars and presenting the same UX to users on any device. Some users may have had problems with some of these features for a short while but Evernote (AFAIK) have always come up with a fix. We're here to help those who might not know about work-arounds to find a way to manage their systems until that fix arrives. As to 'raising prices' - they've carried the same price level for years. They're subject to inflation like any other company. And unhappy users can always vote with their feet, as you just did. It's a shame to be so impatient though - with new owners and (maybe) new management coming in, who knows what features the app will include this time next year! Like many others I'm happy with Evernote, which has fewer hassles for me than a few others - I think I have 5 trouble tickets running with various other support teams at present.
  13. ...And the fact that there are others running both Mac and Windows versions of the app that do not have the issue. I'm on Windows 10.52 and my Evernote CPU usage is minimal. - Plus with tens of millions of users now on this version, you'd think that every forum would be inundated with complaints - yet these (plus those others who annoyingly open separate threads on the same issue) are the only ones I've seen...
  14. This 'impactful' glitch has affected less than 20 users out of the 200 Million or so existing Mac and Windows accounts. Given the range of user kit out there, it's quite usual for new releases to go through a few quick updates to avoid individual cases that the testers didn't (and couldn't) see. Evernote do monitor these forums, but they're here for feedback and suggestions, not to interact with users in a public discussion. I see you started a support request a few days ago, so you should be hearing from them very soon. I did not say that support was slow, or useless - getting a response to individual issues within a few days is pretty standard these days. Reporting issues to Support makes sure they know about them quickly and get access to user logs to investigate (and fix) problems as soon as possible. I can understand you're frustrated with the situation, but it will get fixed - and there are several work-arounds suggested above. Up to you if you want to convert over to a different system. Personally - though I was very resistant at first - the new version has grown on me.
  15. Hi. You have now. This is a mainly user-supported Forum where other users like me use their experience to offer suggestions and comments to others just starting out. Evernote staffers do keep an eye on things, but they rarely contribute. If you are a 6-year subscriber you're entitled to contact Support who will be glad to correspond with you directly and keep you informed. You'll get an immediate ticket number followed by an actual human in a few days, depending on how many requests they're dealing with. From my own experience running a support team (not for Evernote!) I can say that finding the cause of an issue often takes days or weeks - fixing it is much quicker once you know what you're dealing with.
  16. Hi. Yes. You may have to sign out and back in to see your change of status - and maybe clear the browser cache.
  17. Hi. Evernote is available both from the Store and Evernote.com. Whichever one you're trying, maybe try the other one? Plus - what exact device and OS version do you have? Evernote web is also available via Evernote.com - you can maybe access your account from there while this is being resolved.
  18. Hi. It hardly seems complicated to start a new note with the 'old' template, make your changes, sync and then save the template again. Surely that's about what you'd have to do if clicking on a template opened it up directly - and the current process means that If you don't like what the new version looks like, you can always just send it to the Trash folder instead...
  19. Hi. We're mostly users around here. I don't know how difficult it might be to detect and transform specific elements of a given page, or how likely Evenote is to consider this a worthwhile feature. You could suggest this in the Feature Request area of the forums to gain some votes in favour - a high enough number might persuade the company to schedule the work. I'd recommend you contact Support too with some URLs of affected pages - it's all very well to raise queries in a forum which will be visited at some time by Evernote staffers, but contacting them direct puts the suggestion in their hands immediately. There won't be any overnight changes, so work arounds are good too... but the new management in Evernote are AI experts, so if there's a way to train an AI to spot code blocks I bet they can build a system (if it makes business sense.)
  20. Hi. The Forums are mainly supported by other users, so you might want to contact Support about this issue. I'm not a Mac user, so can't offer any suggestions, but I'm sure someone will be along shortly....
  21. Given that Evernote have a whole-numbers percentage of the population of the planet as users, I don't think they aspire to return-of-email service for support calls any more - although you should have immediately been allocated a ticket number when your support request was received. If you're in the queue, they'll get to you. As I noted above, I'm told that Support are aware that some users have an issue with the Mac update, and they're looking into it. Meantime there are work-arounds.
  22. Hi. Bumping is against forum guidelines and commenting here won't help your cause much - if there's not already a Feature Request you can vote on to make auto-links an option, you could try starting one to get some momentum going...
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