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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. The EXB database is meant to be used as the source of notes for the Windows Legacy product v6.25. It's not 'opened' as such, but lives in the Evernote Databases folder and is used by the installed app on launch. My database is 30GB so I don't think your 200MB will be any problem. There are several issues with opening and using it however, including the fact that if you connect to the internet your database will be overwritten by whatever's on Evernote's servers for that account. So. Several steps back. If you go to Evernote.com and sign in with your user name and password for that old account - are your notes still there? NB make a copy of your 200MB file and keep it somewhere safe. Whatever you do next should only involve backups. And so that we know what we're doing here - please explain where this database file came from and what you're trying to do with it.
  2. My point was that my 6-year old W10 laptop doesn't have the processor speed or the memory to run v10. It runs very well on my new W11 desktop thanks... I don't think that many of us want two different accounts open at the same time - but hey I'm just another paying subscriber. ...as well as (more or less) unlimited cloud storage, 24/7/365 access to notes on any device in any OS, the features of the current apps... And again, I'm not saying you can't have this feature, I was just suggesting that direct feedback is quicker and more effective than repeatedly demanding that the company do what you want because you're one of 2M(?) people who help pay the bills.
  3. Well, it has recently been taken over by a long-term user who runs a successful Italian AI company so with any luck it might improve soon...
  4. Hi. As you should know by now, Evernote 6.25 is no longer supported by Evernote (or anyone). It will not be updated or changed. The new v10 no longer offers 'simplify' options in quite the same way - you may find that to be an improvement.
  5. I got from this comment that you needed access to shortcuts to find notebooks. I do apologise for trying to be helpful...
  6. With all respect - what you see as 'essential' may not be the same thing as many others; and I would not use the website legacy version except to look something up. These days the website version is almost as capable as the installed app. And... We're clearly using different apps, because when it first launched I totally agree the app was unusable. These days I rarely use Legacy on my W11 desktop, although it is still my daily driver on my W10 laptop, because v10 causes freezes and crashes. IMHO v10.5X is immeasurably better than 10.1 and every 2 weeks (or so) there are further upgrades and changes. Things are getting better, but Evernote has thousands, if not millions of users calling for their own special 'essential' upgrades... If you want yours to be closer to the top of the list, waiting for a rep to read this thread amongst hundreds of others is not necessarily a good strategy...
  7. Hi. Evernote is an independent app. As are the dozens (?) or so of other calendar apps offered by: Apple Calendar (formerly known as iCal) Microsoft Outlook Calendar Yahoo Calendar Cozi Family Organizer Any.do Calendar & To-Do List Fantastical Calendars 5 Business Calendar 2 aCalendar ...and many more. Evernote had to start somewhere, and it uses Google servers, so integrations were (relatively) easy. The rest will (probably) follow - we hear that Outlook will be next. How extensive the partnerships will be, will depend on the willingness of third party providers to share their calendar API. Which is not in Evernote's control...
  8. I don't have a problem finding notebooks - I gave my 399 notesbooks a 'unique' name by adding in a leading character. Now in any multiple choice window I can type |Z (the prefix is a vertical bar character) to see a much shorter list of options. Z (obvs) has only a few entries. Where there are more I sometimes need ti type as many as three characters to get to my target. |Ama forinstance gets "|Amazon" as the only option. I never have to type the whole name, so typos, plurals and fat thumb misnamings are automatically excluded. I appreciate you could't rename 278 notebooks overnight, but a lot of folks here seem to be incensed that 1) Evernote had the temerity to change the specs on their own products and/ or 2) they won't immediately change it back to the required option. (Anyone here used to use Twitter? 😏) I've said many (many) times before, that Evernote won't usually comment in detail on any topice in this public forum / it's their ball, so their game / and they're a big business - anyone asked Microsoft to change an Office feature lately? Elon to bring the band board back together? If and when Evernote do react to comments here, it won't be soon. The advent of a new management kicks that possibility even further down the road. So: I'm (reasonably) sure that no-one here things you - or anyone else - is wrong, or that Evernote needs some sort of defence. The situation we all find ourselves in however is, what it is; and it will not change soon. So we (ahem) 'gurus' - without any knowledge of your level of computer expertise, your business processes or your hardware - are just suggesting work-arounds as possible options. If they work for you, we're glad. If they don't work - we don't care. Your part of the equation is to decide whether to live with your current situation, adopt a work-around that offers some degree of improvement, or to find some other product that does more precisely what you want. I will get my work done with string and sticky tape if that's all that's available - my 'customers' really do not care whether I failed to pay a subscription, or that the latest version of my software changed its layout. Their simplistic view is that I failed (if I did) and I know that I can't badger a multinational company into making or reversing changes to its products in any reasonable length of time. So I'll make the best of what I've got and find ways to paper over any cracks. Use it or lose it folks!
  9. The chances of the new owners dumping v10 (IMHO) are from 0 to -10; they bought into v10, and given their cost-saving attitude on staff, I'd be a little worried that older and unsupported products will be following the same route rather sooner than they might otherwise have done - unless the new guys have the same frustrations as you. On the basis that you need v10 to improve so you can use it, I'd suggest you raise all of this with Support - no doubt the new owners will be reading through the Forums looking for issues and ideas, but a direct comment is faster. You'll quickly find out what (if anything) they intend to do about this, and might give them some good ideas that will be implemented before someone sunsets 6.25. Without your detailed feedback Evernote might not even realise that they have the pain points you're concerned with, and you'll never be able to return to an 'improved' v10.
  10. ...At least the team are planning to do something about this user request when their work schedule allows...
  11. Hi. You may know that it's the same iPad, but Evernote needs to know that too. Whatever main device you want to view your notes with, conect to Evernote using that. When you get the warning about multiple devices, revoke access for everything apart from the device you're actually using. That should get you through. Otherwise you may have to wait for the account to reset after the month, or subscribe for a month or two to get access back. There's more here - Understanding the device limit
  12. Hi - as a matter of interest, what OS do your devices operate on? As this is a mainly user-supported Forum, you may wish to use the Support link to get the company's comments on this issue.
  13. If you mean my point - I don't dispute that Evernote doesn't (currently) 'do' any of that, but asking them to add some features is like asking Lego to make the bricks smoother - they were designed with bumps for what seemed excellent reasons at the time and everything in the design and production pipeline is making use of that feature. If you change that one aspect you basically have to redesign the whole thing from the ground up - again.
  14. I'm confused (it's not uncommon) - doesn't Evernote already do all this? Since the purpose is to be available on any device that has access to the cloud, it syncs to the server If you wnat a copy (in various formats) in your local storage, that's optional (if you have enough space). It's possible to open the app online via the web version, or on a local device with the app installed It's possible to work offline and sync later - there are different methods for mobile devices and desktops, but they both work... AFAIK the whole account does not sync - only changes edited in a current online session and the current Activity Log will show any anomalies.
  15. I haven't ever had the need to show two separate accounts at the same time, but if I wanted to share information between the two I could easily use copy/ paste, a web view, email, sharing - any number of ways to quickly grab information from one account and paste it into another. AFAICS two windows side by side is a luxury that's easily worked around, but if you have a sound use case for it then by all means feed it back to Evernote or open a feature request in the Forums. Various things got dropped by the 'old' Evernote management, but now that we have the new guys in place - who knows where they'll take it?
  16. 🤐...and how was that non-disclosure worded again?
  17. <Sigh> No, it would not, given Evernote's 20-year history with a different strategy - otherwise I think they'd already have done it.
  18. Hmmn. I did not know that. I'm sure I had two accounts on screen at the same time... Ah: no I sit corrected - if you add accounts, you can switch between them instantly by clicking in the same place... ...And as for shortcuts, I hadn't even registered that the option to have them above the display had been 'lost' in transition. You could add that as a feature request...
  19. Like a few others here, I have a couple of these t-shirts; and while I have every sympathy with the staff involved, this is completely normal for a takeover. The new guys step in, cut costs by laying off (probably too many) existing staff who (like we all do) thought they were unique and indispensable, and generate a terrible vibe internally and externally as laid off staff emote, the survivors keep their heads down and worry, and customers draw every kind of conclusion. Not much actual work gets done. But nobody 'knows' anything about the overall strategy. The new guys can't go public until they have the changeover locked down - "we're fine and doing great" would be verifiably false given the other messages flying around. To abuse a Matrix/ Dog Soldiers quote "There is no Spoon" until the admin changes are completed. I think the new guys are probably busy enough without igniting a blizzard of demands and complaints from users by outlining any generalities intended to keep us quiet in the meantime. The CEO of BS (a title to be proud of) has probably been ghosting these forums for years, so he's likely to know us well. Offers may have been made that are yet to be accepted, business deals may be in progress contingent on organisational changes. We don't know. But it's neither our ball or a democracy. While change sucks, users have two choices - if and when the service fails, or developments go in unexpected directions, find a way around it or move on. Our choice...
  20. Hi. Have you tried clicking your picture and choosing "Add Accounts"? Not sure what this is - I have Shortcuts in the left panel, and widgets on the home page that will do the job...
  21. Students still get 40% off according to the (current) website - maybe I'll go back to school...
  22. Hi. Are you a free user? Evernote limits access to two devices (including the web client). You may need to revoke access to your old device before you proceed... Understanding the device limit
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