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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. <sigh> It's not 'just because', it is because a lot of development has happened and is still happening on faster operations, more collaboration, and many more features one of which might be an optional AI service. If you don't want it, don't use it; and if the app is now more expensive than it's worth to you, then please move on. Entirely your choice.
  2. This thread is for someone who can't see any notes - the usual explanation there being that they accidentally logged in with the wrong details and created a new account. You have a separate thread where I thought you could see notes but were losing information, which is not the same thing...
  3. Your need to be in touch with Support - subscribers can connect here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and all users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (This is a mainly user-supported Form)
  4. Hmmn. If tags don't work for you, would it be practical to use keywords instead? In some cases I use standard terms with an 'x' prefix - like xStandard so that it is unique and I won't get buried by thousands of hits if I search for that word. When you use the device that shows all your tage, it should be easy to get a tagged note and paste the xTag word into the body of each one. Then if the tags don't work, search should do so.
  5. The video is bigger than my desktop screen and impossible to watch. (And so big that I didn't even realise it was a video until you said). Have you tried uninstalling and restart / reinstalling the app on one or other of the mobile devices?
  6. Were the tags added very recently? If you find the notes individually by title, do they exist? Do they show the tag? - Could be a sync issue with any of your devices. Tips for troubleshooting syncing issues
  7. Hi. Don't know. Have you tried? If there's a problem editing the list directly, you might try copying it and deleting the whole thing, then edit the list elsewhere and past the changed details back.
  8. Still plugging away here. I also fed back my initial struggles to Backupery and got a similar response - one point that I hadn't registered from previous posts here is that Backupery doesn't need Evernote to be installed for it to work - so my largely redundant laptop which only runs Legacy so I have that version of a backup, could now just run Backupery, saving me about 30GB of storage space. It can plug away in a corner, (hopefully) undistracted by me and undistracting for me, in a corner of the room. I was specially incentivised to sort out my backup process because of Evernote's recent note format changes for Sync and RTE which might mean that a backup in Legacy might itself become useless if they decide to stop supporting the old code. As to progress, I'm now 3 days in and a guesstimated 53% complete...
  9. Hmmn. I seem to be on version 112, so maybe things changed again... If you're a subscriber, I'd suggest contacting Support to see if they're aware of this - maybe there's a fix in progress.
  10. I think @Dave-in-Decatur's point is that it depend who and where you are, and what exactly you're doing. I'm operating normally with no complaints at present, and -presumably- so is he. If you're motivated to have a long list of perceived bugs, then you may be expecting Evernote to do too much. In my (long and frequently unhappy) experience with tech, I have noticed that things crop up from time to time which I then have to work around... and then they go away. Given that Evernote depends so much on other services - including browsers / websites / internet connections / operating systems - all of whom can randomly change what they do without asking anyone else's permission, it's not surprising that they play an endless game of catchup, fixing stuff that worked laast week but doesn;t work any more. I'm glad (amd mildly surprised) that it all (usually) hangs together as well as it does!
  11. AFAIK the magic happens (usually) when you add the tag <published>, so I'd think you're fine to continue as you do - just add that tag when you're finished editing. If you're updating an existing page I'd think the update just won't happen unless and until you exit. I've messaged Filterize to see what they say - they're not normally quick to respond, but I'll let you know when/ if I get a reply.
  12. Hmmn. Just saved a test note on my Android tablet - 2 seconds later it's on my desktop account, but the green circle was still showing...10 seconds later the green circle is gone. Turns out I sent myself a 2MB image, so maybe it was still syncing. You could email the note to yourself as backup and once received, do the restart app / power the device off and on again dance...?
  13. Hmmn. Hey @Scott T. - thanks for the feedback and support here. I have a slightly different interest; I use Filterize which (hopefully) will check a new note just being synced with the account for any keywords. If it finds any flagged keywords it might add more tags, change the title or move the note to another notebook. It's mainly aimed at notes that have been saved or closed, so - maybe - will not be affected by any changes. Or will it? Any comments or thoughts very gratefully accepted!
  14. Hmmnn. I'm not a TaskClone user, but I'm into Filterize in a fairly big way... wonder if anything similar applies there...
  15. Hmmn. What's your laptop make/ model? Any memory or SSD additions?
  16. It still seems to be around - in the past couple of hours I've been distracted several times by the display on my second screen - which is Evernote - jumping up and down as the grey "paused" bar keeps on dropping in...
  17. Standard Windows techie fixes then, I think - sign out of Evernote & back in; if that don't fix it, sign out of windows, power off and start over.
  18. Yes. Discussed at some length in several posts. Evernote are aware.
  19. Hi. Try clearing Chrome's caches? It would be juseful to know the device & OS, plus what version of Chrome you have...
  20. In my admittedly limited experience AI text tends to be wordy, over-precise and mostly boring. I'm smart enough to ask for 'lists' or 'general summaries' to keep things shorter, but even there I usually wind up editing the AI's suggestions and using about 30% of the suggested text.
  21. Hmmn. I know there's a URL for all tickets raised, but on a quick look I can't find it! 🤨 I just reply to an email from the team about that issue, which (AFAIK) reopens it for them even if they have closed it in the meantime. Alternatvely you could just test out whether you are still having issues, and if necessary open a new ticket. If you've heard nothing since last year, I think it's safe to say that nothing is being done at the moment.
  22. Hi. What havoc? And a web search should turn up a few options - Collaborative Editing Overview or Youtube: https://frankbuck.org/evernote-real-time-editing/#:~:text=Pick a note and open,ve got real-time editing.
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