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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Everything now has AI rolled into it - for better, or for worse... <ominous soundtrack>
  2. Show off... Like others have said - I looked at that Github page and thought it looked a tad complex to get it sorted out.. without doing the whole installation in detail, is it simply just a case of downloading some code and installing the process? Might give it a try in a couple of days - I'm determined to let the current operation finish first.
  3. I agree that's a long way around - do you know whether these files are 'searchable' PDF's? - There are different flavours; ordinary PDF files have their content as images; searchable PDFs have mostly text. You turn an ordinary PDF into a searchable one by OCR-ing the content, which is possible in some PDF editors (and scanners). Evernote will do that for you too - it takes some hours on their server, depending on how busy things are. I scan to searchable PDF and always convert other files if they need it before saving to Evernote. See Tips for searching scanned PDFs for more on that.
  4. If you were on a very pre-v10 version, your original database might still be on your hard drive if you use a desktop.
  5. My EXB file is 29.5GB and after 24 hours my Dell notebook is today showing 10.7GB completed. That suggests (sigh) 22K notes out of my 61.3K total... and - currently - 4 seconds per note which looks about right from the reactions on the display. The note numbers shown however don't seem to have any relation... maybe totals per individual notebook? On @MvdH's "good" backups, I have slightly mixed feelings. As I said previously, in 15 years or so of activity I've had no reason (that I can recall) to restore any notebooks from my own backups. I kept records mainly in case I fat-fingered something and expunged data that I wanted to keep, and (no disprespect intended, Evernote) using someone else's overseas servers to store my data, I wanted my own local copy "just in case". Pre-v10 I kept a set of Backupery and system backups that would go back 12 months or so but still regarded Evernote as 99.5% dependable. The process was much quicker because it was copying files from the live legacy database on my desktop. I still have that nagging feeling that it's my data, so I should have a copy of everything in my control - and I should think it would benefit Evernote if I did so because a lot of the bad feeling expressed in the forums about 'lost' data is really down to User error. If everyone had an easy way to keep their own local backup, the number of Support requests and a degree of bad feeling should be reduced. However Evernote was once described as holding "the largest cache of personal data in the world" and the app lives on speed; any significant number of users downloading ALL of their notes is going to be a very significant bandwidth overhead. So the 'lost data' support calls would probably switch to 'slow speed' calls... Maybe an option to keep a complete local copy of your data* which is maintained on a drip-feed basis? I don't want Evernote to put Backupery out of business (Hi Denis!) so maybe Backupery should be able to pause and resume backups when the system is dormant or shut down and operate in the background 24/7? Or backup transparently to cloud storage? I'm a little worried that my 'completed' files still show mostly as one very large cache file - there are no separate ENEX files... yet. I assume that means there's still some processing to come. I am impressed that despite the ongoing downloading Backupery/ Evernote are not detectably slowing my system down, though they are taking up 1GB or memory each on my 32GB system. If I can complete one full backup my next one should just be a 'changes only' follow-up and much, much quicker. I believe Evernote are watching this discussion more closely than some others, so let's see what happens! * NB some users don't want anything local because of limited storage space. You can't please all of the people...
  6. Hi. Are you logged into Google Drive? My WIndows 11 / EN 10.56.9 setup adds files seamlessly with options to view the link as text (ie a conventional blue link) or "title" (the box icon).
  7. Hmmn. I have 60k notes in 400+ notebooks and I don't have much trouble finding things. If your main issue is that you need to press 'enter' a few times more more than you used to, then yes I agree it's a factor - but search works fine. I disabled 'search while you type' in Legacy because display refreshes interrupted typing in the search box for me...
  8. Read the posts before yours. Evernote are aware and investigating.
  9. Backupery has been running all day - about 14 hours now, with occasional time-outs from Evernote for too much traffic (if I'm slowing sync for everyone I do apologise!) - still not complete though. The process continues - more tomorrow!
  10. If I understand you correctly, you're describing how search works. Type 'two' in the search box in Evernote, and every instance of that word in every note will appear. Type 'factor' and notes that do not contain both words will disappear from the list. If you're a Professional subscriber you have Bollean searches to help. Keep on adding extra words to refine your searches further (or add -keywords to take notes with those words out of the mix). Evernote's advanced searches should find anything that you saved - as long as you can remember the keywords you need. And by all accounts we should eventually be able to ask "what was that security feature I noted last week?" and your AI of choice will get the note for you. v6 was completely re-engineered into v10 so nothing's 'coming back' anytime soon. And search is (I would imagine) a very complicated part of the operation, so it's unlikely to be a high priority to mess with it without very good cause. If I misunderstood you, I apologise - but please explain in more detail why you don't think current search options are working for you. Use advanced search syntax Use Boolean search for targeted search results
  11. Oddly, it was a user-demanded feature to have Evernote appear exactly the same on every device connected to it. Since MacOS fonts don't work in WIndows or Android, the only answer was to develop in-house fonts and abandon all others. The incredibly simple answer is: if you want your notes to look pretty, use a word processor and attach PDF output plus the editable file to your note.
  12. Hi. The usual explanation for missing notebooks is to have accidentally logged in with slightly incorrect credentials, so creating a new account. Try logging out and back in, or use the 'forgotten password' link from Evernpote.com.
  13. I think you missed mine about Evernote already having doubly-redundant backups built into the structure...
  14. Bending Spoons have a huge existing customer base (given that they generated the spare funds to buy Evernote), and they now have those additional users to add to the mix. Somewhere in the management structure they'll be deciding where to spend their money most cost-effectively. It might go into Linux, or it might not - but they're not going to pre-announce developments until they're ready, and they're not going to give away marketing ammunition to the competition by saying 'no'. Standard corporate practice. You'll find out about the Linux project if and when it launches - which might only have been delayed because of editing or syncing changes to the mainstream app. I'm sure no insult or disrespect is intended, and they are kinda busy right now...
  15. It depends on the degree of security you require. Evernote - up to this point, I think - relied on the fact that they had backups of each note back to its creation, and a separate 'parent' copy of your notes on their server, as well as (in Legacy) client copies on any connected Desktop. In 15+ years of using Evernote I've never yet had to restore from an external copy of the database. In v10 however, the local copies of notes don't (IMHO) seem user-friendly. It is easily possible to export notes as backups on a notebook by notebook basis - Export notes and notebooks as ENEX or HTML - though when you have a lot of notebooks (I currently have 419 apparently...) that method is not so practical. The other options, as noted above, are just different and much more convenient ways of doing the same thing - and I was looking into whether MS Power Automate could be persuaded to open the notebooks tab and export each notebook in turn if I left it running.
  16. I think I have about 15% of your speed - quick, but not super-speedy. My settings put the desktop to sleep after 20 minutes inactivity, which I just changed to 'never' - trying again...
  17. Hmmn. The new Backupery started at 12.25 GMT and timed out after 12 hours, having downloaded nearly 6,000 notes but the download is 4GB of cache files, not actual processed ENEX files. I'll raise a support ticket with them. 🤔 EDIT: - And I just noticed that I left the desktop just before 6pm local and the backup stopped soon after. The app timed out after another 6 hours, so it might have been my desktop power settings that caused the glitch. Will try again tomorrow!
  18. Yep - getting occasional flashes - something about 'carry on working while Evernote reconnects' (or something..)
  19. Seems to me you're locked out because Evernote thinks you have too many connections.
  20. Each device saves its version of a note to the server, and receives downloads of updates since the last time it connected. Mobile devices don't keep copies of notes unless specifically set up to do so. Local storage is usually limited and network connections slower than for desktops/ laptops. Evernote is currently fixing delays in the sync process, but in this case 'previous content' isn't deleted, it's just overwritten by the 'wrong' version of that note.
  21. Most of the rest of the world seems to think that AI is The Way Forward. And most other note-taking apps have already included AI options. But I agree with you - I can't see what all the fuss is about... I peaked with pencils and paper...
  22. I object to that characterization - I'm not a nerd! I am a forum moderator though and that's not playing nice with the other nerds. Please don't be rude to other users otherwise you may find out where the ink notes went. Evernote does still offer sketch notes - which as far as I can see is the same thing...
  23. Evernote does, and that's what Note History is all about. If you don't have access to that, a full hard drive backup may have caught some of Evernote's 'working files' and have an historic snapshot of your data. You could try searching your drive(s) for keywoards, but honestly it seems unlikely that you have anything. If you have the option to update and can pay monthly you'd have the benefit of the server backup plus Evernote support, and could drop back down to free user after you resolve this issue...
  24. Hi. Both this and the Reddit thread are over a year old, so whatever the problem was then, isn't the same now. Have you had a look at your folder on more than one device? Given that mobile devices tend to have slower connections, your changes may not yet have been completed on the server. It would be useful to know your device, OS and Evernote version, and exactly where and how you created a new folder and assigned it as 'default'.
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