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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Are you using a note on the shared Teams platform, or one created in an individual users' personal account and shared with another?
  2. Just to note that you can add (or change) a password - details here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/230436427
  3. Hi. Not exactly sure what the glitch is here - I'll grant you the options have changed but it's still pretty easy to add tags to notes; where exactly are you finding roadblocks?
  4. As I understand it, the 'learning model' basis just means that all the manuals for all the devices and processes have been read into a chat-capable database. Want to have a power breakfast involving Pineapple? It can instantly give you options. 'Smart' it may be; but this level of "AI" involved no intelligence at all. It isn't going to take over the world directly, but it does mean that companies are going to have a field day adding AI to their products and armchair experts like me are going to ramble on endlessly in hopes of selling their (non)-expertise. I find it a good sounding-board / writer's block unbunger / problem solving duck substitute... but I would not willing pay for it to be added to any app - I can get it free online anyway.
  5. If you ticked the (top left) box, your interest is noted. But with 100 votes in 12 years I wouldn't think it will be a high priority...
  6. Nope - me neither. It would seem that you need another OneNote Batch user who imported from Evernote to tell you if it works. I wouldn't have thought that's someone you're likely to find here...
  7. Hmmn. I've mentioned before that all the AI services have flat-out lied to me, but I have to say that their input (mainly ChatGPT's) is always useful whatever I'm doing. There's a degree of rubberducking (look it up!) in that trying to explain an issue in plain language often helps me understand what I'm doing wrong, or suggests new ways of researching an issue; plus even with wrong answers, the fact that the AI-duck talks back also helps. I looked into something new to me a little while ago and didn't even know the technical terms I needed to look up. AI asking me "did you mean..." helped. Don't have the cutting handy, but ChatGPT was initially banned in Italy because (apparently) of data security concerns. It's now been unbanned (with much less publicity) because if you go to Settings > Data Controls you can switch off "chat history & training" which will then exclude your input from being part of the data used by the AI to create future responses. OpenAI still caveat that they'll monitor conversations for abuse, and AFAIK there's no way to check whether they keep any of their promises. And you need to note down (in some convenient note-taking application) what you want to keep, because the data will be removed 30 days later. Having said all of which: it's everyone's choice which bits of an app to use, and which not; but the provider is not going to give you a special deal based on your intended usage - if they do it for one, they do it for all; which means about 100 different applications and payment options. Which means you'd still pay way more for what you intend to use, because of the cost of giving you that option. Sorry, but the only options here are: suck it up or move on!
  8. The situation may be different in other countries - even at the new rates Evernote is in the middle of some services I pay for, and still costs (in the UK) something like one cup of coffee per week. It is under new management, and I assume they did the maths on their revised, slimmed-down operation. It is possible to move without (necessarily) converting notes to a new format - free users still have access to their data, and with 61K+ I'd simply use Evernote as an Archive, using a new provider and converting individual topics if necessary for convenience. Having said that I'm actually glad to pay the price increase - I have more confidence in a solidly-backed commercial enterprise than any of the newly-developed products out there, and while I read somewhere that OneNote is being upgraded, I have - reservations - about trusting the mega-corporations too. But - everyone has different preferences and needs; you have to do what you have to do. Best of luck!
  9. Hi. Well, I'd think its pretty hard to say how to fix something if he didn't understand what's wrong in the first place, and you weren't prepared to engage any effort to help Support find out. Plus AFAIK there are no keyboard shortcuts for Clipper - it's part of the Browser and would not receive any keyboard input directly. If you can't see the Clipper icon, chances are it's not actually running anyway - so nothing to be affected by the shortcuts. I've not used Firefox in a while, but I seem to remember there's an 'extensions' or 'attachments' page where you can check the status of the various add-ins. Have you checked there to see if your add-on is still active? If not, you may be able to reconnect to it from there. If the add-in is still running, try highlighting text on a web page, or selecting an image or file, and right-click something. You may find a "send to Evernote" option there.
  10. But I must confess that 'export to PDF' does not immediately suggest to me that the file should be in searchable format, and -as I just said- it's a matter of personal choice and a very quick fix to correct that. Legacy did not give back searchable PDFs unless you saved them that way - so this is not a change of behaviour. What, exactly, are the 'other problems' that everyone is facing?
  11. That one took me 3 seconds in NAPS2 (free OCR) to work-around ... https://www.naps2.com printed PDF.pdf
  12. Well... I created a new text-only test note and both exported as PDF and printed as PDF. Both AFAICS worked fine. Win 11 / Evernote 10.56.8 Files here... exported PDF.pdf printed PDF.pdf
  13. I deleted your other post on this (please don't post the same issue twice), so I'll repeat the answer I left there - has anyone tried printing to PDF?
  14. Try C:\Users\<you>\AppData\Roaming\Evernote in Windows. I don't know of any official documentation - Evernote recommends downloading ENEX files for backup purposes. Settings allows you to opt out of keeping a local copy of your notes, though that means you have to be online to use the app. EDIT - Sorry; should also have said that you could ask Support - most of us here are just other users. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and all users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  15. Hi. Have you checked preferences / notes / images in desktop settings? Plus. What format (file extension) do your images have, and how big are the files?
  16. You sometimes get a 'don't show this again' option on pop-ups, but if that's not present, then AFAIK, no.
  17. Nope - my ESP is still faulty - can you confirm your device / OS and Evernote version, and under what circumstances and where did you realise that content was missing?
  18. Hi. Sorry to advise you, but we're (mostly) not Evernote. The Forums are supported by other users who have no special knowledge or access. If you have a specific issue (and you're a subscriber) it's far easier and quicker to contact Support.
  19. It is possible, but I do pride myself on being an IT professional alert enough to spot any sneaky messages that say "we're changing things..." and - AFAIK - there was no such warning.
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