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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. That's not in any way normal behaviour. I'd suggest you uninstall anything and everything Evernote using Revo Uninstaller (windows) or Appcleaner (MacOS), then download a new install from the website and start over. Your database is maintained on the server so you should not lose any information in the process.
  2. Hi. Sounds like you inadvertently exceeded the device limit. If you have used up all the unsyncs available fo rthis month you can only wait out the suspension, upgrade (even if only for one month) to regain access, or - if you have another email address to use - start another account to use for the present. Understanding the device limit
  3. ? You should be able to leave your notes in a free account - subject to the restrictions on Devices - and use that as an Archive if you decide to make new notes elsewhere. That was always my plan - to convert notes from Evernote to another system only if a really had to...
  4. 1) Evernote can't - or more precisely won't - respond to comments in this public forum. Evernote has a free version, so you could try it for yourself. 2) If you're using the free version?...
  5. Hi. I didn't realise Evernote provided CSAT managemenrt, and AFAIK there's nothing preventing subscribers posting a ticket. Free users only have access for account issues - otherwise they can use the feedback link in most clients, or go via Twitter - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps. The only options you're likely to be able to access would be the view options, which move between sidelist / top list etc. I have it set to side list and can see 30 lines on my desktop...
  6. Do you have any system backups? You may have saved a version of the note as part of Evernote's cache.
  7. Hi. Device? OS? Evernote version? I don't believe you can rename the file inside Evernote, but if you open it up to remove the macro, why not resave with the correct name and delete the original.
  8. Hi. If you're a subscriber, then yes. Use note history to view older versions of a note
  9. Thanks - I hadn't looked at the backupery site in some time; I also downloaded and started the new version - initially disappointed; looks like it could take a long time (24 hours plus) to download my whole account - and that's if Evernote don't limit the account download at some point. I'll keep it going and comment back here.
  10. The benefits of subscribing - and you may be able to pay monthly and downgrade after a month or so - include having access to Support, and to History, and being able to check more than two devices for copies of a note. Hope you get your data back!
  11. Hi. Evernote is currently working on sync issues, and I guess it's possible your note was a casualty of some maintenance work. Don't know what may actually have happened here, but the Forum is mostly other users. If you have subscribed you should report this to Support to allow them to look into it. You could look at Note History (also a subscriber feature) to get back content that has previously been synced to the server. This sort of thing does not usually happen!
  12. I'm still running Legacy and Backupery too. I've been looking at MS Power Automate which should allow me to automatically download and save notebooks from v10, but haven't had time to get around that learning curve yet, or test out the practicality of downloading large notebooks. (61K+ notes here). Please let us know what reaction you get!
  13. Don't know how many Linux Beta users there are, but I'd guess we're less than one-tenth of one percent of Evernote users generally. Plus it's a Beta - not a production item maintained professionally, but a test to see if some things actually work. They'll get around to us soon enough... meantime the web version is pretty much the whole deal now.
  14. Been a while since I used Teams - briefly - but don't yuou have a 'library' you could allocate for templates? If you're talking about individual personal accounts, it's possible to export a note to ENEX and store the file in a desktop folder; double-clicking the enex file will create a new note with that content.
  15. Hi. Not sure how many business teams would be interested in third-party suggested templates either. Much easier to create a template note and invite colleagues to duplicate it as necessary. With (I assume) the majority of templates users being individual subscribers, building in commercial options would also pretty much ruin the features for single users.
  16. Hi. Have you tried Revo Uninstaller Free? If it can see Evernote you could uninstall from there. If not, try reinstalling Evernote over the top of the current install.
  17. What version of Evernote do you use? I can see you're posting in a v10 forum, but that looks like a Legacy issue...
  18. Hi. We're (mostly) not Evernote here - just other users. The app editor is not designed for coding use - you'd be better off using another application and attaching the document file to a note to preserve your code and avoid random line artefacts.
  19. I assume you mean a v10 update uninstalled the Legacy app. Were you still using Evernote 6.25.1? Or had you installed the Legacy 'official' app 6.25.3 which does not update and should work more effectively with v10?
  20. Hi. You seem unimpressed somehow. Also underinformed - this is mainly a user supported forum. Please express your distaste via the feedback link(s) or directly to Evernote Support. Meantime if you could explain exactly why ink notes no longer make it for you, maybe someone here could suggest an alternative.
  21. Sorry to hear that. The situation hasn't changed however, there's no easy way to reverse the process. If you look at 'all notes' and sort by name, you should be able to see duplicates. If the created or updated dates are different for the restored files you could maybe find them by name or by date - but you can only delete 100 files at one time, so it may take some time to work through...
  22. Hi. If you're looking for a timely answer to this query I'd suggest contacting Support - we're mainly other users here. While staff do get around to reading posts, it might take a while. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  23. That 'keep a copy' option needs to be ticked to allow you to work offline. If it is ticked and you're still getting the message, untick and sign out of Evernote (again) and then sign back in and re-tick.
  24. Likewise Win 11 on a new(ish) Dell desktop. Was on 10.56.8, since today on 10.56.9 - I do use OneDrive for general storage, but have no magic folder there with my Evernote files. Some unknown connection on your device appears to be maintaining the link - I really do think you should raise this with support so that you know for certain what is being backed up and what is not.
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