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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. While I'm sure someone appreciates your enthusiasm and excitement, that feature hasn't been released yet. Other than what's covered by https://evernote.com/blog/evernote-pricing-upcoming-features-update/ we (mainly users-based feedback here) have no idea..
  2. Where, exactly, in that positive-sounding post did you get the impression that we'd be losing features in the future? That happened in the switch from a dozen different OS versions to one consistent solution, mainly because the solution wasn't able to use IP-limited features from those various providers, and some coding had tricks that others could not support. Mac users always had inline spreadsheets forinstance, while Windows users actually got that as a new feature in V10. One the downside, lots of font styles disappeared because copyright is a thing. But hey we got heading levels! Since that particular event there's been a regular update every couple of weeks and v10.0 is now up to 10.57.x, including the return of some old favorite features. (I'll now wait for the usual troll responses of "and more bugs" or "features that don't work for me / I never wanted...") If you want to help, please subscribe and suggest the features that you want to see. If you're unhappy at the new levels, then I'm sorry but it's really not your ball. Pay the ticket price or play somewheres else.
  3. Hi. You're quoting a 2-year old thread here. Evernote have introduced a one-way link between Google and the internal calendar which seems to be working fairly well. They also introduced tasks as a separate feature. Connecting the two together and making this editable both ways is a bit more complicated than dashing off a quick Forum post, but I'm sure they will expand the usability of the features as time goes on. It won't happen this year though, so you might have to look at other forms of automation. Automations are all the rage these days from ActionDesk to Zapier - and don't forget to check out Cronofy who specialise in Google Calendar integrations.
  4. Make is an automation app formerly known as Integromat, so presumably makes use (no puns intended) of the API. I use Backupery, Filterize and Postach.io all of whom use the API and have either been told by Evernote or have discovered themselves that there should be no impediment to their operations. That said Evernote seems to be having some capacity issues with all the upgrades and conversions going on - if in doubt, raise it with SUpport.
  5. I think that was irony, actually - but I'm in the UK; what do we know. I do know that the decision has been made and the new prices applied, so there won't be a do-over. The deal on the table is - pay the increased subs and see the improvements as they come in, or don't, and move on. If all users did the "add <insert feature here> and I'll subscribe", the devs would have unpaid work for a decade to try to catch up.
  6. Hi. Please edit your query to remove the email address - this is a public forum and you will get lots of new spammer friends if it stays here. Are you Teams (business) user? If not, please confirm your device, OS and Evernote version. AFAIK Evernote does not have a text conversion option - highlighting text and hitting a key replaces the text with the content of that key - if there is one. Have you been able to convert text in this way before? If so, how and where?
  7. I don't dwell on the philosophy of how Evernote will run their business - my only concern is whether the app is working cost effectively for my use case. I do vaguely remember from the early takeover publicity that Bending Spoons had some hundreds of thousands of users paying more than Evernote levels for their media-related AI solutions, and of course they bought into Evernote's 200M+ users, which gives them a huge potential market place to cross-sell both types of application. I'm also confident that they'll run the business responsibly - BS is a mature, successful operation whose products do not complete with Evernote. Why wouild they run the company into the ground? They'll take due note of user gains and losses, and take appropriate action when and if necessary.
  8. We're not mind readers here (I keep my ESP turned off for security reasons) and most 'technical' problems can solved by switching stuff off and switching it on again. If you don't specify your device, OS and Evernlote version, plus listing all the steps you have already tried to fix an issue up front, we're going to start at the base level and work up from there.
  9. Not quite - it's possible to have a 'blog' notebook and create notes/ drafts there - only when tagged "published" will they be synced to the public blog. Notes don't show internally as 'shared' but are available publically via a <blog name>.postach.io address. It's also possible to redirect from another URL. There's only one level of security - a blog can require a password for access. Postach.io has a 'free' level with limited features.
  10. I must confess I didn't read most of your previous rant, but the new features are different in some areas because (at user request) the previous Evernote team moved several different versions of the software -which had different features- into one application, which averaged out what was available. Since the inititial 10.00 we've since had nearly 60 iterations in 24 months that have added back usability, and I'm sure we'll have more. You can either be a user and (politely) request that Evernote add back anything that you miss, or you can take offence at their insolence in trying to please their customer base and move somewhere else. Your choice.
  11. The new prices for Evernote Professional (I may have mentioned before) equate to a cup of coffee per week in the UK. If you don't feel that's a reasonable charge, then you're quite right to leave. Evernote's new owners (I understand) have a user base that's possibly larger than Evernote ever was, and I also believe they alrady pay similar subscriptions for different services. I think the company will survive.
  12. I totaly agree - and it doesn't for me in Win 11 and Evernote 10.56.9 - what are you using?
  13. It has never been possible to set page breaks in Evernote.
  14. You seem to have been an edge case on the subscription increase graph and I sympathise. But this is a new product, under a new ownership - apparently - with a new determination to improve on past performance. If you can't afford to continue to see whether they deliver on their intentions, then it's perfectly understanable that you would either close or downgrade your current subscription and move elsewhere. Good luck for the future!
  15. Yep. It could be called "businesslike" or "professional" or "responsible". You try costing an app that services almost as many users as there are adults in the US on a 365/24/7 basis.
  16. Fair point - I'm not sure myself what I was going for except a quick response. I actually meant the 2-year old Evernote app which was been (and still is being) modernised and rewritten in the last few years. I'm not 'approving' anything - though I have been known to nuke the odd abusive post. What you type here (in accordance with the Forum Code, which boils down to 'don't be an donkey') is what everyone sees as soon as you post it. (Caveat: there is a Forum Nanny that occasionally asterisks rude words, even when they aren't meant that way. I didn't say "Ass" there forinstance...) EDIT (and got away with it!!) As a subscriber, you have the option to report issues to Support who at the very least will raise them with the developers so they can - at some future stage - look into possibly doing something about it. It's not immediate though - changes may have to be phased in when the team next work on a specific feature like mobile editing. What did Support say when you last reported this erratic clipping? -I tend to work on a desktop and a 12" tablet, so with rather more screen real-estate than the clips seem to show, but I've never had any problems with unselected words being deleted. I'd guess that it may have something to do with unseen layout codes being included with the visible text, but I can't imagine how that could be gotten around without simply using plain text notes. Anyhoo: if Support can't offer any suggestions, and you can find a better and more responsive note-taking option it obviously makes sense to go there. Best of luck in either case.
  17. Contact Support if you can - if this is related to updates they will be collecting information on what is going on. Meantime provided you have no unsynced / offline notes, uninstall, untick 'save data on my device', power it off and on again / reinstall latest app from Evernote.com. Evernote will rebuild what it needs to, but may take a while to set up again.
  18. You were presumably one of many users on the preview and Evernote then did not perceive this as a common issue. Individual reports to Support do get personal feedback - and Evernote get the chance to understand 1) how prevalent this is, and 2) investigate individual set-ups to find out what causes it - and generate a fix.
  19. Hi. No clue. Tried uninstall / restart device / reinstall? (NB don't so this if you have unsynced or offline notes). You need to talk to Support (which is not us.) Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and all users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  20. You haven't given any details of why Evernote is behind the times on this two-year-old contract, or what you consider needs to be fixed, so it's difficult to make any comment.
  21. I'm aware of three price increases in 15 years of using Evernote. Local tax changes might have affected others - but this is more the company being businesslike and planning for the future than being usurious. Sorry if it's too much, but don't forget you can always drop back to Basic and become a free user within the limited features of that contract while you look for alternaives. Best of luck...
  22. For whatever reason Evernote believes that you have connected to your account with more than the allowed number of devices. Understanding the device limit
  23. The Evernote rep appears to have known what they were talking about. Three hyphens still works for me, and 'divider' is available under the blue cross in the note header.
  24. ...and the work-around option is to create a note in your favourite distraction-free application and attach it to a note so it canbe available anywhere...
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