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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Not a lot... apparently. Something is impacting a connection and Evernote is recovering.
  2. I'm on Windows, but my Evernote has been doing that every day for me...
  3. Have to say, that after 6 days of continuous use, the app is amazingly transparent to users while working - I haven't noticed any degredation of my device's response whilst also downloading (so far) about 24GB of database. Plus I had my own brief interruption of connection which the app politely ignored and carried on (living up to my icon here!). I'll try to keep it going until I get a result - from the size of my Legacy database, I'm now about 80% completed.
  4. Hi. How's your experience of Evernote otherwise? Do searches return a full list of results more quickly than that?
  5. Hi. This forum is mainly supported by other users like me, and you really need to contact Support to deal with password and payment issues. Try https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and use 'continue as guest' if you have issues raising a ticket.
  6. Hi. It sounds as though you are not a subscriber, and somehow Evernote believes that you are using more than the maximum number of allowed devices to view your notes. There is a limit to how many times you can disconnect a device in one month which you may have exceeded. See the help page for information on how to disconnect devices from your account. Worst case, you would have to wait for that limit to reset in one month or less. You could subscribe - even if only briefly - to reset the limit immediately; but if disconnecting devices does not work for you I'm afraid waiting or paying are the only options. We are not Evernote here - the forum is supported mainly by other users - so we can't assist you with access. Not helpful I know, but Evernote is a really bad place to save passwords - there are several free apps that will do this for you, as well as inserting the details into your account(s) as you access them. Have a look at Bitwarden as an option.
  7. Hi. Seems like it might be a corrupted installation - have you tried uninstalling, powering your device off and on again, and re-download / reinstalling?
  8. Hi. You also attached a link to a suggestion that you should drag and drop to the OS first, then from there to the email. Have you tried that?
  9. Update: Looks like we're going into Day 6 with the Backupery full database backup - now at 21.5GB and counting, though I did have a small problem yesterday. I'm connecting through VPN and that app wanted to update and restart. The app flubbed the update so I had to reinstall it - all the while locked out of wifi by a rogue comms process. Not sure whether it was Evernote being patient or Backupery being persistent - but when I kicked the VPN back into life my notes started ticking through like nothing happened! (And my heart started beating again!)
  10. Hi. Very unlikely, because one query here is about the no-longer-supported free Legacy app and someone exceeding the device limit, and yours seems likely to be a sync issue using a mobile device on a huge editing session when your interenet connection could have dropped and reconnected several times. These Forums are mainly user 2 user but subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and all users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or via the feedback option where it is available). I'd suggest you both need to contact Support for assistance with these issues. In the case of @Matthew DePasquale, yes it would be helpful to subscribe, even briefly; you'd resolve any devce issues and get the support you need, plus access to previous versions of your note. Some related help pages are here: Tips for troubleshooting syncing issues | Understanding the device limit | Use note history to view older versions of a note
  11. @Scott T. was replying to @realistdreamer who is asking developer questions...
  12. I can understand that anyone who has been a subscriber but makes limited use of the features will want to continue to use those features without paying for other users who want to use a different set of bells and whistles, but how many cut-down packages is Evernote supposed to develop? Each additional option adds complexity and therefore cost that all users have to pay for, and while I know it's nice to use top-of-the-line services, you either pay for what you use, or you find a cheaper version. Like everyone, I'm not a huge fan of the fact that prices are rising, especially right now; but I have confidence that Evernote is building a sound basis on which to continue to provide this service for a long time. The company is in experienced commercial hands and they've made their decision on pricing. I agree with @PinkElephant - it's pointless to expect revised pricing at this stage. Either you limit your usage to the Free version, pay the new rates, or find somewhere else to store notes.
  13. Hi. This is not a known bug, othewise it would be happenin to lots of people and yours is the first instance I've seen. We're mainly other users here, and someone maybe needs to look at your account setup on their servers - short term I'd say uninstall your current Evernote setup and untick 'keep a copy of my notes on this device'; then power the device off and back on, and reinstall. Allow Evernote to rebuild your notes index from the server (which might take some time) and check again for your existing notes and run some careful tests on a new note or three. If the issue continues, report it to Support, with a copy of your logs.
  14. Nope - you get a warning that the notes will be synced to the server, and an option to avoid that if you wish. (At least that's how it worked for me a year or so ago).
  15. Hi. Evernote has some ... quirky ... behaviour (not unlike the community here). The best way to get a professional layout in your notes is to use a word processor and save the original file with a PDF of the content. Evernote don't usually share whether or when they might add features, so what you see is all we have, until something changes.
  16. Hi. Known issue, reported by several others - Evernote are aware.
  17. Hi. Sorry for your troubles. You should be aware that this forum is mainly supported by other users, so we can't help you with password queries. If you've not been locked out of your old Evernote account, you should still be able to gain access with your incorrect email and the original password. If you have been locked out because the account hasn't been used in a while, you need to contact Support. This help page will give you some useful links... Change your password
  18. Hi. This forum is mainly supported by other users like me. Your email should have included some suggestions to improve your security, like those here - What to do if you suspect unauthorized access to your Evernote account If you still have concerns you should contact support. Subscribers can raise queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and all users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or via the feedback option where it is available).
  19. I don't agree with that at all. It may be happening if you're not yet a subscriber, but most folks seem to find that things are getting faster and better... That's not a major factor in the price - and it's something that many users seem already to be screaming for Good luck with the 'other' apps. Startups and one-developer apps can seem very attractive.. right up until they fail. Even if they lose a lot of users Evernote will be around for the long term.
  20. Hi. What device and OS are you using? It's easy to multi select on a desktop or laptop, then just use the 'move' menu or drag-n-drop to move them around. Leave plenty of time for the changes to get to the server, and to update any other devices you use. If you don't immediately see the new layout, don't move notes around again!
  21. Hi. Are you saying that you can see the titles, but not the content? Try an uninstall / power the phone off and on again / reinstall. also see this: Tips for troubleshooting syncing issues
  22. The problem is entirely with MacOS Ventura, which nno longer includes a plugin necessary for any third party app, including Evernote, to display PDF files properly. And yes, your existing notes should work perfectly in v10.
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