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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Way to look for sympathy or help. I've been doing this for a dozen years. I've been known to help other users if I can.
  2. Hmmn. Thanks, but I get the feeling that Evernote and Samsung (or maybe Samsung tablets) do not get on well...
  3. Hi. Try this one - it appeared in a different thread somewhere: (EDIT: link deleted) That said, Legacy won't (say the new owners) disappear in the immediate future, but it is a stub. There will be no more development or fixing, even as OS's, browsers and v10 keep on progressing. Some Mac users have already lost some functionality. So there's a clock running on how long you can continue with the old app. It will soon be time to decide whether to accept the quirks of v10, or find a viable alternative. On a quick look, most of your objections are pretty cosmetic and there are alternative ways to get to a new note (for example) if you're willing to be flexible. I know everyone hates change and learning curves, but if you're actively using the new app you can at least make feature requests and find workarounds at your leisure, with Legacy to fall back on - rather than hiding away in the Legacy cave and getting dumped out without a safety net in several months time...
  4. I have one oddity - I levelled up to 10.56.8 on my Win11 desktop today, both on the installed app and my Vivaldi browser version. There's almost immediate sync between the two if I alter the same note; but my Samsung Tab 7 runs the Android version 10.50.3 took several minutes to show me my 11 most recent notes, before I could test the editing out. Now that I have the notes in place on all three versions, RTE is fine; but what's with the delay in initial sync up-to-date when I launch the app?
  5. I use a version of this in my Evernote - just add a character to a standard word to make it a tag: xsolved for instance will be found quite quickly in searches wherever that unique version of the word appears. The word 'solved' apparently appears in 300+ notes in my database, whereas 'xsolved' is a one-off!
  6. ...Just to mention, the notes will be in the trash, but they are separate from the notebook. Check the deleted date(s) to see whether you have a batch of notes that might fit the bill.
  7. Hi. I'm using Windows 11 and Evernote 10.56.8 and my completeds look like this: What's your device / OS / EN version? Can you give us a screenshot?
  8. I think they're prioritising "make it faster and more reliable" over "make it look nice".
  9. I started my system today and got an immediate notice that I had been updated to 10.56.8. I'd had no pop-up requests to ask whether I wanted to update, and beyond being aware that the process was likely to happen soon, and had happed to others - in this specific case not always as a positive experience - I wasn't expecting it for me. And then I opened Evernote and... Informative, professional and helpful? A big fat zero out of three for all of that. So I've put in a ticket #3681563 which (so far) says: Wowee, baby! This is what I call the ultimate in hip! I mean, it's got more style than a Vogon poetry slam and more energy than a Krikketian battle fleet! I am totally, utterly, and completely stoked about this. But while I'm hip to the H2G2 factoid that the coolest froods in the galaxy hang out with their Evernote towels, I'm super-curious and I need you to help me out a little more. I'm looking to get some details that will ease the ache in all the diodes down my left side. What, exactly, were the bugs that got fixed, and the performances that got enhanced in this (apparently) minds-blowingly coool update? PS - while I appreciate it saves a lot of boring technical work not to update the trendy update announcement, it just seems unprofessional and lazy not to actually give details, even by way of a separate link if you don't want to bother most users with actual facts... I'll let you know of any response! - but meantime: how many people would like a definite choice whether or not to accept an update, which also included something more specific about what it was proposing to do to your system? Voting, as always, in the top left of this page. (And yes, I'm grumpy today - but this sort of vague mindlessness freezes my proverbial buns )
  10. Well, not to boast, but I posted here roughly 34,000 times more than you (so far) and got 'liked' (that little heart thing down in the right corner) for about 9,500 of them -although to be fair some of those are probably the squiggly face ones that mean WTF rather than 'thanks'. So I guess the way to narrow the gap is to post lots with the intention at least of helping people. My excuse is that from time to time someone else will post something which makes me go "Doh!!" and realise that I really didn't know that specific trick despite using Evernote for 15 years now. Sorry to shatter the illusion, but French fries have not been a part of that (or actually French) at any stage. As to Notebooks -vs- Tags, we're a broad (those fries again) church. I started out enthusiastically tagging and got to over 1,000 which included <bank> <banks> <bankers> <banking> - but even when I was much more careful about assignments I still got duplicates and alternatives. That memory thing I guess. Now I still tag, but I mainly add the name of the notebook holding the note as a doublecheck in case I move it by accident. My notebooks silos do have one drawback - if Elon works at SpaceX and Tesla, do I file my emails and notes regarding him under E, M, S or T? - Well, I'll pick one (and try to be consistent with that choice so all the data is in one place) but any notes will have all of those tags so that I'll find them in any related search. Not to strain your brain but I also subscribe to third-party app Filterize to automatically tag clips and emails when they arrive in my default folder - means the allocation is more consistent and accurate than I would be - and I reserve another tag for notes that I manually allocated so that the Filterizebot doesn't mess with any of my inspired work. As I said before, one size doesn't fit all in this case - your personality (you're lucky enough to have one), your tech skills and your actual needs will be different to everyone else. My solutions may not apply to you at all - it's just something to maybe consider. Regarding "curation" - in a former life I was lucky enough (not) to run some big commercial databases and I learned early on that nothing is fixed - details change, accidents happen, new processes mean messing with formats... there's no such thing as 'file and forget' - you're always finding things to correct or tweak - or you're probably doing it wrong.
  11. Ouch. You may notice I have an extra green badge on my profile, and I have been known to inadvertently disappear some low comments. Didn't see that one. The Forum Nanny however is a software process and even I can't say anything bad an get away with it.
  12. Hi. You'd probably be better of talking to OneNote support - both apps have changed in the recent few years, but they have more incentive to keep an 'import from Evernote' feature working. Be warned that the architecture of the databases is very different - you won't be able to just copy tags and notes across; your client is going to have to make some compromises!
  13. Hmmn. I'm a shameless notebook abuser these days - I used to have some emails redirected to my account so I'd always have a record of events, keep all pictures from my camera, OCR all documents, copy some or all of web pages... I built up to 60,000 notes with at one time most of those notes being in my default notebook. I relied on searches (Evernote has a really good search feature, and if you're not using it, you should. And the new version has 'filters' too to add or remove topics from your search results). But I was never really sure that I could find everything that I needed - I'm getting on a bit and sometimes remembering what keywords would actually turn up the data I needed was... problematic. So I shifted to using separate notebooks. All my interactions with, and information on, everyone and everything from Amazon to Zeigarnik goes into a notebook with that name, and the individual note titles are prefaced with the date in yyyymmdd format so a search on titles gives me a timeline and I can find out the state of my last Amazon purchase instantly (forinstance) by going to that notebook. No searching involved. I am also a (very loose) GTD aficionado, in terms of getting things out of my head and into a note. (Plus - see 'memory' above!) So each new task is a note. With Task entries and date(s) as appropriate. My most recent thought is that everything - even an Amazon purchase - involves multiple notes. At the very least there's my copy of the 'you bought it' page, Amazon's acknowledgement, the 'it's left the warehouse' email and the '7 doors away' stage. Plus the delivery note. And the User Guide. I was either using note links or title keywords to join these things together, or merging everything into one large email, and trying to keep a 'parent note' - a Table of Contents listing for each transaction. It was getting complicated, and I was getting bogged down with all this documentation - again. So now what I do is create a new mini-parent note for each task or transaction - including all my GTD things - and drag and drop all related email files, pictures and user guides into that note as files as things progress. As I process each MP note I'll attach email files, copy URLs, and keep essential content - but delete stuff I now know I won't need. That should stop my notes from spiralling out of control in either number or disk space. -That was something of a high-level overview, but it's something that works for me - though I haven't exactly documented it in full yet. It probably sounds much more complicated than it needs to. I do encourage you to decide on a system (any system) and try it out - you can't break anything, and you won't really know what type of system best suits your needs until you start using one. If it doesn't work - well I'm on Plan C or D now; you can always change as you go on! And despite what may have been your traumatic introduction to the Forums, us 'mature' users are always prepared to help someone out - just don't be a jerk, and have a sense of humour and we'll all get along fine! Probably... See also: Search overview | Tasks Overview | Filter your notes list | and, it's a(nother) outlay but that nice Mr Steve Dotto has a full course on this sort of thing... | This however is free - Stacey Harmon's Evernote v10 Resource Centre
  14. How about printing the note to PDF and emailing the file? Or - if you're sending this to yourself - use a note link or open in Evernote??
  15. Hi. Have you tried printing to PDF or exporting to HTML and printing that web page?
  16. A couple of complaints have come from 'premium' subscribers, so I don't know whether the new owners are simplifying things down - previously we had sticker prices, plus discounted accounts, plus grandfathered accounts, plus Basic users... they seem to be heading for sticker prices only. Spoons' Head of Product for Evernote has said that there are no immediate plans to end support for Legacy accounts (my emphasis, not his) but in coming months I'd expect access to Free accounts to get as unattractive as possible to push users into buying in or moving on. They're making a big thing about speed and accuracy and supporting millions of connections for free is not helpful to any of that. I really think it's time to pay up or (at your next renewal) move on. Personally - I'm staying. YMMV.
  17. Hmmn. I have an Office 365 Family subscription which sound like the same thing, but in the UK that's around £80 which Google says is AUD150 - different deals for different countries I guess, based on tax and exchange rates... and whilst OneNote is included, and probably has AI by now, it's very different from Evernote. Your choice..
  18. It's understandable that any increase is unwelcome, and I totally sympathise - but look around you: is it out of proportion with other web services? In the UK that's the cost of one cup of coffee per week (other beverages are available) and I do have online subscriptions that are higher and (to me) of less practical value. But you have to do what you gotta do.. good luck out there.
  19. Hi. You know you only have two devices, but Evernote apparently detects 3 - visit https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action and delete everything except the device you're using and it should be happy. See also https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/218558068
  20. You don't quote any details, so all I can say is goodbye...
  21. Hi. If you are a subscriber, please contact support. If not, you might like to try to uninstall v10 completely, including your data; find and copy your Legacy EXB file(s) and then uninstall that app too; then restart your device and reinstall everything.
  22. Hmmn. My dragged PDFs appear as pages in Win 11 - have you checked your settings > preferences > notes for the default behaviour? If you drop a file and it shows as an icon, can you click the three dots menu from the grey bar and choose Title / Single Page / All pages?
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