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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. If you can't login, how did you manage to create a new account? I'm confused...
  2. Maybe it's the wrong email? Try the forgotten password link on Evernote.com.
  3. ...Then they should possibke download updates and get to 10.64.4 when that's (almost) possible. Ask a question about something that's in your notes, like "how do I change the ISO settings on my camera?" and Evernote will now tell you.
  4. My workflow is to collect all my scans in one (not-import) folder, which is where I can edit / rename / re-scan if I need to. After scanning is finished I'll then copy all the scans into my actual Import folder (just in case I need to change something again that I had thought was already finished), wait until Evernote has finished wheezing and puffing and importing, then delete the Import folder content, and move the scanned documents folder content into an archive folder - just in case I find the document missing at some future time. All that for 50 documents or so takes less than 10 minutes every few days... your mileage may very.
  5. OK - I'm getting confused now; Ctrl+C works for me (even inside HTML Content wrappers) where I can see and highlight text. I can copy from inside the wrapper and paste into the main body of text. However Ctrl+X doesn't work for me on any text inside the wrapper - it does work on what I posted outside. plus any other plain text. I don't think this is a bug or even a design choice - the differences may be something between your version of Windows and mine, but it's not going to get fixed anytime soon. Feed it back to Support by all means (in fact you already did by posting here) but I think you just have to get used to how the keys work for you - or maybe look into setting up your own shortcuts for some operations with Text Expander software which can translate your keystrokes into different keystrokes (!)
  6. The OP is definitely having an issue, and has posted in three threads so far. On the face of it, upgrading from Legacy Teams to v10 Teams should not be difficult. But the app has an unknown number of users and (allegedly) 200GB+ of content - or at least (in one or another of these threads) says he exceeded the monthly upload limit by 'restoring backups'. I don't know whether the server actually needed correcting and whether the lack of attachments was real or - as already mentioned here - simply the new database getting itself in order on a PC somewhere. Any suggestions from the Forums may just mess up this database even further, so I'd encourage everyone to refrain from more comment until Support can get involved. Any discussion here about these unknown circumstances demonstrating some inherent fault is pure speculation and totally off topic and I think it should STOP please...
  7. "Latest version" doesn't mean much for OS or Evernote - apps can sometimes be misleading about the availability of updates. Please quote actual numbers. And "simply disappeared?" Again - were you watching it vanish as you entered new data / unable to find something you know you made a note of after a search...? It's all academic I guess if you already fixed this yourself. Please include as much info as possible if this happens again...
  8. I flagged these posts for Evernote Admin and quoted the ticket number (again, I think...) Hopefully they'll get involved!
  9. Do you have a ticket number? If not, Support may not even know about your issues. Use the link above. If you do, please post it here.
  10. <Sigh> Three separate posts on the same topic? https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/147986-file-missing-from-6252-to-evernote-online/#comment-703323 https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/148276-is-evernote-a-good-choice/ https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/148247-quota_reached-parameteraccountinguploadlimit/#comment-703324 If you have a ticket number please post it in one of those threads - I'm not going to try and tech this complicated issue. I reported the matter to the site Admins for them to maybe merge the threads together, and to look into whether Support can assist. One comment - if you're hitting an upload quota, it sounds like you are working from a 'free' account rather than a subscriber account. Are you logged into the correct account? Try using the 'forgot password' link on Evernote.com.
  11. Hmmn. Having worked in support, the words "scheduled maintenance" always strike fear into my heart. The phrase is often followed by another one including 'unexpected' and 'outage'...
  12. ...And you have posted here twice, which just causes confusion. Please don't do that again.
  13. Hi. If you contacted Support correctly, you would have received a ticket number. If you post that here I can ask a Forum admin to chase it for you* - but after the number is issued, 2-3 days is the normal interval before you receive a human follow-up. Your priority in the queue may also be affected by what you actually put in the ticket - Evernote warned 3 years ago that 6.25 is outdated and would not receive support. If you asked for help to get that back and running, they will not assist. If you specified that you lost data and need help they will assist you to install and use v10. *We're mainly other users in the Forums here, and have no direct links to Evernote. The Forums are administered by employees who can sometimes pass on messages. Can you give us some more information about your device(s) / operating system(s) and Evernote subscription levels? Plus how your company operates with just 1 access? Does more than one employee have access with a shared password? Maybe if we understood your issue more clearly we could offer assistance. Have you tried accessing your account by signing in to Evernote.com? Your account is stored on Evernote's servers and should be available there through any browser...
  14. https://status.evernote.com - Oct 12, 2023 (10:52 am PT) Scheduled outage Evernote will be unavailable for approximately 2 hours starting on October 13, 3:00 am EDT as part of a scheduled outage. Just got a yellow flash on my app and this on the Status page. Evernote plans to be down for two hours tomorrow. Evernote will work only in offline mode (apparently). I'm guessing that if you're not logged in before they go off line, you won't be able to get in until this break is over.
  15. Standard practice has always been to provide a Ticket number immediately, which gives you a place in the queue, and a human 2-3 working days later. There are some priorities too - questions and bugs probably rank a little lower than payments and password queries. They're busy, yes - but (IME) there's always a response...
  16. Hi. If you can give us some more information about your devices / OS / Evernote version(s) and whether or not you are a subscriber maybe we can suggest some possible fixes? To begin with restarts / reinstalls and avoiding Apple or Google log-ins are usually helpful. I'm certainly not having any issues logging in on any device, and while there have been a few complaints about the issue, there seem to have been less than a dozen in total, most of which are now fixed...
  17. I agree with all the above, but there is one issue you may encounter - with 'older' devices - pre Android 10 forinstance - the installed app cannot be used. The device operating system cannot support it. You would have to rely on the web page at Evernote.com in that event. I have an old tablet and 'phone, both still running the older version of Evernote for that reason. They're currently for testing and lookups - I use v10 on both my main laptop and desktop devices. And to forwarn you - since a LOT of users are adopting the new version at the moment, Support is suffering a very high workload. If you have issues with passwords or payments you do need to talk to them because this forum is mainly supported by other users who have no access to accounts other than our own. Tachnical information is available from the Help & Support link as you know, and if you have any queries not covered there, please feel free to post here - we'll try to help.
  18. Yeah - Google are busily improving the security of their logins with passkeys. Apparently. I'd suggest everyone login to Evernote with Evernote details for the time being until Google sort out their protocols.
  19. Whilst an in-depth analysis of Devonthink's capabilities may be of interest to techies, this is an old thread on the Evernote User Forums, which seems a tad rude and off-topic. Maybe continue it elsewhere?
  20. I'm also on 10.63.4 (although I don't remember that happening!) - just tried a few TLS's (three letter searches) at various speeds, but no - the system just waits for me to finish. Nothing pops up in Task Manager as taking notice that I'm starting a search - maybe your text expander is jumping the gun?
  21. I'm also confused - your notes should still exist on the server. If you can log in via an installed app, or the web client in a browser, you will see your notes - probably in their original state. Where is this backup coming from? And if your own account is unreachable, what account are you restoring to?
  22. Hi. Before you have a rant at Evernote, try the link https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/ - I don't think you can get back to your request by quoting the ticket number - you have to select it from this page. -And please don't pepper the team with more requests if this one still exists - that just makes more paperwork abd slows things down even more!
  23. Hi. What are you searching for? In taht example th whole string is one word as far as Evernore is concerned. If you seach for anything after the 'med' it will not find it. Evernote only searches the beginning of strings.
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