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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Do you have another account with a "B" icon? That looks like you have the same note open on another device... to remove the icon, close down the device.
  2. ...and did you remove the devices as suggested in the help page? You can remove a device from your account on the "Devices" page in your account settings.
  3. Hi. It's not currently possible to set a standard text style for all notes. You could create a template note with your standard layout, and copy that. Use templates
  4. It sounds very much like it. If you have the app installed on two devices and you use the web version too - that's three devices in Evernote's terms.
  5. ? It's unusually easy to extract notes and attachments from Evernote as PDF / HTML / ENEX documents, and I keep my notes backed up locally in case of any unexpected losses - but have never had that issue with Evernote Legacy or v10. I may have been lucky so far, but I'm prepared should that change. I'm pretty certain that sort of loss is not a common occurrence. While there are lots of unhappy users out there we see very few reports of actual data loss, and I'd bet it would be big news on other platforms. I'd encourage anyone who finds something important is missing to contact Support - I know that's not a great answer right now, but response times there are already being looked at. It will get better, but it takes time for new people and systems to have an effect.
  6. Hi. You're using a free service which has some tight limitations, and the web access counts as a 'device' alongside whatever else you have connected. It's best to use the web access on a laptop or desktop, and a mobile as the other device. It is possible twice a month to change devices. The way Evernote tracks devices is a little shaky - I got warned today about access to my account from a Los Angles IP address - when I'm in the UK and it was my IP. (I use a VPN which hides my home IP, but it's still UK based...) Si you may know you only use two devices, but Evernote may not. There's more information here, including how to check your access details online - Understanding the device limit
  7. Hi. If you've already raised this with Support I won't even try to comment, except for two things - Support is very busy and a couple of my recent tickets took 7-10 days to get a human response, so please be patient; and in my brief testing phase on RTE I had Evernote open on a tablet in front of my while editing on screen, and changes I made appeared on the tablet within a fraction of a second. Your mileage obviously differs.
  8. ...Severe issues? I'm 99.99% using v10 24/7 without anything awful happening, and just like the free account, Legacy is eating up resources that would be far better employed supporting v10 subscribers. Evernote is unlikely to let the situation continue for another year or two - especially since they'd come under exactly the same pressure at the end of that period for another extension...
  9. Hi. Yours is the first report of random deletions while editing, so it doesn't appear that this is a bug affecting everyone. Usual advice to avoid app-based layout restrictions is to create the note content in an external editor and copy/ paste completed sections into Evernote. If you are a subscriber contact Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new They're very busy right now, so it may take a 7-10 days to get a tech response; but you'll have a ticket number which reserves a place in the queue.
  10. Maybe it was badly phrased? The web client starts faster for me (I think) than it did previously, but I'm not expecting to do anything offline.
  11. Keeping Legacy going is a problem surrounded by a lot of drawbacks. Browsers update pretty much daily, so the old 32-bit code is going to stop loading at some point. Operating systems change less often, but one MacOS change already stopped PDFs from displaying correctly. An Elektron update dropped older versions of Windows. And that's even before we know anything about what lengths Evernote is going to for compatibility purposes. Use Legacy all you want, but 'keeping it going' seems like it's measured in months rather than years. Plus - Evernote is changing the way it syncs, and sooner or later Legacy notes won't register on the server - which could be why it's regarded as 'unstable' by users who insist on keeping Legacy alive. I'm using v10 almost exclusively now (except I have some old Android stuff I still use occasionally) and <touch wood> I've had no bad experiences that I'm aware of. I'm managing 63,000 notes across Win 10 and 11 devices plus a (very dodgy) Android 10.57.2 that I try to avoid as much as possible.
  12. Hmm. Contact Support through https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true - use the issue type "Account" Support are busy right now, so it may take a 7-10 days to get a tech response; but you'll have a ticket number which reserves a place in the queue.
  13. By definition Evernote's web app can't work offline. You need an installed client...
  14. Ah. OK - it's flagged, so whoever actually looks at it should work things out! No problem
  15. This hasn't been fully implemented yet, but I'd expect loopholes like that to be tidied up once an official announcement is made.
  16. I imagine Evernote are expecting this. They need customers who use and pay for the full range of their services, not someone who uses their connection and storage resources for free and because it's convenient. I'm sorry its been handled in the way that it has, but I don't see this changing much. We're mainly other users here, but you can feedback your objections direct via the link in Mobile Settings.
  17. Hmmn. Evernote (who I am not, by the way; just another user here...) runs to 160KB of compiled code servicing millions of users 24/7. It's a brave coder who dips in there and tweaks a bit of code to save the relatively few people who want URLs only in their clips - and hasn't already got their hands full dealing with across the board speed and reliability improvements / planned maintenance / and the R&D for whatever new tweaks seem most likely to earn some real income... Feed it back to the company by all means, but I don't think we'll see any changes before late next year, if ever.
  18. After a whole 10 seconds experimentation I can offer: an Evernote bookmark takes up 33K. Dragging & dropping the URL from my browser to the desktop takes up 95 bytes. D&D from desktop to note bulks that up to 281 bytes. So maybe D&D to desktop (or import folder) and then (if necessary) D&D one or more shortcuts to a note? EDIT: the import folder has the edge, because that then auto-names your note with the book title...
  19. Depends how you're clipping I guess. There are options that ignore the image...
  20. A user was removed from the forums... As to the OP - if you're sure you logged into the same account on both devices, the Web version is the 'parent' copy of all your notes. There have recently been some sync issues though - check the browser settings on your https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action and https://www.evernote.com/PersonalSettings.action pages (about halfway down each page). They should be set to "using the new Evernote web" and "enable v10 web clients". (If they're already set to that, try changing the first one to older version.) Hope that helps...
  21. Flagged - there seem to be a lot of iOS reports, so (hopefully) they're probably working on a new version...
  22. Hi. What input generates that error message? Are you trying to open Evernote.com, or typing user IDs into a page?
  23. No price increase here, just a request that if someone uses their services, they should get paid for it. Do you do much free training?
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