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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. I've seen a few of these too, and one user whom I advised to go back to the 'old' web client said that he found more notes there than the new web client. Houston I think there's a problem here somewhere...
  2. Hi. We're not Evernote - mainly other users here. Are you a subscriber? If not your new device may have exceeded that maximum allowed on the system - see https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/218558068 for more. If you are a subscriber - try https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new for assistance, but they are very busy right now.
  3. ...And try dropping it to your desktop first, then drag from there to Evernote. Seems like a Windows thing.
  4. Why why what? And please throw in your Device, OS and Evernote version. We're not Evernote (mostly other users here) but we can maybe suggest some fixes...
  5. Hi. You can see and add to your initial report via this site - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/ - but please don't add to their workload; it's taking 7+ days to get a response at present. They're a little busy...
  6. Hi. The 'old' version of Evernote has been replaced by the new, so while it's still possible to continue using it for a while, you are at risk of losing access at some point. If you really can't use the new v10, then you need to consider moving on to another service. Depending on your specific needs there are work-arounds for some of your issues - yes, the editor layout is limited, so as to give you exactly the same appearance on any device. To use more fonts and graphics options, create a document in a word-processor and attach it to the note. searches are the same (AFAIK) as the 'old' app - there are still saved searches, favourites and filters - plus now there's AI search if you want it. There's more here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040282613 We're happy to help with queries if we can...
  7. Then your browser was probably showing a cached page from when you last connected. (By the way I'm just another user, as are most folks here - contact Support if you want to vent direct). Evernote's prices have increased once in 6 years, and that was last April. It's possible, if you were on a discounted deal, you were being brought up to the previous annual cost, and then found the new annual cost (which is lower than the monthly cost), but there's no multiple rises here. https://evernote.com/blog/evernote-pricing-upcoming-features-update The new prices are the new prices - though there are stories that if you allow your payments to lapse and fall back to Basic (free) at your renewal date, you may receive a discount offer for the next year... Go to https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action and look for the Billing section to downgrade your account when your current subscription expires.
  8. I don't know many genuine free services online - most are supported by advertising or selling user preferences (Hi FB, Google...) so there's an incentive for the provider to keep offering the 'free' service. A few may be free because the service is in beta testing and needs the traffic for testing and QA. (It's generally unwise to use a beta service for anything important!) In all cases there are service agreements - those boxes we all tick without reading when installing software. They mostly say "we can withdraw this service at any time" and "if anything goes wrong, it's not our problem." In Evernote's case there's no income and no need for beta testing. The 'freemium' model is intended to generate a conversion to subscription payments which - with the fairly wide limits originally applied - clearly was not working. A large number of users were able - and very willing - to take advantage of this apparent free lunch and keep on coming back day after day for years with no intention of ever contributing actual cash for the service they were using. I'd bet the actual conversion rate was a fraction of 1% Which means the new, very businesslike owners of Evernote have a problem. They have literally millions of users who all use bandwidth when and if they connect, and are probably taking up petabytes of storage with their historic data, all of which is funded by actual subscribers like you and me. It's not sustainable. However mailing out to millions of free users to say "this service is ending" is like yelling fire in a cinema. You are going to get buried by queries, complaints, additional attempts to connect, users frantically trying to download their content... not to mention that there would be a flood of non-deliveries because a lot of users have moved on with their lives and don't use their Evernote registered email address any more. Followed by more complaints from paying users who can't connect; And Evernote is already under pressure from the takeover / getting used to the new package / putting up the subscriptions. Far better to connect with the relative few who actually try to use their account and inform them then that things are changing. There's still fall-out (clearly) but that's relatively low-key while Evernote refine their message. I'd expect a full announcement in the next couple of months when they've had a chance to review the results, Any chat about 'extortion' and 'bad faith' and the like seems to me to be just paranoia. Evernote/ BS are a responsible business organisation dealing with a commercial issue. They're minimising any threat to their service and protecting their paying customers, whilst also - apparently - protecting saved data from non-paying users (which is good practice, but not a legal requirement...) TANSTAAFL - there really is no such thing as a free lunch. Contacting basic customers when (and if) they connect seems to me to be the most efficient and effective way to soft-release any changes. Yes there's a disconnect between what was offered and what's being said now, but unless you subscribe, you have zero legal recourse. It's not possible to require that someone continue a free service - now that would be extortion.
  9. Hi. Are you saying that notes you added over the last two months have disappeared from your laptop web client? That should be impossible, because the web server holds the parent copy of your notes. If you are not seeing them in the web client, they should not be present on your mobile, because mobiles do not default to having notes in local storage - they refer back to the web server, and you already saw what notes it holds in the browser version. If you go to this web page - https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action - what web version does it show (see the middle of the page)? The new version? If you have choices try changing to a different web version.
  10. You will probably get a standard email apologising for any delay and confirming that they are working on improving the situation, but this isn't an enterprise solution with a formal SLA response time. A lot of other providers rely solely on their respective forums and other users supplying help. I know that's what we're doing here, but at least Evernote has a support team...
  11. As @PinkElephant pointed out - this looks more like test marketing than anything. Before doing anything account wide, Evernote is trying different levels of discount to see if there's a price point that will attract the most subscribers. I'd have expected focus groups and surveys first - but maybe they did that somewhere we haven't been aware of. I'd expect Evernote to refine their plans and then make an announcement - but it seems clear that if you already have volumes of notes on a free service, you're going to have to find a new service to carry on adding to them.
  12. They're currently running on a 5-7 working day delay according to a couple of tickets I have at the moment... If you have a ticket number you're in the queue.
  13. Hi. Mobile devices don't typically store data on the device - it's downloaded from the server. Are you sure you don't have two separate accounts here?
  14. I don't thnk it's a "desperate" anything. Evernote seem to be tired of free users taking up bandwidth and storage space and want to take back control of their own network. They just want folks to make their minds - either pay, or find another provider. They are at least offering a discount for the first subscription.
  15. I'm not sure that Evernote can 'fix' anything, since Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V pasting works well for me. I'm on 10.64.5 however - unless someone else can replicate your situation I'd recommend reporting this to Support (which is not us - mainly other users here). They can't begin to fix what they don't know about...
  16. Hi. I don't have any syncing issues that I'm aware of. The usual fixes are to restart the app, restart the device, or rebuild your database from the server - but that won't save any notes that have not been synced... Maybe contact Support (which will take a while, they're very busy right now...)
  17. Hi. Did you find this page on Help & Learning? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005557 Was there more you needed to know?
  18. Just to confirm, I did mean the default note; I don't think you can do much with tasks that only exist there though - it's much more useful to have the metadata of individual notes.
  19. As @PinkElephant I mainly use tasks in notes - I save the details and any documentation in the note, and add the task. The Task 'page' lists all tasks, whether they're in a note or not, and if you see something in that side panel that needs attention you can jump direct to its containing note. Since notes are searchable and can also have links, ToCs, tags, titles and notebooks, your workflow design is pretty flexible from there...
  20. I have more than one Import Folder on occasion - I also use Filterize to add tags and assign notes to the correct notebooks based on keywords; works for clips, scans and redirected emails. Filterize has (I think) a freemium level and is still working with Evernote v10.
  21. Hi. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling clipper? Logging in to the main app? Support will probably help, but they're very slow right now...
  22. I'd imagine they're sufficiently busy fighting various fires that they treat refunds as a medium to low priority. You have access to your account and can rely that they'll repay your sub within a month. Others will be locked out and needing urgent help.
  23. As someone else said around here, I'm using v10 on a daily basis and it's not hamperiing me any... there are glitches as with any software, but Evernote is more reliable (for me) than most...
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