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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. For the record, Evernote does not allow "AI scraping" whatever that might be.. and the choices mentioned are just the usual suspects...
  2. Yep - former Filterizer here too, so any suggestions for automation very gratefully welcomed!!
  3. Uninstall / power cycle / reinstall? Plus please quote Android & Evernote versions
  4. To my mild surprise I managed to find a tag / link pair that I could test this on (it's not a process I use frequently... or at all) and yes - I jumped to the correct note. I doubt that proves anything one way or the other though...
  5. Hi. Happy Holidays. What version of Android and what version of Evernote?
  6. Most up-to-date versions on both devices? There's a Sync option in the Settings menu on mobiles. I think the mobile activity is designed as a trickle feed rather than a full-on upload, because the device needs to be available for other activities. If you know there are some volume of changes to be synced, best to start a sync and make sure the device stays active until you can see that your work has transferred to your main device - or maybe email the notes to yourself for a more immediate completion?
  7. The link type is relevant because a web link looks like this... https://www.evernote.com/shard/s2/nl/120918/84f36e9b-ab86-3e88-6462-- etc.... and an app link is evernote:///view/120918/s2/84f36e9b-ab86-3e88-6462-7ee0bae3b2a6 etc... and only a browser can open the first one. The second one calls the installed app and adds a note reference. I highlighted part of the link because clearly this is the note UI. The link prefix determines where and how it opens - or doesn't - as the case may be. Clipper has also changed in that clipping a web page defaults to being done server-to-server with the synced note then being able to display in the app if that's what you require.. although since Elektron came in the difference is almost academic in that the 'installed' app comes with a built in browser wrapper. Not sure if it still applies to Evernote, but there used to be a Windows protocol that if an app was installed locally the user would be asked whether you wanted to have links open in the app or the browser, and that setting would be maintained by a local cookie but I think that was before the link style changed to this format. As I said to the OP here - if you're getting misfires when following links, it's probably best to go for a clean complete reinstall - I mainly use app links (I'm mainly desktop based these day) and I've had no trouble with links in my very large account over the past several years. You could also reinstall Clipper to make sure you have the latest version in case that's a factor. If you are using the old Legacy app - remember that there's now a translation back-and-forth when viewing notes in both that and the new version. If it appears that opening a note didn't work - could that be due to a long(er) translation time on some notes.
  8. No, because I'm still not sure what we're actually talking about here... There are two types of note link. An "app link" or a "web link". The app link assumes the app is already installed on the same local device and will open the linked note in Evernote from local storage. The web link has a global reference that will open the link in Evernote Web from the server, regardless of where in the world the link is being triggered. Both work as designed. It is not possible to change that process because that's how IT works.
  9. See the bottom of the link I posted for how to contact Evernote. (We're mainly other users here.)
  10. That's a "feature" of the Forum third-party code. While I sympathise, I deleted your other post referring back to this thread - let's keep the discussion in one place please...
  11. There are comments somewhere to the effect that RTE and sync improvements now mean that v10 notes are coded differently to Legacy notes, and anything stored in Legacy now needs a translation before it can be shown in the other. Your continued reliance on Legacy might be the cause of your delays.
  12. Hi. There are some settings in Tools > Settings > Plan & Billing (goes to a web page) - check the left column for 'reminders'
  13. Thank heavens. Don't let the door hit you on the way out...
  14. These terrible decisions to stop giving stuff away for free? Good luck with that. I don't see any magic parachutes in your near future. Pay up or move out.
  15. If you have hardware acceleration it apparently means you're at least one version behind. Try downloading from Evernote.com for the latest!
  16. Don't let us misguided, brainwashed, credulous remainers dissuade you - the more users that leave, the faster my connection gets. I wish everyone good luck in their new applications. I'm just going to stay here and be taken advantage of for the next several months with my new (much faster) subscription...
  17. Good spot - same in Windows 10.68.3; there are different options here now including device disconnection!
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