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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Your note will show the notebook that contains it. The Notebooks page will show which Stack contains the notebook.
  2. Are you on Evernote 10.68.2? Checkboxes seems to work for me on Windows 11 - Lists...not so much...
  3. Thanks for a non-abusive comment! None of us are happy with the price increase, but (IMHO) this just saved Evernote rather than killing it. There were literally millions of Free users who had between 5 and 5,000 notes on the system, and Evernote was providing 24/7 bandwidth and storage to service everyone. The much smaller number of paying subscribers were (I think) just about keeping things afloat, but Evernote did not have a future if it still had to drag around this huge wedge of non-contributing users. The new owners of the company have been in place for less than a year but have been very active in fixing some of the defects they found in the system. They decided to concentrate on getting the infrastructure right and cutting costs - plus they increased the subscriptions which had not changed for 5-6 years. Once the company is on a sound financial and technical footing I think we'll see cheaper products and a lot more innovation; but for the moment this is something that Evernote must do to survive. You still have access to your existing notes, and there are other similar free apps out there - maybe look at Evernote again in a year or two if you feel inclined, to see what's on offer. I'm pretty certain they'll still be here...
  4. If you can see your existing notes, that's a start - how many notes/ notebooks do you have now?
  5. Hi. Usual causes: 🔹incorrect login (the whole account is suddenly blank) - log out, and try again. Worst case - go to Evernote.com in a browser and use the 'forgot password' option, or contact Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new 🔹exceeding the Device Limit will lock you out of the account 🔹recent install or update - sometimes the apps take a little while to get over the shock... Restart your device or Reinstalling may help with other issues.
  6. Hi. Broadly, no - at least not this year (or probably next). Evernote displays on Apple / Google / Android / Microsoft operating systems, plus in dozens of browsers. Users made a specific request that the app look exactly the same on all devices; and without paying royalties, the exclusive copyright fonts on some of those platforms cannot be used. So Evernote created its own in-house set. Whether they'll have the time or inclination to add more options is yet to be seen...
  7. I mentioned somewhere that I subscribed here 15 years ago - not because I used the account to its full potential, but because that gave me access to everything to try out / plus a priority helpline / plus whatever contractual rights you get from those "tick if you want to use this product" options at the start... -And despite the then aspirations to be a 100-year company, I did think a bit of cash would help them keep the lights on for a year or two at least...
  8. Hi. I'd say the safest way is to start out with one Personal account and one free. Share notebooks between you - the 'owner' of the personal account will share their account limits with the free user, so you both get the benefit. (You'll have to argue amongst yourselves who gets which account... )
  9. ...But we do have the history of Evernote being available at much lower prices than now, and no-one bought in. As a commercial enterprise Evernote has to wonder whether it's worthwhile spending time and development cost finding ways to limit access for a group that says they're willing to pay, but never made the effort before... And what if it's still too limiting for some people, or doesn't include something (like email-in notes) that some want? I'd say they're doing the sensible thing for now and - as with Linux - back-burnering side projects until they get the infrastructure completely right.
  10. Going back to my Tesla example earlier - if you buy a Tesla for the sole purpose of taking your kids to school and live within 5 miles of the place - you can't go back to the company and ask for a lower price because you don't use any of the bells and whistles. This is based (in the UK at least) on Caveat Emptor. According to my mate Bard... If you buy above your need - that's not on the seller...
  11. Are, by their own choice, overpaying for something they don't need and could easily move to something much simpler and cheaper... A bit like buying a Tesla and asking for a cheaper model because you only need to travel 10 miles occasionally and only need two seats anyway... other forms of transport / note taking are available!
  12. Hi. Bard tells me that Proton Pass was launched officially 2 months ago, having been in beta since April. It seems possible that it still has some rough edges - maybe try their support?
  13. Also possible - but we have no specific information either way... Evernote would be the ones to ask for more on that, and they may or may not respond.
  14. There's so much wrong with that statement... how does one 'squeeze' someone who is taking advantage of a free service? Evernote have decided they can no longer afford charity. If you like and need the facilities, please subscribe. If you don't find them worthwhile, please feel free to leave. Exporting is only available from the desktop apps - where, if you go to the notebooks tab, you'll find that selecting the three-dots menu gives an export option for the whole notebook. Your existing notes are safe for now, and you can edit or view them any time. The only restriction on your activities being that if you have more than 50 notes, you can't add more.
  15. Hmmmn - my AI may have been lying to me. Quelle surprise... Thanks for the example. I'll have a look in more detail over the weekend!
  16. Scroll all the way down the page - check out the very bottom, just above "Terms of Service".
  17. The only real way to try to improve your experience is to install the latest version for the online store or Evernote.com. Try Revo Uninstaller Free (Windows) or AppRemover (Mac) to remove all traces of the application. If that does not work, then contacting Support is the only options.
  18. ? For reasons of exchange rate and taxes, local prices may vary... and prices you see may be out of date.
  19. Interesting... thanks for the headsup: I hadn't looked at ActiveWords in any depth before, but as a former (and very sad) Filterize user I was wondering how I would get around the closure of that service after the end of this year. This looks as though it may help - do you use AI to write macros? I just asked the -allegedly- smartest one of the current crop to write a Macro to find and go to the title field of a note. I got this... I've no clue whether that might work -yet; but if I can build up actions based on individual snippets like that it would be very useful!
  20. They're not when it seems to be good news! Hope you get sorted out soon.
  21. I sit corrected... I should have said "you used the service without paying a further fee for nearly 20 years..." Your account type must have changed to Free at some stage then, because that's the limitation they recently placed on that contract type. Whatever - we're mainly other users here, not Evernote staff. If you wish to protest I'd suggest you contact them on https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true - and use the issue type "Account". I sympathise with the frustrations of paying more than once for 'lifetime' membership - I have several apps where my payments turned out to be for a certain version, or for a particular period and further upgrades require more payments. At least in this case you don't lose access to your existing notes, but won't be able to create more... https://evernote.com/blog/evernote-free-note-limits
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