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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. I've been subscribing since 2008 - wasn't aware there ever was a purchase scheme. If you had free use of the service for nearly 20 years I think it's been a pretty good deal... What type of contract did your details show? And what changed recently that makes you say it's now useless?
  2. Totally disagree with you - Evernote is faster and more reliable than ever. Try it out for free (still) and subscribe if you find it worthwhile.
  3. Hard to tech if it's intermittent for both notes and affected templates. One of my colleagues (who actually uses iOS) may have something more relevant...
  4. Individuals are welcome to block notifications from any forum thread so as not to see further conversations if necessary.
  5. You wouldn't. Nothing has been published since the new owners took over earlier this year - nothing was ever published before that either. Since the new guys have been mainly fighting fires since they took over, I'd think it will be next year before we get any hints...
  6. Report it back to Evernote then, with the URLs of affected sites.
  7. Feed it back to Evernote and wait for the next version then - the problem with mobiles is that the stores only install the latest version. Meantime there will be an alternative way to run searches, even if its not the one you prefer...
  8. Hi. If you lost an access code, you need to contact Support - we're mainly other users here. Use https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and look for the 'guest' link.
  9. Hi. Evernote's only Support link is here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new. If you have the user name and password from your original account you could download a new copy and log in directly to convert it to Basic, but you'd still need to contact Support for a refund. It may take a little while to get a response - 10-14 days - at this holiday time of year.
  10. Hi. Device? OS? Evernote version? and how are you "applying a template to a new note"? Do you create the note, select Gallery and then choose the template from there?
  11. Just for reference I'm no longer going to respond individually to anyone lamenting the end of their free lunch service. Like they say in Frozen "let it go" - Evernote owed no duty of care to those using its free services, but does have a duty to its owners not to mindlessly give funds away to no effect. Evernote say that the majority of free users already fall within a 50-note maximum, which does fit in with those who tried it but didn't want to continue with the experience, or those who only need an occasional list. Everyone with more than 50 notes and 1 notebook can (IMHO) reasonably be expected never to actually pay for a service, no matter what sort of cut-price package was developed. There are lots of other "free" services around - I'm sure you can find a new home.
  12. Hi. This is a public forum so please edit your post and remove the email address - otherwise you may make a lot of new friends. We're mainly all other users here, and if the app refuses your login there's not much we can do. I'd suggest you report this to Support - use the "guest" access and give them your details. They may not answer very quickly, but you will get some help - make the point that you've not been able to use your account for however many weeks, and they might credit you with extra time to make up.
  13. Hi. There is no email address - it's an online form to request support. If you can log into your account and see the invoice details I can't imagine what has gone wrong with the payment. If your notes are synced up to date you could try to uninstall and reinstall the app on your device, but you need to contact Support for anything more. We're mainly other users here and have no access to the systems. What device, OS and Evernote version are you using?
  14. Don't get your hopes up... you should be able to see and reply to any comments here... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/
  15. If you check the system limits page again, you'll find it shows the new levels. You still have edit access to existing notes - see https://evernote.com/blog/evernote-free-note-limits for more on that. But Evernote have the not-unreasonable attitude that they can't give it away for free any more.
  16. Hmmn. The herd travels at its own pace I'm afraid. Your billing page at https://www.evernote.com/BillyBillingProfile.action will show an invoice for payments, but there's no breakdown - it's just a flat subscription. I doubt even our Imperious Leader can ask the accounts department for a quick invoice unless there's a system in place... Maybe consider subscribing monthly if you have another chance at this in the new year? Given time I'm sure you'll get an invoice; getting it now is less likely.
  17. @VincentC's doing a good job so far - I'd only suggest that you check both Google and your Apple Mail accounts for local 'rules'. You might be getting a forward from the app as well as the BCC. Failing that I'd suggest BCCing mails direct to your own address and set a rule to move them to a specific folder in the mail client. You can then use that folder for weeding out duplicates if there are any, and forward emails (individually, sorry...) to your Evernote address.
  18. Hi. I assume you mean it doesn't show up in the spam folder... Is it possible that your account is set up with an old email address? It can take emails a little while to get through sometimes, but I'd think you would have received something by now if it went to the correct address.
  19. Hi - try here: Export notes and notebooks as ENEX or HTML
  20. Hi. If you are having issues with your phone, maybe this app is not the one for you.
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