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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Not sure quite what we're discussing here, but if you export one notebook to one ENEX file, it will re-import to anything that can read it no problem. If you export multiple notebooks to one ENEX file, all the notes in that file will go into one notebook. You'll need to have tagged individual notes with the name of the parent notebook to be able to sort them out again. This has always been true of the format. If you wish to have a one-button export of multiple notebooks without a major rewrite, you'd have to accept the one file per notebook format.
  2. Evernote:// links do work within Windows to open a note in the installed app on the same device. As above - check Windows default app links or use the 'open with' menu (maybe?) to set a default app.
  3. Not sure how many posts you have on this, but maybe limit it to one in future?
  4. Oops. I just dropped a 3-page list of Filterize features onto them - but my bottom line was the 2 that I use most often and "automation" so maybe that's OK. (Automation IMHO would include being able to script something like "go to notebooks page / activate export / save to enex / move to next notebook...")
  5. There's a (fairly reliable) rumour that Evernote is looking for suggestions for "Quality of Life" features that might be added in future - QoL meaning 'what makes using Evernote easier' - which IMHO is exactly what Filterize did. So I asked my friend Bard AI to list out all its features. Not sure about some of the list - I know I didn't use much of Filterize, but some of this is brand new to me. I've sent this to Evernote and you can read the 3 pages from Bard in the attachment. I'd invite anyone else interested to pile in! You can see the Bard stuff here - https://sway.office.com/JeZRHqmqMjLq36SD?ref=Link EDIT: Apologies if the Sway content looks weird - let me know if its unusable; I drafted that in Google Docs, exported to DOCX, from there to PDF... then found out I couldn't add either here. Tried to convert to images, only option I could see was to export to Sway which then "redesigned" my simple document. I'm too old for this stuff. And in 'holiday' mode...
  6. Hi. Have you explored Shortcuts, Home screen widgets, note links and Table of Content notes? Depending on exactly what data you wish to display and how you arrange it, you can pin notes, filter contents (including by tasks), and display shortcuts and tags on the Home screen. If that is insufficient, you can create your own bespoke layout by saving a shortcut to a 'parent' note that itself contains links to further child or grandchild notes that themselves contain ToC lists on various topics. Unfortunately a third party service called Filterize that would constantly maintain ToC notes with an 'automatic' search stopped operations in 2023, so you would need to refresh a ToC manually on each use; but it is possible to build a "mini website" within Evernote to display (more or less) anything you can imagine...
  7. There still is, and always has been, a free plan - just with increasingly tighter restrictions since many opportunistic (but unwise) users found ways to exploit that to run businesses over decades without paying a penny toward even the costs of online storage. There also always have been paid-for plans - some historically only a fraction of the cost the service is now - which higher-usage 'free' users could have adopted had they wished to help the company maintain its services. The low-cost plans were gradually shelved because the take-up didn't justify their continuance. Evernote has been playing "golden goose" for a long time. This year they woke up to the fact that someone was stealing all the golden eggs and stopped laying.
  8. Before there's any more shouting here, can I just point out that for some people Obsidian seems to be really attractive - and for others it's not. (My emphasis) https://www.fastcompany.com/90960653/why-people-are-obsessed-with-obsidian-the-indie-darling-of-notetaking-apps Either way I don't think it's cool to promote specific third party options in Evernote's own forums, so I might start deleting posts that get too specific. Play nice please...
  9. Look for "copy internal link" - you can copy either the app link (which will open in the app) or the web link which will open in a browser (on desktops or tablets)
  10. There are a lot of copies and most or all of them - except yours - were solved by a clean reinstall. Evernote don't respond to individual errors posted in the Forums, you need to contact them direct to raise a ticket - and it's the Holidays, so everything is running a little slow at the moment...
  11. Hmmn. Good call - I just tried it on an Android tablet though, and it seemed to work OK... interesting
  12. I'd bet some of them have left anyway. I get that everyone's 'perfect' world would include a few specific feature tweaks or additions, but the new team have the same problem the old one had. Given that you don't have the resources to do them all, how do you decide which one to do next? Part of it has to be scheduling. If you just finished refurbing one part of the backend structure, any requests to make changes there get added to the pile until they're ready to loop back around again.
  13. Obviously and entirely your choice. Please let us know who you choose to host your future notes.
  14. Hi. Not in the desktop app. Since it needs to be open to view the notebook anyway it's as quick to open Evernote, have saved link to the notebook and open from there. In the web client you can - go to that notebook and steal the URL from the page. You could also export that notebook if you wished, to PDF or HTML.
  15. Hi. Because that feature has never existed in Evernote v6 or v10, would be an integral part of the Edit process, and thus cost thousands and several months' time to add. Plus - this thread is 3 years old so it's not like many users are clamoring for the option...
  16. Hmmn. Not having problems myself (AFAIK) and the only work-around is a step you have to take before losing the linked note - and that's to tag the two notes with the same unique random number - I use BitDefender forinstance and unique random passwords are an option - as in hhqnqrnq76ppxr5. There's no search that I can think of to find a linked note, unless you created or amended them on the same date, so a date search could help. The search index might be corrupted, so sign out / remove database from device / sign back in may help on a desktop... or even a full reinstall if an update corrupted the app. If all the above fails or is not appropriate, then remembering the time of year and the state of Support, you could try them - good luck if you do!
  17. Hi. You're using a FREE SERVICE and while I sympathise with the situation, you have no contract with Evernote and (AFAIK) no legal rights to expect anything. You DO have the right to abandon something and move elsewhere if you wish - see websites like https://noteapps.info or https://toolfinder.co for options.
  18. Stand by to be happy... I'll grant you this past year Evernote have concentrated on speed and reliability issues which have not been very visible to users, though my experience is that things are generally much faster now than last year. Also there has been mention of (at various times) Real-Time Editing (released May 2023): Users and collaborators can edit the same note simultaneously, seeing changes appear instantly on everyone's devices. Improved Search (throughout 2023): Evernote has (allegedly) improved search accuracy and speed Tasks (throughout 2023): Tasks now fully integrated to help streamline workflows and keep everything in one place. New Web Clipper (released October 2023): It was revamped for smoother clipping and cleaner note creation including more capture options Enhanced Table Editing (released December 2023): Easily resize columns and rows, drag and drop content, and apply formatting options for a more polished look. EDIT: Oh yeah - and they removed 7,000 lines (or was that 70,000?) of "unnecessary code" - gulp. Not bad for BS's first eight months... (My emphasis) People were running businesses for 10 years based off Evernote's badly-judged initial marketing ploy to persuade new users to flip from free to a subscription service. "It's too expensive" is not an excuse because there were options that cost a few dollars a year - that the 'old' Evernote got rid off for lack of interest. Evernote's focus is now on not overcharging subscribers for giving opportunists a free ride - which I think is good business! <Sigh> Use a desktop and there are several ways to export notebooks and notes. Go to a competitor and they'll often offer a way to import from Evernote. Leave notes with Evernote and -for the moment- they'll stay available for viewing and editing. Personally I'd leave my notes there and just manually copy any history I needed across when I needed it. - And really? Offering a feature that is best in class is "punitive" for users leaving? It's a fact of life that some products are better than others in different ways. It's entirely up to the individual to make a choice as to whether the services offered by a provider are worth the amount they have to pay. Since there are a lot of online options to 'save' webpages as screenshots or convert to PDFs (some of which I use when websites prove difficult for Clipper) I think I could live without it... I plan on continuing with Evernote until they (or anyone else) show me some actual evidence of incompetence or overpricing - the rather strong opinions of (apparently) one individual -not you in this case - do not seem a reliable indicator. I do respect your opinion and wouldn't want you to change it - but I'm always wary of "We're All Doomed" prognostications, because users can get panicked into changing to another provider - any other provider - which I suspect is the aim of a percentage of the former users who post here. They just want to cause Evernote some damage in 'revenge' for their own experiences. Happy Holidays by the way - I'm sure there's a drink with my name on it somewhere around here...
  19. So your main objection is that V10 doesn't do things the same way as V6? Good luck with that... 'Lost' is not really the case - 'changed' maybe? 'Improved' even?
  20. Hi. So dumb question first - why do you want to open Evernote? To search your notes? There's a shortcut for that. To add a new note? There's one for that too - see the bottom of the left panel for details. In my case, right clicking the icon also gives me an "open Evernote" option...
  21. Hi. Your last multiple posts say your trial period is over and you're now unable to log into your account at all. Please don't post more than once on any subject. If you're not a business you'd be far better off using Personal or Professional rather than teams. You've been advised to contact Support and given a link to do that. If you're still having issues please pick ONE of your posts and follow up on that thread with a full update of what device, OS and version of Evernote you're now using.
  22. Are we talking here about checkLISTS or checkBOXES? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313618
  23. Evernote has always had more expensive plans. Like any enterprise that wants to stay in business it needs to be paid if users access it frequently or over a long period.
  24. Hi. Have you emptied the Trash notebook? Now many notebooks do you have?
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