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Everything posted by jefito

  1. You are posting in a feature request for nested notebooks. If you want help on operating Evernote, then you'll find people waiting to do it, but you are far better off posting in an appropriate forum for that. I'd suggest starting here: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/53-evernote-general-discussions/. If you want, one of the moderators can move your post there (I think).
  2. If I right click on a PDF, I see a context menu option "Open with". Click that, and select "Choose program...". You should be able to choose the program that you want there.
  3. Windows? Mac? In Windows, in the latest beta at least, if you have the Reminders setting "Sort reminders by date" checked, then you can order undated reminders arbitrarily, but you can's order dated reminders. If you "Sort reminders by date" unchecked, then you can reorder reminders arbitrarily.
  4. Another thought: are you adding the clip as "ENML Format"? You might want to look at , e.g., https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/Winuser/nf-winuser-, though I'm not sure that's the issue, but I expect that Evernote will prefer ENML Format over others that are also on the clipboard. It is curious that they need to also validate a cookie; maybe it allows them to assume that the clip is valid ENML, and is safe to paste into a note, maybe???
  5. I suggest that you read the above posts from @Rich Tener and @Scott T. in this topic.
  6. Handy Evernote-written reference here: https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/enml.php. It's mostly an HTML subset (or more precisely, XHTML), with some Evernote-specific additions. The <en-clipboard> element isn't part of the above; so it's hard to tell if it's a Windows-only thing,, at least for me, since I don't use Mac It's probably not part of ENML, since it's used by the application only for clipboard stuff. Not sure why it's needed (since on Windows, it's recognizable as an ENML clip in the clipboard), unless maybe the cookie is being used to identify the logged-in account (you can have more than one open at a time -- I'll need to test this at home) it comes from for some reason; even so I'm not sure what that would matter.
  7. Is this using the Windows application? (this topic is in a Windows-specific forum)
  8. This is a Windows-specific forum. If you are an Android user, you should be seeking an answer in the Android forum here: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/210-evernote-for-android/
  9. I have to say that I've been using use Evernote extensively in my full development work for over 10 years now, and have never missed syntax highlighting. What I do rely on: screen caps, which note generation, weekly journals issue tracking/progress, web clipping for saving development-related articles for research. Evernote is great for this, and its tagging functionality really helps my organizational needs (often, a note is a member of several categories; multiple tags fill that bill). I do store code snippets in Evernote sometimes, but -- maybe because I started getting paid for this stuff in the early '80's (green screens were a thing back then, fixed fonts, no bold or italics) -- syntax highlighting isn't something that i really notice in the tools I use, Visual Studio, Notepad++, BeyondCompare being the biggies. In Visual Studio, what I do use a lot is Intellisense and syntax error display, functionality that would almost certainly be beyond what Evernote would provide. Nitpick: the forum does not have syntax highlighting. It does have rich text support in its code blocks, but it doesn't understand code that you add to it. For example, I typed the following into a forum code block. No highlighting. That being said, the old Evernote code blocks used to support text colors, but for some reason they don't now, which I think is unfortunate. for ( auto& i : myContainer ) { i->display() } Anyways, hopefully Notion works well for you. I keep thinking that I need to look at it, but Evernote does pretty much all I need it to do, so learning -- and becoming fluent with -- a new system would probably take more effort than I need at the moment.
  10. Every dam' morning... Seriously, though -- you can evidently search for tags in files in File Explorer using... tada! -- tag:<whatever> in the File Explorer search bar, but there's no central tag repository, and doing tag operation on multiple files isn't that great, as far as I can tell. Tags are not such a prominent feature in File Explorer, at least not so much as in Evernote, so I stand by my judgmentality. in this case.
  11. If your end goal is MS Word, and your end product requires features in MS Word that Evernote doesn't have (of which there are many), then a Word attachment is your best bet if you also want to have the content in Evernote. You can still use the note as a place to capture new ideas easily, but you should push them into the attachment when it's most convenient (i.e., pile up some new thoughts, and every so often, push them into Word).
  12. But using File Explorer as a UI? Nah... That's the beauty of Evernote -- it makes tagging operations easy and right up front, rather than hidden in a Properties dialog tab.
  13. Windows? Mac? Android? iOS? Web? In the Windows client, Ctrl+; (Ctrl_+semicolon) inserts a timestamp into your note at the current cursor position.
  14. Not sure why a single account is a requirement, but to pose a different take: I just use separate accounts, one for personal (premium), and one for my job (basic). I share a a small number of notebooks between account, but the need for that is lessened now that I can have both accounts open on my home machine at the same time. Mainly I want to keep my personal stuff out of my business account, but I have a large notebook related to software development references that I keep in my personal account, but would use in any job. This way, if I were to leave my current job, I can make a whole new separate account for the next job and use that.
  15. FWIW, A little more context on this. The Windows OS has the ability to add text tags to files. I don't use this, myself, and I doubt that many other folks do either, but there it is. So just kicking things around a bit in File Explorer, and with the understanding that Evernote's organization scheme != Windows OS file system.: A file rename operation does not change the file's modified date Tag operations *do* change the file modification date So a bit of inconsistency on the modified metadata always modifies updated date. Me, I don't have a problem with this; other rational beings of my acquaintance do. But more importantly, File Explorer does offer undo for tag changes and file renames both. So my take is that changes to updated date on Evernote notes is a separate issue, but an undo that undid things like tag changes, and title renames would really be the better solution here. I'll upvote this on that basis. Cheers.
  16. Are you asking for user-specifiable sort order (for example, by dragging a note up or down in the list) or for multi-column sort (sort by date first, then by title, etc.)?
  17. The behavior of not changing the updated date when doing tag operations is by Evernote design (for better or worse). See:
  18. Merged from Windows feature requests to existing general feature request for the same feature.
  19. An AppleScript analogue for Windows would be very useful, probably top of my list. ENScript ain't exactly all that.
  20. Is that just present tense, or a general operating principle? "She runs the gamut of A to B" - Dorothy Parker, speaking of a Katherine Hepburn performance
  21. Presumably then you'd be able to run them at the same time -- side-by-each as the Francophones in my state say -- and just go through the options dialog in parallel on each device. Why muck around with the registry is you don't need to? Are you really so finely tuned to an exact set of options that it matters all that much (and if you missed one, but didn't notice, how bad would that be?). Aside from that, I'm not so sure that all settings are kept in the registry anyhow; some of them may be maintained in the database. Your call, of course, but I wouldn't do it, and I'm pretty friendly with the registry.
  22. Easy - roll your own. Just save a note somewhere safe / convenient, and when you want a new instance, use the note copy or duplicate functionality to make a copy. In the WIndows client, you can preserve tags when you make a copy.
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