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  1. Definitely an ugly solution, but it did work for me. I don't know if this is related, but I started having this problem after I noticed I had multiple auto-generated "Things to do" notes. I tried cleaning them up (tried merging, and then ended up deleting one of them and emptying my trash), and noticed this issue start soon thereafter. I have since changed my default task note to a note that I've had for years. My hope is that Evernote won't keep generating "Things to do" tasks now that I've assigned a new default.
  2. I often share images from other apps to Evernote to save them and conveniently sync them across devices. I'm able to share an image to the new version of Evernote, but if there's also text on the share intent that part is lost. When I share image+text to other apps, such as Gmail or Messages, they handle both the image and the text extras from the share intent. Evernote should, too, creating a new note with the image, plus the text above or below it.
  3. Thanks for the quick response. Since I'm able to paste to-do checkboxes using HTML and the span stlye that I borrowed from an ENML sample... <span style="-en-todo:true;">[]</span> ... there's no urgency on my part to get support for pasting ENML from another Windows application. I was pursuing it more as a matter of general interest, because I've found it valuable to be able to generate formatted text in another application and paste it into my notes, and being able to do so with ENML would open up a full set of possibilities. Since the <en-clipboard> element is expected as the root element, and ENML pasted without the Cookie attribute is expected to conform to the DTD -- which is not included in the ENML DTD -- I think there's a catch-22 here. Evernote for Windows would probably have to be modified to accept a DTD-conformant ENML document from the "ENML Format" clipboard payload when the root element is not <en-clipboard>. Since there appears to be very little demand for this, I would 100% support treating this as a very low priority feature request.
  4. Yes, I specified in the original post that I'm setting the format to "ENML Format". And this actually works if I inject a "Cookie" value that I picked off the clipboard from a copy action that was initiated in Evernote. It occurred to me that there might be some helpful info in Evernote's "Activity Log" (accessible via the Help menu)... and there is! This is the error I see when I attempt to paste ENML that has no "Cookie" value specified: 15:09:47 [ERROR ] [15544] [14384] Could not paste ENML: validation failed. 15:09:47 [ERROR ] [15544] [14384] Validation failed: no DTD found ! I realized that I had not specified a DTD within my XML. (When Evernote places ENML on the clipboard, it doesn't include the standard XML headers... which makes sense, since it sees the Cookie and concludes that the ENML does not need to be validated. As a result, I had assumed that I didn't need to specify a DTD, either.) When I added the xml and DOCTYPE headers, the errors went away... but pasting still does nothing. Here's the ENML I'm using for testing purposes: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM "http://xml.evernote.com/pub/enml2.dtd"> <en-note>Hello world</en-note> I found that I had to remove the <en-clipboard> element, or else I would still get the "no DTD found" error... which makes sense, since <en-clipboard> is not defined in the DTD. I added code to locally validate my ENML against the DTD, and it passes validation. @dconnet - Any recommendations on next steps?
  5. That makes sense. Thanks! But... I've experimented with pasting ENML that was identical to ENML placed on the clipboard by Evernote -- except that I left out the "Cookie" attribute. Even simple examples were rejected by Evernote. If validation is the cause of this rejection, is there any way I can find why the ENML is not passing validation? Should I be validating against the DTD?
  6. As a workaround, I was able to paste HTML into Evernote and have it convert brackets into checkboxes, using the same span style I was using in ENML. While I would prefer to find a way to paste proper ENML into Evernote from another Windows application, this gets me what I need right now. Here's what the span style looks like, with an unchecked checkbox: <div><span style="-en-todo:true;">[]</span>Daily To-Do Item</div> I went into a little more detail on Stack Overflow. But I'm still hoping to crack the mystery of the "Cookie" attribute in Evernote's ENML clipboard payload.
  7. I've written a C# application which places ENML on the Windows clipboard so that to-do items with checkboxes can be pasted into an existing note. However, Evernote refuses to paste the ENML. It appears that Evernote requires a "Cookie" value that it generated on its own. If there's some way around this, I'd love to know. When the Windows clipboard has content copied from within Evernote, the clipboard includes a data object with the format type "ENML Format". For example, if I copy "Chirp Chirp" from a note within Evernote for Windows, I see the following data on the clipboard, associated with the "ENML Format": <en-clipboard Cookie="6479053"><en-note>Chirp Chirp</en-note></en-clipboard> Where did that "Cookie" value come from? I've tried leaving it out, and Evernote refuses to paste. I've also tried reusing a value that was generated by Evernote, and that actually works... until I exit and restart Evernote. I could require the user to copy something from Evernote and then click a button in my application that captures the "Cookie" value that Evernote placed on the clipboard, so that it can be reused when pasting my content into Evernote, but that's obviously not a reasonable approach. I checked the ENML DTD, and there's no mention of the "en-clipboard" element. This is specific to clipboard data, and I can't find any documentation on what it is and how to avoid it or generate a valid "Cookie" value. I also posted this question on Stack Overflow. Am I doing something wrong? I can't just paste HTML into Evernote, because there's no way to represent Evernote's checkboxes in HTML. I'm happy to use ENML... but I need a way to get Evernote to accept it. Thanks in advance for your help!
  8. @SeanD - I confirmed that the user.dic file at "C:\Users\<username>\Evernote\Dict\user.dic" contains my latest changes to the dictionary.
  9. Currently, I see no way to disable a global shortcut key. To see the current shortcut key mappings, one navigates to Tools -> Options -> Shortcut Keys. There, next to each item, is an "x", which I would expect to clear out the shortcut key. However, if you clear the value, click OK, and then open Tools -> Options -> Shortcut Keys again, the old shortcut key is back. To me, this seems like a bug. In addition to wanting that feature to work, it would be nice if there were a global option to disable all shortcut keys. When checking this, the application would remember the existing key mappings, but would no longer honor them. This way, when I'm using a different application which has mapping conflicts, I can temporarily disable global shortcut keys for Evernote, and use the mappings in my other application without conflict.
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