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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. Mostly only others users here. Send comments to feedback@evernote.com
  2. Complaining about other users publicly, whether right or wrong, does not help the situation and only inflames them and continues the downward spiral. DM to one of the moderators if you have a complaint about another user. Please consider that when mad or upset, sometimes no response is the best response.
  3. It is not clear to me if those are links to notes or to specific sections within notes (intranote linking), which would be very cool.
  4. I submit there is a difference. I really couldn't tell in @janndk's post but it was more noticeable in @Boot17's post with the text highlight. I also submit that I would never have noticed if it wasn't pointed out to me. Not to say that the change is ok, but maybe they were trying to slip it under the wire. I don't believe the update text mentioned it. I really don't get this movement to increased white space. At least also provide a compressed option.
  5. I'm on a Mac which should be essentially the same as Windows desktop. Several months back they implemented a new UI that added white space everywhere, but I haven't seen anything new since then. Maybe other Windows and Android users can speak up.
  6. I believe these are rolled out randomly. Don't take it personally šŸ™‚.
  7. Which app platform are you using and what version is causing the problem?
  8. This would have been on topic ... 3 years ago when announced that V10 was replacing Legacy. Many ran/run their business using Evernote and when the change to V10 was announced did what was best for their business. Evaluated and watched where V10 was heading and decided whether to stay or leave, long before the lights were shutdown. Waiting until the end and now whining about it is on you and has gotten old. Unless Legacy related posts have anything useful to share, they will be deleted. Also, I have bad news if you think the old Evernote team in California are sitting around drinking beer and planning a new Legacy release. They are the team that moved away from Legacy to V10. It was not the Bending Spoon group. They just finished the process started by Evernote.
  9. Ok, Iā€™m the opposite, mostly pdfs and few images. I wonder if they treat images/attachment as metadata or as note content? They are working on their metadata sync (Rent) and if attachments are considered metadata then Iā€™m holding out hope this will be fixed when they implement the new system.
  10. It is not acceptable to any of us and belaboring the point here to fellow users, who are well aware of the situation, isnā€™t accomplishing anything. Vent away to feedback@evernote.com. Letā€™s move on here.
  11. We need more information if we are to help. Iā€™m assuming desktop and not Android. Crashing usually indicates a bad installation. Try uninstalling with Appcleaner or Revo depending on whether Mac or Windows. A standard uninstaller will not remove everything needed, and then reinstall. Give the new installation time to download your new database and stabilize.
  12. When you copy these code snippets into where they are used, you will see that they display correctly. That said work is apparently being done on the code block, so if you have suggestions this might be a good time to: feedback@evernote.com
  13. Search on Evernote alternatives in the forum and on the web. You'll be reading for days. There is no clear winner. It depends on what you want and need.
  14. If you havenā€™t already seen it, search the forum for posts by @CalS. IIRC his database was mostly pdfs and he rolled his own solution a year or ago that works well for him. He has posted the details of his new solution.
  15. FWIW, I've experienced this twice in recent memory. One time a couple of notes I was trying to access showed "untitled attachment." I tried sometime later and they were there and viewable. Another time I emailed a note with an attachment to Evernote. It showed up with "untitled attachment." I waited a day and looked again and it still wasn't there. I emailed the same note to Evernote and it worked correctly this time. Fortunately, I had no unrecoverable loss of data, but clearly, there is an issue there. It seems like the attachments are there, but are not displaying for some reason.
  16. Not true, unfortunately. Exporting notes that contain tasks works when exporting from within the app. Using Evernote-backup does not capture the task information.
  17. You are a savvy enough user to know that isn't true. Many come here proudly(?) to state they have "escaped." I have tried other apps and know for a fact that I can leave. Surely, you could manage to if that is what you really wanted.
  18. Thanks for doing that. Whether they care or not, I assume, depends on the feedback. If the feedback is in the form of Legacy did this or that and we need it back now, then probably not. If you provide a good use case and explain how implementing it will benefit many users, then I think there is a good chance. Even though I like many of the changes they have made, I fully expect I won't like them all. I doubt I will like the home page they end up with on mobile, but I'll live with it.
  19. Of course, because ā€¦ this is a users forum. Send to feedback@evernote.com if you want them to see your comments. If the app isnā€™t working for you, give them specific feedback why. Complaining here wonā€™t get you anywhere.
  20. It also doesnā€™t back up tasks since the Evernote API that it uses hasnā€™t been updated. Hopefully when the v10 development slows down they will release an updated API. Until then it is limited, but I would not call it useless. The best option would be for Evernote to deliver a one click backup solution where selected or all notebooks could be exported.
  21. Have you tried the reminders work around mentioned above? It works pretty well.
  22. This was evident when the first v6 to v10 ā€œupgradeā€ occurred. The first v10 version was no upgrade and calling it that was IMO a mistake.
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