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  1. PinkElephant's post in Cannot shrink individual note Window to size I require was marked as the answer   
    As you experience it, v10 has a minimum window width.
    If you want to get in contact with EN about it, use the feedback function build into the clients, or issue a support ticket.
  2. PinkElephant's post in multiple duplicate notebooks was marked as the answer   
    You are short of words for somebody who expects help. Which client, which OS, which Plan etc. ?
    Tried logging out and back in yet ?
  3. PinkElephant's post in Device Revoke was marked as the answer   
    This is one of the joys of using the Free account. The limit was introduced after there were „clever“ users in the past jumping devices permanently, to circumvent the device limit. So EN decided to enforce it.
    Your options:
    Wait for 30 days, the restriction will reset itself then
    Buy a Personal subscription (the cheapest subscription currently offered), for a month. This will reset the restriction at once.
  4. PinkElephant's post in next search result was marked as the answer   
    Doesn’t work like that on the Mac:
    cmd-f is reserved on system level
    Search in EN is opt-cmd-f for the search of a note, shift-cmd-f to search in a note.
    The search term is not automatically transferred from the note search into the in-note-search. Once the term is in the search box, it cycles between the hits in the note by pressing Enter.
  5. PinkElephant's post in Tasks aren't loading up from sidebar/widget was marked as the answer   
    Tried to log out and back in yet ?
    If this does not work, try this:
    Go to File > Sign Out [name] from the menu bar. Select the "Remove my Evernote data from this device" option, then click Sign out. Restart your computer. Sign back in to Evernote
  6. PinkElephant's post in Scanning was marked as the answer   
    Use the iPhone …
    For any heavier loads you will be disappointed by cheaper scanners. To scan a few pages the phone does a great job for me. For many pages you end up in the same category as an ix500, resp. the newer models ix1500 and its derivatives.
  7. PinkElephant's post in Evernote Legacy verifying on restart was marked as the answer   
    I would shut EN down. Legacy run off its own database on the computer, and shutting the machine down while there may be database operations going on can damage data.
    You can try to do a repair job on the local database: Hold down <alt/opt> before clicking on the help menu. A new position shows at the bottom of the menu, with several options in the sub menus. Use them to check and if necessary heal the database. Let one job run completely until starting the next.
  8. PinkElephant's post in Evernote crashed was marked as the answer   
    Maybe yes - there should be a „I forgot my password“ link somewhere. They will send a mail to reset to your mail account. Hope you have access to it. I have never done it, so no experience.
    In general EN is NO safe place to store passwords. Get yourself a password manager.
  9. PinkElephant's post in how to upload notes from an other smartphone was marked as the answer   
    Buying a new phone, then installed the Android app.
    When you opened the Android app for the first time, did it ask you to log in ?
    Another question: On which Plan are you ? Free or any subscription ?
  10. PinkElephant's post in Tasks Notes (with previously deleted tasks) appearing on web client and not on other clients was marked as the answer   
    Have you tried to log out and back in ?
    If this doesn’t help, go to preferences in the first menu (on desktop) and uncheck the option „Keep data on leaving“. After this log out again.
  11. PinkElephant's post in Can't display images inline was marked as the answer   
    Sorry no, this is not possible.
    Pictures are an element of a note, like a sketch, an attachment or similar - and like a text box. Think of EN as a website, displaying one element below the other.
    The closest thing to integrate pictures and text is to insert a table.
    Then you can place the picture in one table cell, and type the text into the next column cell. It has the further advantage that you can control the size of the picture by the width of the column containing the picture. It makes the picture smaller, but does not reduce the original file size and resolution.
    For your use case this is probably less practical 🤷‍♂️

  12. PinkElephant's post in Drag & Drop pictures from Evernote was marked as the answer   
    Currently d&d is from and to the desktop - one of the major shortcomings of v10. Or install the legacy client, can be done side by side with the v10 client.
  13. PinkElephant's post in Why do my tags only show 10 results on iOS app was marked as the answer   
    No, support is for subscribers only.
    About the problem:
    If it is only on the iOS client, there may be a problem there.
    As a first step, try to logout of the client and back in (in settings). Close it, switch the iPhone completely off and on again (Apple logo must show).
    Open the app again, log in, wait because it may update data now. Try again.
    If this doesn’t work, do the same, but after closing the app uninstall it. Switch the iPhone off and on again, reinstall the app. Login, leave it open in the foreground while it recovers data (this will take longer). Try again.
  14. PinkElephant's post in Tag Filter does not consistently produce accurate results, see image below was marked as the answer   
    Hmmmm - Good to know.
    The forum is no place to drop bugs. No action will follow.
    If you want to report a bug to get an answer, or a corrective action taken, issue a support ticket.
  15. PinkElephant's post in Version free et accès hors ligne. was marked as the answer   
    Offline content is available for all plans on computers, using the desktop clients for Windows or Mac.
    There is an option in EN settings „Keep data on leaving …“ that should be active. And you need to have logged into the app before going offline. You can shut the computer down, quit the app, everything, just don’t log out.
    Offline download to a mobile client is only available for subscribers.
    Details are here, available in French as well:
  16. PinkElephant's post in How to set default tags and notebook for incoming mail? was marked as the answer   
    @AndreS1967 Go to your account settings and disable „Auto-Filing“. It is a function that tries to guess where to file incoming mails. It may work good with structured input, but with normal mails IMHO just spreads them around.
    Here is a description of what to do:
  17. PinkElephant's post in Evernote Free logged me out and won't let me log back in was marked as the answer   
    There is not only a device limit of 2, there is as well a restriction how often you can switch devices during a month. You can’t then add another one.
    As most limits, it will reset itself after 1 month. The alternative is to subscribe.
    Meanwhile use whatever client is still working for you. Sorry for that, from user to user.
  18. PinkElephant's post in Disable the Google Calendar Nag Pop-Up was marked as the answer   
    I got rid of it without radical measures: Just installed the calendar widget on my Home screen. I confirmed, closed the Home view, reopened it and removed the calendar widget again.
    The message box has not returned since.
  19. PinkElephant's post in Possible bug in web evernote was marked as the answer   
    Thanks for posting. Bug reports in the forum will have no effect.
    You need to open a support ticket to make EN work on it.
  20. PinkElephant's post in Editing geographic information of note was marked as the answer   
    The coordinates stored by EN and used for the search are the classical longitude/ latitude coordinates. You can (in the geosearch available in the Professional plan) define a radius around a location to search for matching notes..
    Editing the location is possible in the mobile app by moving the needle around - the mobile apps are the only ones that attach a geolocation to the notes, even if the desktops could do the same (at least my Mac knows where he is).
    My conclusion: The geolocation is a system controlled metadata. If you want to use and manipulate it, you do so at your own peril. System defined metadata modified by a user can spawn all sorts of unexpected side effects - maybe years later when a new release suddenly makes use of a field that was never used by the app before.
  21. PinkElephant's post in Web Clips Stopped Syncing 7/17/21 was marked as the answer   
    A corrupted clip can block the import of all following clips. The best way to avoid it is to clip a limited number at a time, and then open the app to let the import happen. That way you only loose a few, and usually remember what was clipped and can reproduce it.
    To avoid confusion: This is not syncing, it is an import of web clips. Import is purely local, on the device between apps, no server involved. Syncing is the movement of data between client and server.
  22. PinkElephant's post in Evernote IOS 10.13 - "Tap To Load Attachments" For Premium User With 'Download All Notebooks' Selected was marked as the answer   
    My attachments are all downloaded. If they are not, download is not finished.
    If you go to offline notebooks in settings, and any of them have a green/grey progress bar, they still need to download.
    Download only happens while the app is active. To speed it up, do this:
    Go to iOS settings, display & brightness, autolockscreen on to never.  Put the iOS device on charger Open the EN app, leave it open and in the foreground. Once it goes to the background iOS stops all background activity. I then reduce screen brightness to the minimum  Depending on the volume to download it can take very long - I let it run over the night.
  23. PinkElephant's post in Spin never ends on Moto G9 Plus - Android 10 was marked as the answer   
    My explanation is that all of you exceed your device limit of 2 devices.
    If you try to connect a new device, you need to be down to 1 registered device before you can connect another.
    If you try to open an existing device that has worked before, EN may think it is a new one, and refuse to connect.
    Use any working client to go to your account settings, tab devices. Unsync enough of them to get into your frame of 2 or 1 registered devices.
    Note there is a cap on the number of unsyncs per month as well, so don’t play with this setting. And the web client is counted as a device as well.
  24. PinkElephant's post in Easy access notification was marked as the answer   
    There are a lot of threads about this, if you want more details.
    In short: Go to iOS settings, display & brightness or accessibility, and reduce your text size. The button on the screen will show. After confirmation you can return to the original setting.
  25. PinkElephant's post in Missing Insert Sketch when editing a note on iOS v10.11 was marked as the answer   
    They are still there, but since EN added more options like Tasks and Google Drive, the box seems to be too low.
    You have to move the insert box a little up to see the 2 bottom options.
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