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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. To add a word about these multi-purpose-printers that often come with a scanning function as well: Most of them produce sufficient scanning results for documents, however most of them do only simplex scanning. They are usually restricted to 10,15 or 20 pages max. Usually they are short of software to process the scans. So seen from a workflow / efficiency perspective, they will not do much better than a mobile phone's camera.
  2. We have a voting tool to support any issue. Bumping IMHO shows a lack of respect for other users, those who search assistance or exchange, or those willing and able to give it. It does not add any new or relevant information to an issue, and just creates digital noise and clutter. Maybe we should "bump" this further to have the forum rules set clear in this aspect.
  3. For the Apple Watch an EN app exists. It shows a list of the last updated notes, and allows to create a note, either by dictation (using the Siri support) or by grabbing audio. It can’t do both at the same time. I have it as one of my complications in one of the corners of my watch, to be reached at any time to quickly grab an idea. Another app that does a similar job on the watch, but grabbing both audio and offering a transcribe into text at the same time is the app „JustPressRecord“.
  4. IMHO it is not about going paperless - it’s about getting productive. The GTD Gettings things Done book from David Allen is always a good starting point. The GTD website offers an easy to implement guide for GTD with EN using the windows client. The download will cost 10$, and covers the way to implement the method with EN. It will work with the Mac client as well, and probably with the WebClient.
  5. Personally I am using a Fujitsu ix500 for all larger scanning jobs. It will convert a stack of up to 50 pages into a pdf just like that, full duplex (in one go), and send it to EN. It is not cheap, but a real time saver if you need to scan higher volumes. If it is a few pages I use my iPhone and the app ScannerPro. It has a feature called workflows - I have established severally cover my most frequent scanning tasks, like receipts. The workflow sends the scan right into the correct notebook and tags it with a set of standard tags. With the Fujitsu you can maybe find some used ones. The new ix1500 is out, which has a touch display. The rest is like it was in the 500 - maybe some companies exchange their used 500s for the new model. There are cheaper scanners, but they usually handle less pages. Then it comes close to scanning with the phone in terms of time invested. If you need to keep a paper physically depends on the legislation in your place. In Germany tax authorities accept the electronic copy when declaring - however if they decide to check you out, you have to show them the paper original, going back 10 years. What I do is sort paper into 2 categories after scanning: Shredder or need to keep. Except a few documents (real ones ...) I put my tax stuff into a box and store it away when the year is over. Shredder is more than 90%, luckily.
  6. Another aspect is that if the client is hit by a ransomware attack, the sync will most likely fail. At least up to now the ransomware will only encrypt the data on the client, and by this cause the sync to fail. This keeps the server copy isolated from the attack, and allows to recover the EN data after the computer was swiped, or to a new machine. My clients are all running on auto-sync every few minutes.
  7. Further to this, on the server you find the note history, which is a version history of all changes done to a note. So even if a change included something like a delete action, the previous status can be won back by going back in history and reactivate the note version before the wrong action. This does not work on a note that was completely deleted. The feature is only available to paying users, but in the background it runs for Basic accounts as well. When someone upgrades, the note history is unlocked and available even for changes prior to the upgrade.
  8. Install the app AppCleaner (Free). Run it to uninstall EN. A window will open, listing all components of the app, including the location of the database. Usually you have to scroll down the list - if you want to uninstall you have to check ALL positions in the list, because the usually unchecked ones will cause problems when not deleted. Run the uninstall. Restart the Mac. Install the EN app new, using the version from the EN web site (not from the App Store). Log in, let it sync your notes from the EN server. Using the usual method on a Mac to uninstall EN will not remove parts of the installation, which often causes trouble after a reinstall. Your notes are in the master copy on the EN servers. Notes in local notebooks are not synced. If you want to find your data base to make a backup before deleting, you can use the AppCleaner window to find it. Then break off the uninstalling routine. If you want to check what is in the EN server, use the web client from a browser. This does never count as a device, if you are on Basic.
  9. And forget about posting log files here - we are users, not the EN IT department. No use for this stuff. If you need someone to look these up, pay for Premium for one month, and issue a support ticket. You can then attach an activity log to the ticket.
  10. +1 for using another program. In my case it is GoodNotes 5 - you will wonder after using one of the full handwriting programs why you stayed with Penultimate. All the point on your list are solved there, plus other features. GN is for example strong in importing and annotating pdfs as well. You can even take ANY one paged Pdf and convert it into a personal template. If it is dark, you have a dark background to write on. All stuff is OCRed (and it even reads MY handwriting), and when you export notes as pdf into EN, the OCR data goes with it. So the handwriting stays fully searchable inside of EN. For a start I would suggest to try out more than one, and stick to the program you like the best.
  11. For the Mac there is EN Helper. It installs itself in the menu bar, and can be reached at any time, with or without having EN open. It can be used to quickly grab an idea by typing into a little window. Very useful is the build in screen grabber with a crosshairs selection tool. There is an audio option as well. The helper is activated in the EN clients settings.
  12. Point 2 in your list leads to the conclusion that EN has already registered the new address in one of the attempts to change it. Probably something went wrong, because this address now seems to be locked up. I don’t know whether this can be resolved by you. If you can still log into your account with the original address, maybe try a third one. Or go Premium for one month, and contact support.
  13. En is basically working like a website of the old days. A flow of text and pictures, structured by basic HTML code. Today it would be build out of containers that will be filled with content based on many factors, part of them dynamic (showing a different web site if called from a Mac than the one shown to an Android device). It would utterly complicate EN if this would be incorporated. So it is tables that will duplicate the „containers on a page“ Logic of modern Web design. It is the only way to place items other than one below the other.
  14. For those here who are on blogging, you may take a look at https://postach.io/ The software is made to publish blog posts directly from EN. It may lack some of the advanced functions other blogging tools have, but it is the fastest and easiest way to maintain a steady flow of posts coming right out of EN.
  15. This is from the EN support page: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313338-How-to-change-your-account-login-email-address When you follow it step by step, the change should work.
  16. Most of the stuff listed as "features" can be yours for no money, if you are able to type the letters g-o-g-g-le-.-c-o-m into your browser. It is a well known fact that there are "editors" that promises everybody being published - if you are willing to pay for it. My idea of authoring would rather be to be paid than paying. Plus if I read it correctly, you give away the rights to your project in exchange for "competitive royalties", whatever this means.
  17. If I take a look at the pricing, fast pencil seems to be an initiative to become a poor writer instead of a writer. It seems to offer a product, but my impression it does in fact sell "hope".
  18. AppCleaner is an app, made to clean other apps from a Mac. It is free, and gives you more control over what to erase and what to keep. In some cases you want to keep something, for example settings to make a reinstall easier. In the case of EN, it is important to really clean every piece of software from the Mac, because this is often the cause for continued crashes. The standard trash bin procedure will sometimes not remove this residue, which leads to more crashes even after an uninstall. Checking all positions in AppCleaner will as well remove the data base, so if it has developed problems, they will be removed as well. You can download it for free, for example here: https://freemacsoft.net/appcleaner/ The last weird bit that maybe got stuck somewhere is cleaned out by restarting the Mac after the cleaning.
  19. Oh, a nice basket full of apples. Green, red, some both, yellow - wait, this is orange and has wrinkles ? Yes, it is not an Apple, it is an orange - and all together are fruits. Who said the one and only property of a note taking app is H1, H2, H 3 ? Maybe there is a number of note apps that have it (let’s call them apples), but others don’t (our oranges). Diversity is at the core of competition. Even without headers it can still be the best note taking app for many. H1/2/3 is easily solved, except for those who need STRUCTURE and forgot how to use their word processor.
  20. Did you uninstall using the app AppCleaner ? And if so, did you check all items (you have to scroll down the list in the AppCleaner window and manually check them all) before uninstalling ? Then before reinstall restart your Mac. If you have local notebooks, this will delete them. So before wiping make sure you have a backup of these. Everything else will be copied down from the EN server once you have reinstalled successfully.
  21. I can only guess at the reason - but maybe it was removed from the iOS side. When iOS 13 was released there were significant changes in the „share“ menu and function. Maybe this is related to a different handling of shares in iOS. As I said, this is just a guess.
  22. You can place a limited number of notes into the „favorites“ section. These will always stay on top of all. Another possibility is to use special characters at the beginning of the notes title, and sort by title. Many special characters will be sorted at the beginning.
  23. Personally I mix both. EN is stronger In organizing documents, has a web clipper etc. GoodNotes 5 is better for note taking and note keeping. So my „living notes“ are in GoodNotes, and can be modified there even month later. When a note becomes legacy, and editing is no longer needed, I export into EN where I keep my virtual memory. When I choose the „keep search index“ option on export, the pdf of the handwritten notes will remain fully searchable. For my use case this is the perfect combination between a strong handwriting note taking app and a near-perfect File-and-forget Archive that will retrieve everything I ever dropped in there when I need it. But every use case is different, so if you can do everything you need to do in GoodNotes, why not !
  24. The question is why I should sort my notes ? There are options to sort by several dates, titles etc. But basically I see EN not as a filing machine, it is a finding machine. So I prefer to put stuff on a heap (or haystack) and rely on the search capabilities to find the needle whenever I need to. My main view is usually set to „All notes“ and „actualisation date“, with a few notes marked as favorites for permanent visibility.
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