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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. That's why we told multiple times in the forum to stay logged in, and keep that EN client cut from the internet from that moment onwards. The only chance is to open a support ticket - no idea if they can trick access somehow.
  2. This post is inconsistent. Windows 10.84.3 posted in the subform for Android ? Which OS (there are specific issues on Win11) ? When was the client installed ? For the first time it will be slow due to the ongoing download. Crashing ? How ? I don't run it on Windows, but the desktop version is solid, no crashes on the Mac. I don't remember crash reports from Windows users either. On this last topic you could open a ticket with support. If possible attach an activity log. Make sure it is not your own security software attacking the EN client. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  3. @Feitz No idea what you did to (mis-) configure your Mac. Cmd-Z is Undo in MacOS, and it works exactly as this in EN (10.83.5, and all prior versions) as in all other apps. If it doesn't you have changed it at some point.
  4. Actually it was originally posted in October 2020, right when the new app was released, and legacy deprecated.
  5. Great idea - especially when MS shows this attachment as „Tax Return 2024.pdf“ only, because by default it will not show the file type identifier.
  6. The responses to this tread show how hot the subject is for the forum users: It is at freezing temperature - nothing is boiling here. Beside this the number of EN plugins is short (very short) - I don’t really see why from all possible plugins an AI platform plugin should be the next to be coded. But maybe I am too old schoolish to understand the urgency. At least about this I can feel part of the forum crowd - they seem to ignore the issue as well.
  7. Nobody can be sure what their targets are. Assume it’s anybody - there are cases reported with a few hundred bucks paid to get back the victims family pictures. Apart from the occasional zero day exploit, nearly all cases start with compromising a Microsoft product.
  8. If you claim anything „before / after the update“, it would be helpful to post which version you mean. Talking about screen effects the phone model would make sense as well. The current version is 10.84.2, and I don’t see any zoom effect any more. But of course I run it on an iPhone 15 Pro Max, which is the maximum of screen real estate, resolution and speed. Above is posted an iPhone 12 mini - this is much smaller, and may behave differently.
  9. The first releases of v10 were incomplete, and it was communicated that some features will be added in the course of the next months. This they did, and from roughly 10.20 the features they wanted to move from legacy were more or less done. With Home and Tasks v10 started to go beyond of what legacy ever had.
  10. Instead of ranting about others, what about assisting those with questions yourself ? It would direct your time and energy into something more constructive.
  11. They can’t include into the ENEX file what is not defined for that data format. It has certain limitations, but is still the best available format. You would AFAIK get the same result when exporting from the app itself.
  12. https://github.com/vzhd1701/evernote-backup If you run it automatically, you can even spare that single click.
  13. The ransom gangs are well aware of the fact that any sort of old, not maintained code will still execute on Windows computers. It is the foundation of their disgusting „business“ model.
  14. And why should this be a problem ? You can edit, you can scroll in edit mode, everything works.
  15. @Razmataz It is not inconsistent, this are separate options. It is well known that ENEX misses the notebook information, so there needs to be a notebook assigned in case of the double click. That’s the purpose of having a default. Maybe learn about how v10 behaves, instead of hallucinating a wrong behavior behind every feature.
  16. You seem to be backward with updating in general: Since MacOS Ventura legacy 7.14 lost important functionality: The app only opened in a narrow window any more, and shortly after lost the ability to show pdfs inline. Sure, it was deprecated, so nobody tried to fix it. But it was not the first time legacy narrowly escaped being made obsolete by OS updates. Fun fact: That there IS a version 7 was forced by the fact that Apple removed support for all 32bit code from the OS. That's why they were forced to create that 64bit code version - Windows was stuck at 32bit. A carry over of code from one app to the other was impossible - showing why this app generation as doomed.
  17. As usual you wrote nothing about the abysmal update cycle of legacy - which was a clear sign of a failing company back then, unprofitable and at the brink of being unable to even maintain the existing code. Still believing that beating it harder would have brought new life to the dead horse ?
  18. What you ask for is that the software needs to do everything the way you want it. This will not happen. Treat v10 as the new app it is, a completely rewritten tool to access your data. Learn your ways. Enjoy. Or export your notes, and leave to another app.
  19. We had some vivid discussions when v10 launched. Some features were added over time. But now beside the question why something is still not added (some things are not there for technical reasons, others I assume are resources / sluggishness tradeoffs), anybody asking for something needs to explain why the community of v10 users did without it for 3 years now. My approach is that I explain my use case, and try to think why a feature may be useful for other users as well. Forward arguments, not the backward view „It needs to be added because it was“. I wouldn’t say it is highly effective, but I didn’t find a better strategy yet.
  20. This is the usual self centered posting. It may be these apps do better for YOU. Which doesn’t mean they do anything better for another user, with his own use cases.
  21. If you expect speedier support: We all do. If you expect on the fly fixes for any issue you report, and 24/7 development of features you miss: This will not happen. It leads straight into code hell. We are at least much better off than with legacy, when there were one or two updates in a full year. This meant that any bug fixes needed half a year on average to even show up.
  22. That‘s exactly what is included into the current clients, for me 10.83.5 Mac.
  23. It depends on the entry (both iOS and Mac): 1.Text (without a space) doesn’t convert 1. Text (with a space) converts into a numbered list, with an indent Personally I see it as a convenient way to start a list. Nice is this: If you start with another number, plus a space, the list will start with that number. Works up to 3 digit numbers. The same will happen with typing a - (dash): Dash followed by a space converts into a bulleted list. Dash without a space remains a dash.
  24. @sidorvm talking about fairness: Somebody needs to pay for your free app use. Under the former plans, 1 paying user carried the expenses for roughly 10 non paying user. Let us assume you are one of the 10 users my subscription fees were diverted to. And now, in all fairness you claim: Can you give me one single good reason why MY subscription payment should be used for YOUR continuous free ride ?
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