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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. The rules are this: They may come, may watch, may sometimes share some information. But this is not an official forum, they come and go as they please, and if you need support, you should use the official means. As a Premium user, you have a choice of sending an email or use the chat (unfortunately, no live talking to a person). The official, declared focus of EN for this year is to consolidate the core functions like the search or the editor, and to reduce complexity that has generated through the years leading to 5 different clients for the user interaction. Even if this means that most user requests going further will have to wait, I can live with that. I use the Windows, the Mac and the iOS client frequently, and sometimes the webclient. If these are more alike in the future, I am willing to wait for a lot of other stuff while they work on the redo. There are statements from and videos with the EN CEO explaining all this in greater detail.
  2. Still way to go: iOS 13 will go official sometime late September, when the iPhone release pattern repeats itself. So we can all relax, wait and see. IMHO it depends on how easy it is to implement this feature. I think Apple makes is easy enough on their side. Question is, how easy EN can work around the 1-note-at-a-time strategy so far applied on the mobile devices. As I say, it is wait and see.
  3. Personally I have voted for this improvement. But when I read all this stuff about „if they do not implement this or that, I will quit ...“, to me it always reads like „if I do not like my nail polish, I will have my hand amputated“. Like a little child, standing in front of me and stomping with his/her little feet. Here, take a sweet 😉
  4. I doubt you can type fast enough to create 40% CPU (not even 1% CPU with plain text). If you want to monitor it more closely, you can install something like System Toolkit on your Mac. Probably File Vault is working on the new GBs that came in from the EN server. If this is happening, it should stop soon.
  5. The iPad yes, up to now iOS not, and many apps neither. With my Pro 10.5 / 512 it often feels like driving a Ferrari by putting 4 horses in front of it, sit on the roof and hope Billy the Kid is not waiting around the curb. I just hope that all the new stuff (connect external drives to the iPad, use a mouse or trackpad etc.) will not be restricted to the USB-C iPads only.
  6. For me the iPad is my significantly more important iOS device than the iPhone when EN is in the focus. However, the basic question is whether the app will be allowed / able to open 2 notes simultaneously. If yes, this would be great, not only for split mode, but to have a chance to merge at least 2 notes together in the future on an iPad.
  7. If the editor is enriched by layout now, maybe markdown is not that far down the road. And yes, this is nothing critical, one more step of share / copy-paste, and the markdown environment is there. But is is still one more step, and makes a publishing / blogging workflow less efficient.
  8. Great news, thanks for sharing the insight. As a user of MacWiniOS, having one editor and the same layout everywhere will make life definitely easier. Will markdown editing be part of the new editor, or do we still need an external markdown editor as a link when posting content ? I think that many users collect the raw material for their blog or website in EVERNOTE, so going from there directly into the web manager (WP or other) would facilitate a day-to-day workflow.
  9. If you want to set up a sort of manual sorting, you can set a prefix before the real content. Like Numbers before the notebook title („1_MyNotebook“ will show before „2_ANotebook“, whereas „MyNotebook“ will show behind „ANotebook“) , will then sort following the numbers. You may use symbols to have some notebooks stand out, like „@Inbox“ to have your Inbox notebook always on top of the list. On notes, you can set up an elaborate system of creating titles for the notes, that will contain a lot of searchable information without searching the full notes (search can be restricted to for example just the titles). If you want to group several notebooks together, another option is to use stacks for some logical groups. Like Business, Private, Finances, Family, Blogresearch, Travel, Hobbies etc. You can set the stack a notebook should belong to in the notebook settings. Personally, I do not think that too much sorting will do you any good except complicating your data housekeeping. I personally rely on a) the excellent search function b) tagging and c) not too many notebooks. The more you fracture the information over notebooks, the more often you will have to search „all notebooks“. This will produce more blind hits than a search narrowed down to a single notebook. Check out the Help&Support Pages of the EN Website. They have many articles about best practice and how-to-tips. One is an article about the advanced search syntax that you can use to discover any piece of information dug deep somewhere in your data base.
  10. Voted for it ... Currently, the only way is to share directly, either to other EN users or for a workgroup via shared templates in the business user.
  11. Auto-renewal where ? If your abo with automatic renewal was done using something like the App Store, you have to cancel it there ! This works, I have used it already. They will even give you a few days extra, plus some E-mails asking to rethink your quitting. And you still have (even when you do not want it) a premium account, that gives you full access to support. Go to your account in one of the clients, choose support and submit a support ticket, and there you go. For all users, basic as well, there is the option to contact support on all billing issues through the EN website. All these accesses work ! P.S. There is no need to wait with quitting until the very last moment. You can place an abo with an automatic renewal, and quit it the very next day. You will still be able to use up what you paid for, but you will not have to think about an action months later, just to miss THAT date.
  12. Interesting observation about the spell checking. I have it running as well, with no observable effect on resources usage. Hope you can solve the problem by rebuilding the database.
  13. Updating can create the most stupid situations, I agree. Have you updated through the App Store, or by direct install ? Both say they are 7.10, but the direct version seems to be more sound. Did you try to fix your database ? Hold the option key when opening the Help-menu. Down the menu, in a submenu you will find options to rebuild aspects of the database. Sometimes this will fix things.
  14. See my post above. What OS ? Updated recently ? OS and/or EN-app ? File Vault running ? etc. When I look up EN in the activity monitor, it usually just takes appr. 1% of CPU. No lag at all when typing into a EN note.
  15. To set up some order: Yes, it would be nice if EN notifies a trusted device whenever there is a new account login. Dropbox is doing so, and I feel safer by this. For me, if you say there was a third party login there was a third party login - period. You will know when you entered your account, and if it was not you, it was somebody else. Via VPN, Proxie or TOR does not play a role - however it is well known that the „bad guys“ use these tools to cloak their real location and setup. The foreign Android device entering form the US may well be an automatic data retrieval server running Linux working down a huge account/PW-database with stolen passwords situated in Mongolia, or wherever. They will connect to a network of computers that muddle up the location and hide who is behind it. It is highly unlikely that all of your devices are infected. But if you have malware on your laptop, everything you do there can be reproduced. There is malware that will take a picture of your screen every X seconds while your PC is active. Then even one-time-Code-lists are no longer safe. To exclude this, I would make the security setup from a completely different machine, possibly with another OS and with a browser set to „private mode“ before starting Evernote.
  16. It is not possible if all security measures were properly (!) applied (option 1), or you are the first in a row of breaches to come (option 2). Pick your choice ! If you are not sure whether you applied the measures properly, the best thing would be to get some help by a person that knows how (personal contact or paid professional). If I would have had an intruder, I would rather rebuild account security from scratch, than just changing my PW.
  17. What I do when I run into problems with displayed content on an i-device is different: Open the website, document, etc. If available, on websites I use the reader option Press the share button, select „print“. A print dialog box will open. Select if necessary the page range. Put 2 fingers on the little document in the box, „pinch“ outwards (move both fingers apart) The document will open as a pdf in the standard pdf display Use share again, select Evernote, add information like title, notebook and tags Save, done ! The „clean“ pdf created this way will be OCRed by Evernote It can be post-processed using a pdf editor, like PDF Expert. This works for me in all cases that show problems with other options.
  18. On iOS this is build into the OS itself, and EN just needs to borrow it, like other apps do. A full font Management is not available under iOS. Even apps that have extended functionality like Pages are more restricted than the same app on the Mac. Many others don’t go further than EN, even editors like iAwriter only have smaller/larger functions. What would be more important to me would be an easy way to structure text, like header / subheader / etc. Ideal would be full markdown capability brought into the EN editor on all platforms.
  19. Just tried to provoke a syncing issue on my iPad, by switching flight mode on and off while creating and editing notes. The iOS client is similar to android because it has no full local database and relies on syncing to the web data. No problem at all, the notes stayed marked with a green arrow to show they needed syncing until flight mode was off, but they were always accessible and could be edited, while offline as well as online. Maybe there is something specific to the Android client. So calling in to support should be the next step.
  20. For me there is no need for yet another switch build into the software. It just bloats the GUI and makes troubleshooting more complicated. If I want or need it, I can easily change or disable the hotkeys, as shown above. On the other side the fast clipping function is a useful tool on occasion.
  21. When I tried, it was on a pdf with public access through the www. Just tried again, worked again on a completely different website, as it worked always for me with iOS. There is an issue with pdfs using Firefox on win-desktop, but this is a different story. What does it mean „PDF was simple Bill from one of my accounts“ ? Maybe the issue is with the source.
  22. I think that nowadays most users are multi-device, multi-platform. In my case it is Windows, Mac and iOS. If I had to estimate, I would rank my iOS use way above 50%, the rest split among Win and Mac. But most of my serious editing is done on one of the desktop clients, as the note-by-note approach of the mobile client does not allow for multiple notes transactions like joining, batch moving to target notebooks and multi-tagging.
  23. Dear Ian, dear team, first, the new openness and integration of users is very positive. No company can tell everything, but involving users to get feedback - like in this thread - is always leading to a better product. Second, I like the incremental approach. Much better to improve things in steps, we all can feel, try and comment on, than being promised a big leap whenever (and often never). Third, any focus on the engine that drives EN is very valuable. For me what counts is the reliable, performant structure deep inside, not wet, shiny paint on the surface. Keep up the focus, keep up the drive !
  24. Anybody should be happy to learn that EN has outsourced the data storage to Google (or Amazon, or Microsoft, or ... any other major cloud service). This is common practice today for a lot of companies. It does not mean that Google is handling the data, they just run the data center on which the EN data (which is my data, your data, our data !) is saved and processed. This means the data is super-save, distributed over a number of data centers, backuped to an extend that a single company could most likely not guarantee. If you use the data stored in your EN account professionally, you should think about closing a data processing agreement with EN. For European users with professional data use, this is obligatory under European data protection laws. I did this, with a very professional reaction by EN and without additional cost. Just issue an support ticket, briefly explaining why you want to add this amendment to your account. EN confirms in there that the data will be handled and protected in compliance with the new European data protection laws (which is to my knowledge the strictest ruleset of all G20-countries).
  25. Since the one-time with heavy syncing I have reported above, no more problems. Sync is fast, search is working, switching apps or time-out has no effect on the responsiveness.
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