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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. @BABMy preferred workflow on the iPad Pro to get stuff into Evernote in a controlled way is this: Open the web page Whenever possible, switch to the reader version Tick "share", tick "print". A print window will open. Select the range of pages you want to transfer (in reader view, it is mostly the whole document, in web site view you often have a lot of clutter on the backward pages). Put 2 fingers (best thumb + 1 finger) on the little document shown, pinch outward like you want to open the little preview Bang - the little thing opens - what you have now is a pdf version of the website (in reader mode) Tick on "share" again, select Evernote, change the title if needed, pick a notebook, select tags, save Voila - you now have a clean copy of the website content as a pdf in Evernote - and this pdf you can annotate using your pencil, or whatever. I prefer this way above clipping the page directly. It comes out clean and reliable, can be opened, shared further, annotated etc. The trick to go through the share-print-process does not only work with websites and Safari - you can create a pdf of nearly whatever you have in many apps by this, not only to send it into Evernote, but save or work on it in many other apps (depending of what you have installed on your device).
  2. Usually, when I want the candy bar, I stomp my little feet, and I get it 😂 For me, the videos tell us what to expect - but they open a feedback window as well to tell what we would like. So why not tell what we think would serve our individual one out of thousands of use cases - at the end, every software solution is a compromise between a set of workflows to cover, technical issues and the need to keep the user interface simple, and the software serviceable. I enjoy the clearly communicated strategy, the new openness, and what I see up to now in releases is confirming this feeling.
  3. They sure must be working on iOS 13 already, if they want to have it proven and tested at the official release in September. I hope they will develop an iPad-version as well - to have 2 EN-notes open at the same time in split screen mode would be terrific.
  4. Technically I am not sure if a local encryption could compromise the cloud data. Any encryption used by ransomware today would encrypt the whole file on the PC, not selectively note content, leaving the shell intact. I doubt that such an encrypted file would be still uploadable, and it would not „find“ its server twin to overwrite it. I think ransomware to specifically encrypt an EN database in a way that will foul the server data as well is a pretty unlikely beast. Anyhow, you can go back through note history to a prior-to-encryption note status. Sure, I would rather not want to do this on several thousand notes ... Against ransomware attacks there is currently one proven method: Do backups, do them with sufficient frequency based on how often you change relevant data, and do at least one copy (over several generations) on a disk not permanently connected to your network. As a private user, if you get 3 identical HDDs (or today even SSDs, since they have become cheap(er) than ever), name them 1-2-3 and cycle them through, keeping always 2 of them outside of your house, you will be pretty safe. You do not even need to make a direct backup to these disks - run a proper backup software permanently, for example to a NAS, and backup the backup folders from there to your remote disk. This approach will not only protect against ransomware, but against other disasters like fire, flooding etc. as well. And it will protect all of your data, not only the EN database.
  5. My preference would be on the TOP. Why ? Because if the note is just holding an attachment (like a pdf, as many of mine do), I would rather not like to move around the complete window to find all my elements. At the top, I can today a) modify the note title (spotlight search on the Mac will only find these words) b) enter some short text on top of the attachment as explainer c) set my tags d) select the target notebook. Everything at the moment nice and close together in the control zone. If moved to the bottom, I will have to think about scrapping my precious 32“ display, and go back to something smaller 🤓
  6. @RaeveMy combination is Evernote for the filing, and Things 3 for the follow up / task planning (Mac and iOS only). When you create an external link from an EN note, you can share this directly into a Things note, where it will added to the „notes“-area of the task. The task can be handled completely normal, including repetitive reminders, start dates, deadlines, assignment to a project etc. The original note is always just one click on the embedded link away. This is what it looks like after a link was shared into the Things INBOX (mmmh, planning to bake a cake 😇 )
  7. Would be nice to have for all of us, depending on the use case for sure be very helpful. But I think the world will still be turning, the sun will rise and the birds will sing if it does not happen right now. The priorities of EN are made pretty clear, and it is NOT to push out a load of ill designed, untested and bugged releases. By the contrary, they engage in doing boring stuff like solving a lot of trouble that is within the software we all are using today. I am fine with this approach, even if it means that the multicolor highlighter may be some way down the road, together with other features we all would love to get. But quality over features is o.k. with me. Anyhow, I voted for this feature as well.
  8. Just thinking loud: With 8.21 they explicitly said they made the app faster. Maybe this needs a feature not yet implemented in 13beta. In the millions of rows of code a modern OS will bring along, betas are often lacking some modules, that are still under construction or that do not fit into the new framework. If un- and reinstalling won’t help, you may have to decide between the iOS beta or using the web version of EN for a while. Or try support ...
  9. OK, but 13 is still early beta. Standard procedure with iOS is uninstall and reinstall from the App Store. If this helps in this case depends whether the app is happy within iOS 13, or not. I am not running betas (have to work on my gadgets, and need a reliable platform), so no experience on that. With the 8.20 I had a freezing / unresponsive issue on my ipad. This I had caused myself, because I had set all of my notebooks to offline before. So every time I opened the app, it started to move data from the server. This was visible by the spinning data sync wheel. Since the notebooks are fully downloaded, the problems are gone.
  10. Same client, no problems, neither on iPad Pro nor on iPhone 6S+. Which device are you using ? When you access EN and have the app open, is there a data sync going on (little spinning wheel) ? Do you have offline notebooks, or all just on the server ?
  11. Is it the same thing as in this thread of the forum ? If yes, you should follow this, because it is already worked on by EN staff. Last statement was that a clean reinstall with the latest version would solve it - but there are newer posts on this.
  12. My status about the OS and app versions is the same. No issue at all. Even if you are not aware of it, you are using Keychain ! It is deeply rooted in MacOS. Simply type „Keychain“ into spotlight search, and open the app. I am sure it will show a lot of elements. In mine, among others there is 1 element named Evernote. Probably has to do with the account / password handling of the app within the OS. To me it seems the message you get has more to do with MacOS than Evernote. Have you tried Apple support on this ? There must be a reason why Keychain kicks in.
  13. Personally I prefer GoodNotes 5. But i agree - any good handwriting solution directly going into a note and staying editable would be very nice. Currently I import from GN as a pdf, which means I can annotate the pdf, or have to go back to GN to edit. That works pretty well for static notes, especially because they are searchable (sort of OCRed), but not for ongoing stuff.
  14. Which MacOS version are you on ? Is it the EN client asking for the Keychain, or does it happen when opening the webclipper (there are other threads around about this happening on the webclipper) ?
  15. No experience with Android. The recent iOS issues got sorted out fine. Maybe the same guys are just now working on the Android client (hope so, a lot of forum traffic at the moment is angry stuff about the Android client).
  16. You forgot to state that of course you are quitting your subscription, boycott the company and threat to sue them in a class action of all non-replaceable EN users ... Or did you just have a bad day ? P.S. And of course I have voted in favor of this issue, whatever it will help create.
  17. On my Mac, ver 7.10 stacks are there as they have been since I applied them. This reflects to my iPad (ver 8.21) as well. Screenshot is from my Mac, leftmost column. It is standard that you have to remove a notebook from one stack first, before you can put it into another. One notebook can only be part of one (1) stack at any time. Hint: Even if the App Store and the "free" version are told to be the same, after having some problems with the App Store version I was advised to get the free client for my Mac. Since then, problems were gone. Maybe installing the free client integrates the same software by other means than it happens with the version from the App Store.
  18. I used the EN Moleskine notebooks for a while. On scanning with Scanable, I ran into problems. It seemed the function was only designed for notes that ran over a maximum of 1 page. When I had notes running over more than 1 page, it mixed up pages in the resulting note, the function to hold the lower part of the page private (=create a public upper part, and a full page view including the private notes in the lower part) did not properly work etc. To be restricted on one page only was not up to my note taking, so the smart functions for me were obsolete. Support could not sort things out, they did not seem to have real insight into the product. Finally I skipped using Scanable on the EN moleskine edition, and scanned what I had to scan using ScannerPro on my iPhone. This created normal notes with normal pictures attached. To do this, I do not need to buy a "smart" edition notebook for apps. 30€ per piece. They are very nice, good paper, etc., but you can find similar ones for much less. Currently I am still using up the points included in the Moleskine notebooks I had purchased to pay my Premium account, and that is it. On the German website of Moleskine, the notebooks do still appear, when using the search function. On the US website, the search string "Evernote" draws a blank, on the global one as well. So probably the German entity (and maybe some others) are still selling them off. There are 2 versions, one with smart stickers, the other without. Who is interested may give it a try - I assume they ship globally, as long as they have anything left to ship.
  19. If it is just to have it out of the view, you can create a stack called something like ZZZ_Archive, and put it there. The "ZZZ" will move the stack to the very bottom of the stacks & notebook list, and you can hide as many notebooks in there as you wish, resp. as EN allows. But they will still be there, and be visible in other views, and cluttering things up. If it is a notebook shared to you from another person, probably you will not be able to remove it without support from EN. Either try the Twitter address above, or go for one month to premium, which will allow you to contact support directly.
  20. Nice presentation. And good to give some of the applause to the guys who oil the wheels behind the scene.
  21. Seems they are busy to produce the next video - came out right now, about the „invisible“ EN that provides all the service. And yes, more interaction would be good.
  22. No, it is not. This is why I opened my statement with „For many purposes ...“. This is a Voting thread, and HTML-capacity would work both ways, up and down. For uploading, markdown would do in may cases.
  23. For many purposes, a markdown editor will do as well. Especially when the result is to be uploaded as blog posting. EN can still serve as archive.
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