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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. No idea. On my MacBook Pro EN is completely silent, only taking up a small fraction of available CPU. It only spikes when I put load on it, like searching or other jobs. Could you be more specific on MacOS, EN version, if it was installed directly or from the AppStore, and the Mac you’re using (model, year, CPU, RAM).
  2. No, just making sure you understand. Since I do not know how good your IT-background is, I better explain more than less.
  3. If you know which phone is which, you can take it off selectively. If you do not know it, you take both off, and reopen EN on the phone you are going to use. Because normally there is not much data saved on the phone, it really makes not that much of a difference.
  4. Yes, it is the same on the iPad - if you have „Automatic“ switched off. If you have „Automatic“ toggled to „ON“, it is only Dark or Black. The basic setting is then following the iPads own cycle. IMHO this makes sense, because when the other apps are set to day or dark mode, Things is following them. You do not fall from a dark environment into a bright app, or vice versa. Back to the topic: EN does not allow to toggle it on to off, so it simply follows the iPads settings.
  5. If you read the post of Ian Small, they were well aware of it. But they were obviously caught by surprise that Safari 13 was released before Catalina.
  6. Things in iOS 13 follows the iPad settings as well. It lets you switch between „Dark“ and „Black“, but not between on and off.
  7. EN is set up to be a file storage, among other things. Usually it will save the file, as an attachment. The little preview picture is just internal to help you find the correct note. So if you want to save a picture instead of the file, you have to produce it. On a Mac this will be a screenshot. Make it, let it drop on your desktop and drag it into the EN note where you want to save it.
  8. In my case it does not always seem to remember, especially on Safari. I think this is due to the general security settings of Safari, that are pretty tight. So if on rare occasion I enter the web client twice, I have to go through 2FA. This can be disabled somehow in the Safari settings (tracking or somewhat, my Mac is still down). No need to complain, better be safe than sorry.
  9. It seems they were happy to have the EN app still executing under iOS / iPadOS 13. I have not found any significant use of the new possibilities by the EN app yet (I mean, beside the dark mode ...). What I am missing most is the possibility to open the app twice in split-mode side-by-side, working on 2 notes at the same time, allowing for copying and pasting between them. Probably there is quite a way to go before we see real progress.
  10. From how I understand iOS, all apps are requested to use the light / dark mode settings of the OS to switch this on and off. In the settings I have not found an option to toggle it independently.
  11. Then where is the problem ? Simply create your own template, save it under your templates, and use it. Or save it as a note, from which you draw copies whenever you create something using the template. A good tool to create a sort of template may be Excel, where you can create the dates / months using the calendar calculation abilities build into the program. Or scan a 2020 calendar from any source and load it as a pdf.
  12. Upgrading to Premium is never a bad idea 😉 If you want to do without it, use the web client through a browser. This is never counted as a device. In the web client, go to your account, find the devices and delete the old computer from it. By this you liberate the slot for the new computer.
  13. Your computer - 1 Your iPhone "The Mage's iPhone" - 2 Your same iPhone "Skynet" - 3 - oooops, 1 too much Take out both phones - 1 free Put back one of the phones - none free Delete the computer - 1 free ... I think I still get the math, although if we continue it may get confusing. Let us say your initial problem was solved, and you can now go on to optimize your setup. Have fun using EN !
  14. This is pure speculation. If you want to know more, you should probably issue a support ticket : Apples own reminders app has changed a lot with iOS 13. Maybe these changes are not in sync with the actual EN app. You are correct, no EN among the apps in the messages settings. The only EN app setting to show reminders is to send yourself an E-Mail. Since I use Things 3 for my tasks and reminders, I personally have no problems with missing reminders out of EN directly. But probably it is an issue for many users.
  15. Up to my knowledge no way. But you could use an app like Magnet to split the screen and keep selected open windows side by side.
  16. Fine - we will not discuss if „Skynet“ should be crushed right now ... Since you now should have one device free, you can log your iPhone in again, and should be able to use it.
  17. Since I have no limitation, I have more devices on my account. I just looked up how my new iPhone does register there. I restored it from a full copy via iTunes when I switched devices last week. It seems they use an unique identifier stored by EN on the device, not a device finger print. In the account page it says I am registered with my iPhone since quite a while, although this was obviously my old iPhone. So probably this identifier was copied on to my new phone, together with all the other data and settings. If you have 2 iPhones on your account, and own only one, you should be able to find out which is which, and delete the obsolete one from your account.
  18. We all hope Web Clipper will return to work as soon as possible under Safari to the Mac. As long as it is missing, there is a workaround using a new feature of Safari under iOS 13. It is working much better in keeping the original page view than the "Export to pdf ..." menu item in Safari 13 on my Mac. Open the page in an iOS device. Make a screenshot (home button: Press on-switch and home at the same time, Face-ID: Press Side-button and volume-up at the same time). Then pick "full page" to the right on top of the screen shot page that is showing. This will create a pdf of the full website you are viewing, not only the part that shows in your screen. You can save it to a folder in the "Files App". If you have this folder inside of your iCloud-Drive, it will share within a few moments into the iCloud-Drive of your Mac for further action. Unfortunately on my iPhone there is currently no option to share the pdf directly into Evernote. This does not replace WebClipper, but does allow to pick pretty accurate pdfs of websites as long as it is missing.
  19. You can always enter your account via the web client of Evernote. This does never count as a "device". I think the ID of your device should be independent from the name you choose, although I have never tried this.
  20. Moin, das Forum läuft (weitgehend) in English, gerne auch in „broken“. Some will read and understand, and the rest will have some fun trying to translate.
  21. Currently the only workaround seems to be to use another note app (like Apple notes, GoodNotes etc.) to be used in split mode like a parallel scratchpad, and move the result into EN. This is absolutely unsatifactory ! PS. Both apps mentioned above already support multiple windows. Apple notes does it from the OS release, GoodNotes released the side-by-side feature directly after iPadOS 13 was available. Seems they made their homework in due time.
  22. Can you specify what you mean by „not working“ ? It works for me, on iPad and iPhone. There are 2 things that will not convert: The preview thumbnails, and any document attached like a pdf. These bring their own set of brightness data. But this is the same in other apps - in fotos you will not see the picture taken in bright sunlight suddenly in night mood etc.
  23. If you click on a notebook in the left panel, you only see notes in there. If you click on a tag in the tag list, you only see notes carrying this tag. If you use the search function, you only see notes that comply with the searched items. etc.
  24. I am a big fan of machines that are brighter than I am, but if they start to fiddle with my EN data, there is just one answer: HASTA LA VISTA, BABY !
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