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Vincent Noel

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Community Answers

  1. I'm trying to include in a note a link to a note in another app, Agenda. This link is provided through an URL that begins with agenda:// as is common among applications that allow linking to their content (I believe Evernote has its own evernote:// system) Unfortunately, when I try to link to such a URL in Evernote, Evernote does not recognize anything starting with agenda:// as a URL. It looks like Evernote only allows links to http urls (and Evernote urls I guess). it would be very convenient if Evernote would allow linking to application specific URLs, such as those that begin with agenda://
  2. Say you have the main Evernote window opened, with an active search. If you drag-n-drop a file on the Evernote icon in the Dock, in order to import the file as a new note in Evernote, nothing happens right away. You have to first exit search mode by clearing the search field for the file import to activate. Once you do that, a new window pops up with the file within, as expected. I would expect that drag-n-dropping would activate the file import right away.
  3. I often leave Evernote opened at the end of the workday. Often on my last opened search. When I come back in the morning, Evernote is still running but is non-responsive in some weird ways. For instance it is often impossible to switch to another existing note: the note pane remains blank. If I quit Evernote and relaunch it, everything goes back to normal.
  4. On my iPad, scrolling the note list in Card view leads to the preview content of the card jumping around, which is very disorienting and does not help at all locating a desired note. See attached. Same thing is happening on my iPhone in card view. This has happened since Evernote 10.0, and the video is from Evernote 10.2 (1108075).
  5. Today I drag-n-dropped a keynote file into an Evernote note, as I've already done many times in the previous < 10.0 Mac version of Evernote. Evernote v.10.3.7 told me I can't import this file type, please try zipping it before importing (see first screenshot, in French but you get the idea). Zipping my file would prevent me from opening the file directly from Evernote, which is what I usually do. I *know* it is possible to import keynote files within Evernote as I have plenty of notes with this type of file (see the other screenshot). I can open such .key files just fine from the notes where they exist, but apparently I can't create new ones. Please fix this by allowing us to import any type of file in Evernote.
  6. FYI I sometimes rethink the organisation of my notebooks and when that happens I move tons of notes from one notebook to another (for instance merging or splitting notebooks). Moving hundreds of notes from one notebook to another has never been a problem in previous versions of Evernote. A related problem is that since you can't select more than 50 notes at a time, you can't act on all the notes at once within a specific notebook. This is actually quite frequent if you want to tag plenty of notes at once.
  7. I had just clicked on a notebook in the sidebar and tried to select all notes by hitting cmd-A. This selected the text of the entire window, including the interface text. To select all notes I had to first select a note -- at that point cmd-A worked as it should, and selected all the notes.
  8. Hey all, I tried to move > 100 notes from one notebook to another. Only 50 notes were moved. It looks like there is a limit on the number of notes that can be moved in one go. This looks like a regression from version < 10.x. In addition, the interface does not make clear at all that only 50 notes are going to be moved. This can lead to problems.
  9. IPadOS, last evernote. I have an inbox notebook and 4 stacks. In the sidebar, where the stacks should be there is a large blank section.
  10. Is this still the right place to be informed about new Evernote Mac betas? There's been more than 2 months since the last beta. Are things happening somewhere else?
  11. This looks like a really well thought out feature. The implementation appears very solid. I can’t wait to use it. Kudos to everyone that worked on this. Also thanks for making the design process public, I really enjoy this series.
  12. The Evernote editor is already very powerful and flexible (on the mac), these changes look like nice improvements. The checkbox/outlining stuff is great. Nice!
  13. I too find the focus on the web version scary. Right now what I find most useful in Evernote compared to other notes offering is : extremely fast -- I can scroll through *all my notes* with virtually no lag on my mac, there are > 2500 notes. an informative overview layout -- in the Expanded Card View all my notes appear as thumbnails of what's inside, including images/PDFs and file icons for all the rest. In fullscreen I can show a 11 x 6 grid of notes = 66 notes. This is very helpful when trying to understand what is where. The current evernote web shows ~11 notes at a time, with no thumbnail. I can put any kind of file in an evernote note, even when evernote does not understand the file format (e.g. netCDF files). Evernote will not complain I can open several notes at the same time in their own window from the main evernote window, for instance to access multiple reference notes at the same time. This is hard to do from web-based solutions like Notion or the evernote web version Anything that quicklook understands is previewed in an evernote note, including powerpoints, keynotes, excel files. Unless I'm mistaken, all of these advantages are lost when switching to the current web-based solution.
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