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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. You can manually change the creation date and time in hte note information window. You get to that from the three dots menu at the top right of your note or with the keyboard shortcut ctrl-shift-I Just click on the date field.
  2. I would be really interested in whether people who use EN to implement GTD can cope with the time lag between adding or deleting a tag and that change being searchable or filterable.
  3. I don't really understand this comment. Why should the title of the note appear when you copy an internal link? Are you saying that when you paste the internal link the title does not appear - that is certainly not my experience. Please clarify.
  4. Dragging and dropping the windows shorcut file (extension .lnk) does not embed the document only the windows shortcut file. These normally weigh in at about 4kB.
  5. I loved that functionaility. For me they would need to solve the selecting all child tags issue first as that has stopped me using the sidebar to do tag selection at all. You might be interested in my summary of all the problems with search/filter, a good proportion of which relate to tags.
  6. The new shortcut is ctrl-backspace. Not nearly as convenient as Del but an alternative to edit -> delete or right click move to trash Some of these things are already available through the advanced search syntax. That hasn't changed at all with the new version. see https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828-How-to-use-Evernote-s-advanced-search-syntax Date ranges are now very easy to filter on in the new version while they required the search syntax on the old version. Proper Boolean search would be great to add to your list of things you can't currently do in search like regex. I also wished it felt and acted like a proper Windows program. I worry thet the speed will never be acceptable. Shortcuts are currently a mess but presumably a fairly easily fixable mess.
  7. It appears I was a little bit too definitive. You can sometimes add a notebook after adding a tag. Whether you can add a notebook depends on whether it comes up in the suggested filters. Typing the name of the notebook doesn't help. You are completely dependent on the suggested filters. The filter suggestions are always relevant ie don't include filters which would find notes that are not included in the search results so far. The algorithm that generates the suggestions doesn't always seem to deliver the suggestions I would expect (which is a small step away from saying that it generates a random selection from all the possible relevant filters!). The way of defeating the algorithm of course, is to use the search syntax, even after having already selected a filter.. So notebook:mynotebookname always delivers the goods.
  8. You can export a notebook so depending on how many you have that might be a useful option.
  9. I agree that removing tags is no longer very quick. Arguably the fastest way of removing tags in the legacy version is to hover over the tag and click the cross. Now you have to hit the down arrow and then remove tag for each one. A version of Alt-ctrl-T still exists but it is only available when the focus is on a note in the note list not when you are editing a note. I hope that will change. The menu command (note -> edit tag) is accessible in both contexts. It probably isn't easy to use in the way you describe either. In my opinion the new edit tags menu has potential but still needs quite alot of improvement.
  10. I also note that the location field is no longer in the note information. At the moment you can still search for a location using the search syntax (I know that isn't what the question asked) but whether that has a long term future is probably in doubt.
  11. I can reproduce this behaviour. While it finds notes containing either words it normally only highlights the words in the note if both words together. That's not much help, just an observation. I know the search is trying to be clever and perhaps a little more fuzzy than we are used to. However I would have thought that the two words next to each other would put it at the top of the list when sorted by relevance. Overall I would expect phrases in quotation marks to be searched for as a unit - like in every other search I have ever used!
  12. Agree completely. I assume you were doing this from the sidebar. I have so many issues with tags in the sidebar. I have a hierarchical tag structure and clicking a tag selects all the child tags as well. So only notes which contain the parent and every single child tag are selected. This makes it pretty much useless for me.
  13. That's really weird. Starting from All Notes I've just done: notebook:@inbox any: tag:MyMeadow tag:$current Which looks identical to your search string. I got: Which is exactly what I would expect
  14. I think many of us would be fascinated to know what is now faster for you. The general mood in the forum is that everything is slower - both in the number of clicks/key strokes needed and the time taken for any action to complete.
  15. You might want to vote for this thread. While I'm keen for a road map I am slightly worried that the speed issues are fundamental to some decisions made about how EN operates. I am not prepared, long term, to wait for seconds for the simplest operation to complete. Add to that the lag between changing notes and that change being reflected in search (e.g. for tags). We have seen improvements in speed over the preview and beta stages but I need adding a tag to 10 notes to be 10 or 100 times faster. Is that realistically going to happen?
  16. Can't sort on any of the extra columns you can access in the list view which does somewhat reduce it's usefulness. Sorting by tags was a great quick and dirty way of spotting notes which don't have tags without having to use the advanced search syntax. Given that tags are now listed in the order you added them and not alphabetically, sorting by tags might not give you the desired results.
  17. I am still very concerned at the speed of any multiselect action. e.g adding a tag to a number of notes, merging etc. It seems not to be linear but take much longer than n x the time for one. I think you are right it's doing it on the cloud. Simply adding a text string ten times to a local database could not possibly take over 10 seconds.
  18. No great surprise there. I'll add it to the list of errors, omissions and things that simply don't work in keyboard shortcusts.
  19. Just tried again with two webclip screen shots from a different website and get the same behaviour. I also noticed that the behaviour was exactly as @agsteele describes. It initially looks OK but when you click to another note and come back to it the second screenshot has gone. I've messaged you separately about the 10.2 beta.
  20. I had two notes each containing a screen shot obtained using the EN webclipper. Each note simply had a title and an image. Merging the two notes retained the titles and the image in the first note but discarded the second image.
  21. When I simplify and make editable or I use simplified article from the clipper I get a line at the top which says Clip source in bold followed by the link. I'm more concerned by weblinks for things like pdfs and screenshots where the url is only in the note information. If you merge several of these notes together you lose all but one of the urls because there is no option to include it in the header of each note anymore.
  22. Completely agree. This has been raised alsewhere. Certain actions lead to the loss of the note list with no easy way of getting it back. They tend to be some sort of shortcut to a single note. So as well as your examples clicking a goto suggestions within search also looses the notelist. Thakfully clicking an internal note link in a note doesn't display this behaviour. I can't decide whether it is a bug or by design (that's a bit of a feature of the new EN!). Given that there is no way to deliberately hide the note list I'm hoping it is a bug.
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