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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. Looking at your screen shot that isn't the latest web interface either! You should have been automatically updated unless you have a lots of notes in which case I understand that people aren't being updated yet.
  2. You will notice from the announcement that it says: You appear to be using the legacy version
  3. If you select the tag you can just press delete. You can do this using just the keyboard using F3 to get into the tagging area and the arrow keys to move through the tags You are correct - this is the behaviour in the legacy version. There was a statement by an EN employee some time back that this was being looked at but nothing since This has been raised before but no information as to whether it is being looked at.
  4. You don't say which platform you are using. On the desktop versions you can arrange the note list view using the icon to the right of the filter.
  5. That works too but clicking the blue text is one less click!
  6. In Wundows: Do your search as normal. Below the title of "search results" there is blue text saying Save search. Click that and type in the name you want for the search. There is also a tick box to add it to the shortcuts
  7. In the Windows desktop version at least the link is initially plain text but when you then add any other character or press return it converts it into a link. However if you press any character and then immediately paste your link it is not recognised as a link so is not converted. The most obvious way of using this would simply be to put all links in brackets. <open bracket><ctrl-V><close bracket> Alternatively just put a character like underscore or period before pasting the link. Simply removing the link is problematic as it's very easy for it to appear again.
  8. For me dragging a tag from the sidebar onto the note in the note list or dragging the note from the notelist onto the tag in the sidebar both work. 10.15.6-win-ddl-beta (2691) Editor: v125.1.16140 Service: v1.36.3 © 2019 - 2021 Evernote Corporation. All rights reserved
  9. I completely agree. I need the individual URLs from the notes so I can go back to the source. I some cases the URL is already in the body of the note so there is no problem. However in other cases the only record of the URL is in the note URL field and as you say only one is retained. This and problems with merging notes containing images means I am currently not merging notes using V10
  10. Seems to work OK for me. Do both the tag and notebook "lozenges" appear at the top of the note list?
  11. The only EN shortcuts that are supposed to work outside of EN are the so called "global shortcuts". These can be changed or disabled from the keyboard shortcut menu. (help -> keyboard shortcuts)
  12. That's the menu I get if I use the three dots menu for my default notebook. ie no option to make it the default notebook (because it already is) and "delete notebook" greyed out (because you can't delete the default notebook). I would try changing it on the web version and also raising a support ticket.
  13. More detail of what exactly you are doing would be helpful. Your post says literally that if you just copy a cell (how?) a new note is created. Is this really what you meant? The only think I can think of is that you are using the alt-ctrl-V global shortcut which will create a new note from the contents of the clipboard wherever you are in Windows. This shortcut can be changed or disabled in the shortcut menu (ctrl-/ or help -> keyboard shorcuts).
  14. You are right that you can't filter by notebook stack. However you can still search by notebook stack using the advanced search syntax. stack:my_stack_name Enclose the stack name in quotation marks if it contains spaces So for example stack:my_stack_name evernote Would bring up all the notes in the stack called "my_stack_name" containing the word "evernote". Alternatively if you click on a note stack in the sidebar the view is then of all the notes contained in that note stack. You can then filter as desired for whatever you want.
  15. Difficult to answer without knowing which platform you are using. On the desktop versions there are left and right arrow icons at the top of the sidebar.
  16. In my experience you can decide what view you want to open in by doing the following: Go to the desired view Completely close down EN using either File -> Quit Evernote or quit EN from the elephant icon. Do not just close Evernote using the X. Check that the elephant icon in the task area has gone. Next time you open EN it will remember the last view
  17. And for completeness you can also use help -> keyboard shortcuts. With three ways of accessing the list of keyboard and auto-formatting shortcuts I don't think EN can be accused of hiding it!
  18. Very strange. Have you tried the web version? I would definitely submit a support ticket.
  19. I can't reproduce this. As you know EN groups according to whatever criteria you chose to sort by. Is there any way this has accidentally changed to title and all your note titles start with a U?!
  20. Best way to get started is to either insert a calendar event using the blue + insert menu in a note or take a look at the calendar widget on home. When you do one of those it will ask for permissions to access your google calendar.
  21. I guess I normally circumvent the issue by filing the note after I've finished working on it.
  22. If I attempt to save a new template everything appears to go OK with appropriate messages to say that it has been created. When I then create a new note and open the template gallery the new template view icon is blank. Clicking it leads to the appropriate message (Note crerateed from...) but the note remains the same and does not include the content. Existing templates work fine. The web version works exactly as expected and new templates can be saved. Anybody else able to replicate this? 10.15.6-win-ddl-beta (2691) Editor: v125.1.16140 Service: v1.36.3 © 2019 - 2021 Evernote Corporation. All rights reserved UPDATE. It appears in some circumstances I get part of the template saved. For example in one case text followed by a table saves the text but not the table
  23. I actually quite like the treatment of plain text files. It stays as plain text and yet I can see and search it in EN. If I want to edit it I can use my preferred editor. The ability to keep html files as an attachment is another change that I personally welcome.
  24. It would be helpful to say which platform you are using. I'm guessing from the context it is a mobile device. In general it seems to be easier to bypass the home screen in the desktop or web versions 😞.
  25. 13 years ago web pages were much simpler with basic html and none of the bells and whistles associated with modern web pages. May be the web pages you want to clip are still relatively simple in which case I sympathise. My experience is that the old way of doing things routinely messed up the formatting while the new system is better albeit with the significant disadvange of not being able to even highlight text.
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