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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. Well obviously I'm just an idiot rather than somebody who is trying to help. So explain it to me. Why is so different from what you can do in an EN checklist (or numbered list or bulleted list)? You also use the words "checkbox" and "checklist" as if they are the same thing which in Evernote they are not.
  2. Or even use an emoji style icon which is easier to see and can also easily be searched for
  3. While the official search syntax documentation says that this does not work I have found that -notebook:notebook_name works fine. Will probably not work on legacy versions.
  4. Or widening this to provide a hotespot which could link to anything. Particularly a note link.
  5. The import folder was released in the release before last (10.16). Other than that there are some functions involving multiple notes that do not work on the web. I don't think issues about images only being a link when copied and pasted from a website into a note have been resolved in the web version. Obviously no offline access at all. I generally agree though. The web version provides 95% of the what the desktop has so if you are happy with it you might as well use it.
  6. There is a word count in the note information window (ctrl-shift-I) but it certainly doesn't include any of your preferable features.
  7. I agree that would be useful -filtering tasks by a tag in the containing notes. Of course you can already filter your notes by both the tag and whether they contain a task which is also helpful. It gives you the taks but they are obviously burried in the notes. Useful to see context but lacks the simplicity of the tasks view.
  8. I generally agree with you especially the "Hide unassigned tags" and the need to scroll. It is however quite possible to do the whole process from the keyboard using the arrow keys and the space bar. The ability to have the tags listed in their hierarchy or alphabetically would be nice. Provided you can remember the first character (not always straightforward if you sometimes begin with punctuation characters etc) typing the first character in the add tag area of the note gives you an alphabetical list. Again you can do the whole thing without your hands leaving the keyboard.
  9. In V10.16.7 on Windows a new note looks like this for me: "Add more" allows you to add some more template "buttons" directly to the screen (like "reading List") so that when you click it it adds that template to the note. The function is of limited use as it only includes 9 EN generated templates. To add one of my own templates or one of EN's other templates I need to use Open Gallery. For me this always opens on the "My Templates" tab.
  10. I agree. With the formatting options (large header, medium header etc) with an associated h tag in the html it should now be quite easy to hyperlink to a particular heading even if not to a specific line.
  11. The only way I know of circumventing this is to manually create the links. This is probably as much work as going into the vedeo preview and changing it to a link. For the record either of these work on Windows. The shortcut method or the markdown method. I assume you just want the link to appear as the url but you can have whatever text you want. ctrl-K <tab> ctrl-V <enter> OR [](ctrl-V) <enter> (You do need the regular brackets around the url
  12. The annoying thing is that this worked perfectly well in previous verions of V10. It is a recent problem. The same happens on the web so it is fundamental search problem. It is sad when EN start breaking things that worked when they bring out a new release.
  13. I also hope this will get fixed. The workaround on Windows is to create a Windows shortcut to the file or folder you want to link to. Then attach the windows shortcut to your note (e.g. by dragging and dropping it into the note). It works well for me but obviously you cannot have it inline as it is an attachment and demands space! Tables work well though:
  14. You may have made a typo but the correct shortcut is alt-ctrl-L not ctrl-L Dragging a note into a new note to create the link has actually been available for a while - at least the previous version - despite the coming soon that @agsteelepointed out. I agree that the default should be the app link with perhaps a modifier key to use when dragging if you want the web version.
  15. Wouldn't the creation of password protected notebooks be an admission that the password protection of the overall app is not good enough?
  16. This is very strange and worrying. -tag:XYZ still works when you type in a search but not for a saved search. To give an example the search tag:R -tag:+* is supposed to bring up all notes tagged with R but not containing tags starting with +. It works as expected: Note how the tag:R is not converted into a lozenge. Using the previously saved search for this gives the wrong results: A random selection of notes. Not even all the notes that contain the R and a tag beginning with + .This used to work in V10 Saving the search that did work leads to the same faulty saved search. Something very strange here. As expected I get the same behaviour on the web version. Definitely a bug.
  17. I believe you can accept the answer as the solution. Try the three dots menu at the top right of my answer.
  18. EN seems to expect anything pasted into the add tag area to be a fully formed tag and not an addition to what is already there. This may be related to the fact that you can paste a list of comma separated tags directly into this field and EN parses them into separate tags. The work around is to use the edit tags menu (alt-ctrl-T). It's not a great name because you can add tags as well. If you paste into the search box it adds to whatever is there and then allows you to add further characters before creating the new tag. Here I typed "@", then pasted "everything" and finally typed "_"
  19. When you merge in V10 there is the option in the merge dialogue box under advanced options to keep the original notes so you don't have to retrieve them from the trash. My preferred option would be either to create a TOC as has already been suggested or simply to tag the notes with the same tag. Clicking on the tag in sidebar (or filtering by or searching for the tag) would give you an automatic list of the notes you want grouped together.
  20. Very strange. It appears to have worked for me. I have had other unrelated strange results using intitle:. It may be an indexing issue so worth checking back a bit later. Otherwise I would raise a support ticket.
  21. There are a number of options. I also think it is stange that stacks don't appear in the filter menu. Here are some ideas: Start by cllicking on the appropriate stack. You have then effectively prefiltered on that stack and you can add further filters as required. However you can't search and then filter in this way Use the advanced search syntax (quotation marks only required if there are spaces in the stack name) stack:"stack name" Have a naming convention for your notebooks eg work_item1 and home_item2 etc. Then search for notebook:home_*
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