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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. @ph.w., the people you are ranting at and insulting here are other Evernote users like yourself, not Evernote staff (who only drop in occasionally). This is a peer-to-peer forum. It is not fun to take one's own time to look in on a forum and see if someone can use some advice, only to get yelled at about someone else's supposed incompetence.
  2. To vote for this suggestion, click the upward-pointing arrow at the top of this page.
  3. @Andrew1956, I just opened a .docx file on my Android phone using the default editing app for such files, made a change, and saved the file (with a new name). I then had to attach this new document to the note manually, which was somewhat cumbersome since I had to find it in order to attach it. But I did succeed, and when I synced the note and checked it on my PC, the new, edited document was there. It's not a perfect system, since you can't simply edit the attachment and have the edits automatically appear. I guess these limits are necessary for Evernote to work within the Android system. But it can be done. I don't know how this compares with OneNote, though.
  4. Welcome to the forums, Pastor. I certainly understand the problem. (I still print out my sermons, in 14-point Arial, 2.5-spaced!). But please note the message posted immediately before yours (May 1)--it may be that Evernote is not ignoring the issue, but just trying to get font sizes to work right across all those platforms at the same time.
  5. @Carl-L-ND, many thanks for pointing this out! I've been using that version of the Android app for awhile, including the formatting bar, and I totally overlooked the line! I needed it just this morning, and had to copy/paste from another instance of the line elsewhere in the note (with the attendant copy/paste formatting issues). Never again! Feeling so "d'oh!" . WRT the original request, for a time/date stamp, I wonder if there is an Android OS issue that makes this harder to do. I realize that I don't have any other apps on my phone that can do this either (e.g., a doc editor, S-Note, Color Note). Are we asking something of Evernote that is not realistic on Android? If anyone knows anything about this (e.g., an app that does insert time and/or date), please chime in!
  6. Hello, @Hisham7, and welcome to the forums. This is a problem that has been raised frequently by users writing in a number of right-to-left languages. I gather that at one time it did work (it's interesting to hear that it worked a couple of months ago; most people have been missing it for much longer than that). I would like to do some right-to-left typing sometimes, and it's very frustrating that Evernote has not made this a higher priority. Obviously, it has to be implemented in a different way for each platform. But the requests have been piling up on all platforms. Here is a sample:
  7. @Bye_H8er, welcome to Evernote, and to the forums! I can see your screenshot fine. It looks similar to what I see when I use the Web version of Evernote. There's no microphone or paper clip; the only way to add an attachment is to drag it onto the note. However, what you're describing ("a microphone icon or a paperclip button in the formatting bar") sounds more like the freestanding Evernote app or program. Attached below is a screenshot from the program on my Windows desktop. Note the microphone icon (red arrow; for recording audio) and paper clip (green arrow; for adding attachments). That's what you're looking for. There are versions of Evernote for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and I guess Chrome OS, since you found it in the webstore. Be sure you're running the app you downloaded, not the version in the Web browser. (I know zip about Chromebooks, so I hope that actually makes sense on your machine!) Hopefully you'll see the mic icon there.
  8. I haven't tried it very much, but I've found Evernote's automation of business card scanning to be somewhat hit-or-miss. It often has to do with the formatting of the card. If it's portrait rather than landscape, for instance, or has an unusual layout, or is two-sided, there can be issues. IOW, if a business card is designed in any interesting, post-1959 fashion, EN may have problems with it. Again, in my very limited experience.
  9. How is that an alternative solution to the problem(s) in this thread (especially since this is the Android forum, and EN Sticky Notes is a Windows program)? Looks like marketing spam. Reported.
  10. I'll probably regret this, but I'm chiming back in too. Obviously everyone has to decide what works best for them and what, if anything, it's worth monetarily. I wouldn't consider an all-Microsoft solution, because in my work I have no use for Excel and barely for PowerPoint, and I have a much better writing tool than Word (expensive, but non-subscription). My Evernote Premium subscription auto-renewed a couple of weeks ago for $59.99. This is a 33% increase over the earlier Premium subscription price ($45/year), and presumably it will go up to the standard $69.99 in 2018. Nevertheless, I find that I can afford the payment, and it feels worth the money to me for my way of working. I'm paying about $1.15/week for constant access to notes and the ability to create new ones wherever I may be. Next year it will be $1.35/week. Broken down in that way, it doesn't seem so much. Looked at another way, the percentage increase over the earlier price seems high because the earlier price was actually too low. As a writer, I pay $35/year for a subscription to the Chicago Manual of Style online, and $30/year to subscribe to the online Merriam Webster Unabridged Dictionary, and I use these much less often than Evernote. Moreover, I am given to understand that some people consider it worthwhile to pay for multiple cups of coffee per week in order to get free WiFi to do their work. Evernote is cheap by comparison. It's all a matter of what you want it for and how you use it.
  11. Good find on user.dic. I'll keep that in mind--it might let me import my customized dictionaries from Nota Bene and Scrivener. I would doubt that they sync, if only because spell checking is not available on all platforms--not on Android and the Web version, for instance. Of course, WRT the latter, if your browser has an editable user dictionary for it's spellcheck, you could blend the two.
  12. There may be something funky on that page. When I tried to load it, I thought it had crashed my browser. It took a loooong time to load up, but it finally did. I clipped it, but EN only got the first picture and the last two.
  13. Hmm. The general way Evernote works is that a note on your laptop is synced to the EN servers so that you can then access it on your phone, tablet, desktop, on a public computer, etc. There should not be a difference between a local version of the note and the synced/server version, unless, as you say, you've worked on the note without Internet access. Once you have access again, the note should sync automatically. At any rate, I would assume that the Ctrl+Copy Note Link method would create a usable link to a still-unsynced note as it exists on your laptop even without net access. Forgive me for being pedantic, but are you sure you're holding down Ctrl while selecting Copy Note Link? If you don't, then indeed the link you get might not work while you're offline. Sorry if I'm being dense; I'm just a little confused about the scenario.
  14. Hi @Adrian46, and welcome to the forums! At the moment, the problem is that this is the Android Help forum rather than Windows Help, and the instructions offered earlier were for the Android app. (Evernote's interface looks quite different on different platforms.) But given what you've said, I think the following should work for you. In the Note List (the middle column) in the Evernote Windows program, click on the note you want to link to and open the Note menu (or just right-click the note). Hold down the Ctrl key and select Copy Note Link. Holding down Ctrl produces a link of the form evernote:///view/12345678/blah-12345-blah/ and puts it on the Windows clipboard. This is a link that will open the Evernote program (if it's not visible) and open the note in question in its own window. Then it's just a matter of creating a shortcut on the desktop and pasting this link into it. It's the evernote:///view/ at the start of the link that is essential. Hope this is what you need.
  15. Don't forget to click the up arrow at the top of this page to vote for the request.
  16. Glad it worked for you on Windows. I agree that this is something that ought to be possible across platforms. But of course Android and the Web and iOS and so forth are all very different, and there are features that are currently available in one context and not in others.
  17. On my Mac, I right click on the table, then Tables > Delete There's no such possibility in Windows (at least not in my not-fully-updated version). However, I find that if I place my cursor immediately after the table, so that the cursor's height is the height of the table, and press Backspace, the entire table is highlighted/selected; and if I press Backspace again, it is deleted.
  18. I agree that this is a very serious issue. In general, the Evernote programmers (like all prudent software developers) don't comment on when certain features will be added or restored or improved. But this really is a necessity for many millions of users and potential users, and in this case silence may (perhaps unfairly) give the impression of lack of interest. In a previous post, I did suggest a couple of workarounds: But they are only workarounds, not really solutions.
  19. The issue is in the Chrome-based editor that Evernote introduced last year. See these posts: It's a real pain, and I hope that as they improve the editor they will bring this back. Be aware that the S-Pen does work in the non-Chrome quick note creator in the Notification pull-down; and that the Samsung keyboard has its own built-in handwriting-to-text feature which you can use in EN, as in this post:
  20. @meirjean, this very serious topic is being discussed in this thread:
  21. I haven't used the business card scanning feature very much, but what I find is that (a) it is not possible to add any text except in a text field that is already present (e.g., Name, Email, etc.); but (b) in those text fields, I can add and delete text as I wish. Some cards that I've scanned previously have a Notes field, and in such a field I can write whatever I want. (I can't remember if I added that field manually when scanning the card, or whether it was created for me.) Even without a Notes field, it is possible to type at length into an existing field (e.g., Name, Title, Company). So it's not that the business card notes can't be edited at all; but it is definitely impossible to do free-form editing, because they are not free-form notes in the first place. Again, this is based on limited experience and testing.
  22. @kfreels, I strongly suspect that the feature was not removed just to remove it, but disappeared when they changed to a new, Chrome-based editor. (That's right, ultimately it is Google's fault, just like every thing else , except for what's Microsoft's fault. ) They're currently working on improving the editor, but of course I don't know whether re-including this is part of that process.
  23. Please see the note right above yours. It is a little crazy. It is not necessarily Evernote's fault. It would be good to be able to remove links; but if it's an OS issue, it may not be possible. I find that if I select something (even a space) just before or after the number, I can expand the selection to get the number.
  24. It's always hard--impossible really--to know why a feature is removed, especially such a handy one. They redid the Android editor; conceivably, I suppose, the new version couldn't handle this. Be sure to click the up-arrow at the top of this page to vote up the request.
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