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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. I get the notices about the "Behind the scenes" videos when I visit these forums. Sometimes I watch and sometimes not. This one is very interesting for information on the transfer of the main Evernote cloud database (i.e., all our notes) to a radically different database structure. Spoiler alert: you don't have to wonder what will happen when they do it. Also info on geographic redundancy and future possibilities for storing stuff other than notes.
  2. As an only moderately techie user, this was kind of amazing to learn about. Rather than “trying to refuel a plane while it’s in flight,” it sounds to me more like “trying to transfer cargo from one plane to another while they're both in flight.” One question: when I copy a link, it still has the form "evernote.com/shard/s316...." Will that legacy link format ultimately get migrated too? Not that it matters: it works just fine.
  3. This sounds like the problem that happens when your Evernote password is identical to a password used for other services, and is stolen from one of the other services. This has been reported a number of times. The solution, of course, is to change the password to something unique to your Evernote account.
  4. What Web browser are you using? Using Opera, I find that I can in fact print out all pages of a note in the Web beta. Printing is really a browser function with the Web interface, not an Evernote function. But of course Evernote must interact properly with the browser, and perhaps the issue lies there.
  5. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I believe this issue has been reported before. Please search the forum, and you should find some reports
  6. Be aware that Ctrl+Alt+N is a global shortcut, i.e., it works even when the Evernote program is not in the foreground or even not open. Naturally it creates a new note in the default notebook, and for me it does create the note on top of everything else. Ctrl+N creates a new note in whatever notebook is currently in view--which of course means it only works when the Evernote program is running and has focus.
  7. A couple of people (including me) are discussing this in another thread. It would be helpful if you would join that too. In particular, so far three of us have experienced it in Firefox, but not in other browsers.
  8. I've tested for this in Opera, and it does not happen there. But in Firefox, yes, it definitely happens, and apparently only with Evernote. So there is some kind of odd interaction going on between EN and FF. I generally don't use FF for Evernote, so it would be helpful if others who have Premium subscriptions report this directly to Evernote's tech support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new.
  9. OK, I understand. I'd recommend posting this as a feature request in the Windows Feedback forum: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/224-evernote-for-windows-requests/. No guarantees, but at least it might get on the developers' radar as they're working to upgrade the editor across all platforms.
  10. I just tested this, and I got the same result. The one exception is that in the Beta version of the Evernote Web editor (not the Classic version), the table does not disappear: the material in the table is centered, but the table as a whole remains on the left. The same thing happens with making the text flush to the right margin, or justifying it (in the Windows program). So it does appear to be a bug. May I ask why you want to do this? Generally speaking, although the editor functions of Evernote are improving in the Web version, I doubt that it will ever be a truly sophisticated text formatting tool. It is meant for taking notes (and for storing materials online), but not for well-developed writing projects, which require a real word processor. In my opinion, at any rate.
  11. I seem to remember someone else asking this not too long ago, but I can't find that thread just now. IAC, no, at present that is how it works. However, I find that if I right-click on a note in the search results list, and select Open Note, the note opens in a separate window but in the main window the focus does seem to remain "All Notes."
  12. I find that frequently when I use Web clipper under Windows to save a Web page into Evernote, or share to Evernote from a browser on my Android phone, I get a lot of HTML formatting such as headers that makes the note difficult to use and edit. I've just discovered that the Web beta editor can fix such problems. I used it to open a note that had been clipped from the Web and had header styling near the top. I selected the header text, and the leftmost element of the editor's formatting toolbar showed it as styled "Large header." Clicking on that, I selected the option to "Apply 'Normal text.'" Voilà! The header formatting was removed, and it was normal text--and appeared as such (Tahoma 10 pt) in the Windows program. I tried this on another note that had a big block of material at the top that the beta editor showed in a box and identified as "HTML content." I found that I could move it out of the box and format it as I pleased. EDIT: In more recent versions of the Web beta, you can click the top bar of an "HTML content" box to bring up a "magic wand" icon and an option to convert the content to editable text, which I find generally works well. This is a big plus for the Web beta editor, IMHO. From now on, it will be my go-to in reformatting clipped Web pages, until the same function is available in the Windows and Android apps. @Scott T., please pass this along to the devs!
  13. Just to focus on this, if you have or have ever had "conflicting changes" between what's in the Windows program and what's elsewhere in your Evernote account, there should be a notebook (as you say) titled Conflicting Changes. If that doesn't exist, or is empty, then the Windows program is unaware of any conflicts. If material is failing to sync properly from the iPhone, then the Windows program may simply not know of it. You can check the Web version to see if the material has synced there: https://www.evernote.com/client/web. I don't know anything about iPhones, but maybe it's possible that there was a network problem that kept the Evernote app there from syncing properly.
  14. I know this won't be a welcome option, but at this point, the only thing I can suggest is to temporarily upgrade to a Premium subscription. You can subscribe for just one month, and that gives you access to both Note History and tech support. There's at least a chance that your revisions were saved to Note History (which is kept for all accounts, including Basic). If not, then you can reach out to tech support for further help: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new. At the end, you can switch back to the Basic plan.
  15. @Kwokchee, as a Premium subscriber you have access to technical support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new. It might be helpful to many users to report this issue to them, in case they are not aware of it.
  16. Hi, and welcome to the forums. There is a forum specifically dedicated to technical issues on iOS: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/216-evernote-for-ios/. People there may have more insight into this issue.
  17. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Sometimes annoying glitches like this can be fixed by completely shutting down Evernote with File > Exit (not the red X box, which only closes the interface), or Task Manager. Then restart it and see if it's working right.
  18. Sorry to hear that. At this point, the only thing I can suggest (someone else may have another idea) is to temporarily change to a Premium subscription. You can subscribe for just one month, and that gives you access to both Note History and tech support. Since you were working on the note for hours, there's a good chance that a version of it was saved to Note History (which is kept for all accounts, including Basic). If not, then you can reach out to tech support for further help: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new. At the end, you can switch back to the Basic plan.
  19. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Lots of people use Evernote each day without data loss--which I realize doesn't help you any! Which version of Evernote are you using? If it's the Web Beta editor (indicated by the black button at bottom right), there have been issues with it not displaying notes that do actually exist. Click on the black button and switch to the "Classic" editor and see if that shows the vanished note.
  20. I just had one of my infrequent brilliant insights. I used the Web beta editor to open a note that had been clipped from the Web and had header styling near the top. Unlike the current Windows program, the Web beta knows from headers. I selected the text, and the leftmost element of the formatting toolbar showed it as styled "Large header." Clicking on that, I selected the option to "Apply 'Normal text.'" Voilà! The header formatting was removed, and it was normal text--and appeared as such (Tahoma 10 pt) in the Windows program. From now on, this will be my go-to in reformatting clipped Web pages, until the same function is available in the Windows and (pleeeease) Android apps.
  21. If the laptop went to sleep and then just died from lack of battery, that might conceivably cause a failure to sync. Check your settings in Tools > Options > Synchronization to see what the program is set up to do. You might also take a look at the Help articles How does sync work within Evernote? and How to troubleshoot syncing issues.
  22. Hello, and welcome to the forums. Might this be the same problem as the one under discussion in this thread? If so, you may want to join in the discussion there.
  23. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Can you indicate what version of Evernote you're using: Mac, iOS, Web (and if so which browser and which editor version)?
  24. Hi, @huskerdont (great screen name!), and welcome to the forums. Looks like you're using the older version of the Evernote Web browser interface. This the forum for the Windows desktop program, so it's not surprising that you're seeing something different. If you don't have the Windows program and want to get the latest version, go to https://evernote.com/download and follow the instructions. If you'd rather stick with the browser interface, click your initial at bottom left to get the Account menu and select "Switch to the new Evernote Web." Once that's in view, check for a button at bottom right. If it's a black button that says "Beta Editor," you're in business. If it's an orange button that says "Classic Editor," click on it to switch to the Beta. Table editing should work better then, including using Tab in the last cell to create a new row.
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