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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. @jefito, I apologize again for making generalizations about programmers, and for quoting someone else's derisive term. I have not been shaking my fist, and I used "<rant>" in a way that I thought would indicate a semi-humorous, if slightly sour, intent. Clearly I caused you some serious offense, and I really am sorry for that, since I respect all the good work you do around here for other users. You keep using words like "contract" and "obligation," which I have not used. Obviously software changes; I don't expect permanence. I do expect things to make sense. Ultimately, maybe, CEF's spelling system will make sense. (I didn't realize it was the same as Hunspell. Thanks for that link. I've seen other reports of problematic behavior on the part of Hunspell.) I do not think it makes sense to lock down the user dictionary even if (which we do not know) this is done in prospect of eventually having improved functionality. Frankly, I think that this gives some support to my idea that the people who made this decision were not thinking of how users actually need to use this function. And knowing that the course of programming seldom does run smooth is even more reason not to make things inaccessible for the moment in the assumption that that moment will not be long. For (I hope) the last time, I apologize for giving offense. I am not interested in a prolonged dispute.
  2. @jefito, my apologies for any offensive generalizations. I should have known better. I'm perfectly happy to blame Google for this, Google, from a user's perspective, has a remarkable track record of half-***ing what it puts out for public use. Anyone who's used Google Calendar for a long time knows that, though they've made some nice improvements lately. If you're eventually, some time, whenever, going to make your dictionary amenable to pluralization and case endings, that's a nice idea, but marvelously hard to implement in English (and not easy in any natural language). So (if that's the reason, which is only speculation), until that remote date, why not wait to put in the checksum until it will accomplish something useful? In any case: That, dear friend, is my point. Why isn't it? It's of the nature of a user dictionary to need to be user editable, since users (not being hardware) sometimes rethink a decision, or just make a mistake. I agree that it was on Evernote to provide a user capability to edit the dictionary, and, for that matter, to spell-check an entire note, which I believe also disappeared with CEF3. They had a lot to do just to make the editor functional under CEF3, I know; and now they've shifted gears to the major editor upgrade, which I hope (though I don't know) may be more independent of the vagaries of other people's programming. I see a very large difference between being able to edit one's personal dictionary/word list, an utterly trivial but valuable procedure, and monkeying around with Evernote's executable code. I don't consider editing my word list to be a hack by any stretch of the imagination. Perhaps this is just a difference of perception. BTW, Evernote and Google are not alone in this obscuring of users' control over their own words. I also use Scrivener, which is built on the Qt framework. And, whether because of Qt or whatever, Scrivener stores its list of auto-corrections In the Windows registry, where users have even less possibility of manually editing mistakes.
  3. I agree that such a setting would be desirable. You can view PDFs as attachments one by one, but that gets tedious (click the top bar of each PDF and use the ... menu). There don't seem to be global settings as such in the Web beta anyway. I hope something like that will come.
  4. My go-to method of accounting for all computer problems these days is: Google screwed it up. A number of things in Evernote got worse instead of better with CEF 3, as I recall. <rant> I truly cannot understand why anyone would think that a simple word list--that's all it is--would need a checksum. What's the very worst that could happen? Programmers are (no offense to anyone here) rarely word people, and anything about a program that has to do with manipulating words should be checked with an English major. </rant>
  5. @tmercerhursh, as @yankru is apparently suggesting, it may be that the numbers are being interpreted, not as an IP address, but as a phone number. Try turning that setting off, and see if it helps. Of course, then you won't get automatically dialable phone numbers if you want them....
  6. @by.bruno, you might want to look at some of the "Behind the Scenes" videos to see the improvements they are planning.
  7. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Since reinstalling hasn't worked, and it's not just the keyboard shortcut but the menu that's nor working, you may need to go ahead and open a support request, as a Premium subscriber: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new.
  8. Hi, and welcome to the forums. These forums are user-to-user; though Evernote staff may look in, this is not a way to address them directly. However, there are feedback and feature request forums, such as this: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/224-evernote-for-windows-requests/, and it would be a good idea to add this request there, if it doesn't already exist. Some background, though: Evernote broke this a year and a half ago, when, as @cswilly succinctly said, "The dictionary file is stored: C:\Users\<<USER NAME>>\Evernote\LocalStorage\Custom Dictionary.txt. Sadly, you no longer can edit words into the text file. Some goofball of a programmer added a checksum_v1 to the file." I.e., manually editing the file causes the checksum to fail; and as many have observed, there's no editing function built into the program. Here's the post; the whole thread is worth reading: Since you're a Plus user, @Tomdej, you could send in a support request, and at least get the latest state of their thinking on this. Since the editor is being redesigned in many respects, maybe they'll fix this. Or maybe not.
  9. I've never signed up for the limited-access beta program, so I'm assuming this is just rolling out to certain browsers, maybe on certain platforms. It just showed up like a puppy on Christmas.
  10. We have seen politicians in the U.S. do this very well, at the level of states (most states) and cities. My children live in California and New Mexico, where the political leaders have done well, although of course there is still a great deal of suffering and difficulty. At the federal level, on the other hand, the very highest level of "leadership" has been pretty much exactly the opposite of what you say. This is indeed the worst type of circumstance. In the U.S., the very first major outbreak was in such a home, in the Western state of Washington, where travel to and from China is common. It gave all of us a stark view of what could happen. The most tragic thing, I think, is that people who die in senior care homes and in hospitals are isolated from their families, who of course are not allowed to see them. It is dreadful for all concerned. Well, the steady march away from the topic continues! If anyone else does actually experience this, please do post here!
  11. You're tacking this on to a thread that's a year old and on a different topic. Please start a separate thread for this problem in order to get more useful advice. Thanks!
  12. I'm sorry to hear that! Others have experienced this problem when, for instance, they are no longer employed with or by, or married to, the person who shared the note, and communication is not so good. I think I've heard that they're planning to fundamentally redo the sharing structure, which will hopefully include fixing this.
  13. Good thought, though I'm not sure that Caps Lock registers identically with Shift+<key> to a program. That's the case in the Windows desktop program; I just tested. And if there is something special for, say, Ctrl+Shift+B in the Web beta (as there is in the Windows program), it is not happening AFAICT. With Caps Lock on, nothing happens at all.
  14. Thanks for a laugh, @PinkElephant! And for the good wishes--the same to you! I saw a New York Times article recently that compared Germany's experience in the COVID-19 pandemic very favorably to ours in the U.S. The salient points seemed to be that the average age of those infected is lower in Germany; you have much better testing, so treatment starts earlier, and is more available; and you tend to trust your government and observe the social distancing guidelines. Here in the U.S., we tend to stop developing socially at about the age of 4, or maybe 14, so that our motto is "You're not the boss of me." Every government safety and health initiative in our history has met with resistance due to a hard-core individualism, which in this situation is highly dysfunctional. Sorry, was that off-topic? One moment while I get back to work....
  15. Those who support this good idea, please click the upward arrow at the top of the page to add your vote.
  16. This is a feature-request forum mainly. You'll get more help from the tech-support forum: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/210-evernote-for-android/.
  17. Here's a long-running thread in the Android feature requests forum, with some workaround suggestions. Please go there and add your support by clicking the up-arrow at the top!
  18. Hi, and welcome to the forums. If you search the forums, you will find several existing topics about this issue. Apparently the person who shared the notes with you has to revoke your access to them. For instance, see this thread:
  19. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Thanks for the report. I just tested with v. 6.8.0 in Opera. Weirdly, I find that having Caps Lock on disables Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+B/I, but not Ctrl+U, Ctrl+C/X/V, or Ctrl+F. I.e., only undo, bold, and italics are disabled. It seems particularly strange that Ctrl+B and Ctrl+I are disabled, but not Ctrl+U. With Cap Locks off, of course, they all work fine.
  20. For a week or two, when I return to the Web client beta tab in my browser (Opera) after being away from it for an extended period of time, it will show a dialog with "One moment while we get back to work" and a spinning green circle. The circle never stops spinning, and we never "get back to work." I find that refreshing the page restores it every time. This is in v. 6.8.0 of the Web client, and may have first appeared when that version first appeared in Opera (I don't know when that happened, since I only just now checked and found that it was no longer 6.7).
  21. Hi, @whoami1, and welcome to the forums. Which platform are you working on (Web, Windows desktop, Mac desktop, Android, iOS, etc.)? As @jefito says, tables are the way to do this, and the Web clipper is probably creating tables in the process you describe. The experience I have is that the Web beta and the Windows desktop program are able to create and manipulate tables fairly well, Android not at all; I don't know about Mac/iOS.
  22. Hi, @PlatinumHydra, and welcome to the forums. At present only the Web client (beta) really has built-in styles, such as headers. Others (Windows desktop, Android, etc.) try to approximate the fonts, sizes, etc., of these styles. I've noticed the differences too, and I'd also like it to be uniform. I have had to wave my no-obsesso wand at myself a couple of times. The plan is, as I understand it, for the Web client to be the testing ground for upgrades coming to all the editors, and presumably when the Web client's capabilities have been migrated to the other platforms, we'll see more consistency. Till then, we just have to deal with it.
  23. Just WRT this, and out of genuine (if somewhat skeptical) curiosity, are you finding Microsoft to be responsive to customer complaints? What's their support like?
  24. In fact, Evernote staff do look over these forums, and occasionally reach out here when necessary and appropriate. Since the OP states, "This is a minor temporary annoyance without any impact on functionality," it doesn't seem likely that they will jump right in on this one, however. This approach seems to be pretty standard, or at least very widespread, in software "support" these days. I found it very annoying when it first began to appear, what, 10 years ago? But I've grown accustomed to it, and in any case, like it or not, I don't expect software companies to pay staff to participate really actively on such forums.
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