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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Hi, @evgenirusev, and welcome to the forums. Yes, there is a utility called ENscript that allows creation of notes and other functions from the command line. I don't use it myself, so I can't offer any comment on how good it is. But the documentation is here: https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/enscript.php.
  2. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I'm not in iPhone user, so I can't comment in much detail. I know that on mobile devices, Evernote does not save the content of notes to the device, because of limited space I assume, but only maintains enough basic material to be useful. The content of notes is maintained on Evernote's servers, so that of course new content on a mobile device has to be synced there to be saved. If you've edited a note and switch away from the Evernote app, the app wants to avoid your edits getting lost in case something goes wrong, so it syncs automatically. It can't predict how long you'll be away. But it seems that you're saying it syncs when you come back rather than when you switch away. The only explanation I can offer for that is that the app wants to be sure in case the note has been edited on another device in the meantime (some people do that all the time). I assume you've checked the app's sync settings to see if there's anything that could be adjusted. Beyond that, a fellow iPhone user is going to have to chime in.
  3. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I'm not a OneNote user, but others here are and might be able to help out if a little more detail were given. What exactly was the process of importing notes from OneNote into Evernote? Is there anything that the notes that fail to import have in common? If there aren't very many of them, would it be efficient to copy their content to the clipboard and paste into Evernote notes?
  4. @RavBoy, I'm not sure I completely understand the issues. WRT "When I create a custom color on the Text Color palette, EN gets rid of it, the next time I open EN, which I notice happens from day to day, rather than closing and immediately reopening": Does this mean that you are shutting Evernote down at the end of each day (File > Exit; or turning off the computer), or just hibernating your computer with Evernote still running, and waking the machine up the next day? I can understand EN dropping custom colors when it or the computer is shut down. MS Word, for instance, does the same thing--though it would certainly be nice if they would save the colors. However, it would surprise me if EN lost custom colors without being shut down. Ctrl+D is the shortcut for the entire font dialog, not just for font color, which explains why it's different. WRT "The custom color, at the bottom of list, weirdly changes to reflect the text I highlighted, rather than display the custom text color I added earlier": To me, this too seems like standard, expected behavior, unless I'm misunderstanding. The dialog picks up the color of the highlighted text, because what other color would it know to start with? If you've created multiple custom colors during the session, how would it know which one you wanted to be displayed? Apologies if I'm just not getting this.
  5. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Someone else recently raised this same issue; please look at this thread:
  6. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I have Evernote Web v. 5.32.0 running in Firefox v. 76.0.1 (64-bit). I'm able to use the Web clipper; it doesn't ask me to log in. There is a forum dedicated to issues with the Web clipper: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/257-web-clipper-issues/. You will probably get better results posting there. In fact, there seem to be several threads there already related to problems in Firefox.
  7. Wow. Thanks so much. I wonder how long this has been available and I just didn't know it. I'm embarrassed!
  8. I sometimes have forwarded emails that take hours or days to show up in Evernote, or never get there at all. It's very frustrating, and AFAICT completely random. Most go right through.
  9. Super cool, @DTLow. I'd have to assume that this uses capabilities of iOS that are not available on other platforms. But it would be great if it could become possible in Windows, Android, and the Web client too.
  10. Hi, and welcome to the forums. We are other users here, not Evernote technical staff, and we're not able to do much with the logs.
  11. These are user-to-user forums. Whoever decided to make @EverNote their user name is just another user, not Evernote staff. It's an ongoing feature request, so presumably they're aware of it. Of course, it's possible to paste without formatting (Ctrl+Shift+V); but Evernote is not Word or Paint, and may not have the same inherent possibilities.
  12. Hi, and welcome to Evernote and to the forums. I would ask what platform you are using for Evernote (Windows program, Web client, Android app, etc.); but I don't think it matters, because I don't think this has been implemented on any of them. I can understand the need for it, but a handwriting ("ink") note is simply a different animal from a typed-text note. One option might be to type a note, then create a second note with drawing, and then insert a link to the second note into the first one. When you're viewing a note, there should be a menu option to "Copy internal link"; this copies a link to the clipboard which can then be pasted into another note.
  13. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I would recommend contacting your university's IT department to ask whether Blackboard content is preserved from year to year, and can be accessed later. I'm a retired professor, and I'm sure that different universities may have different policies on this, and even if the university archives the notes, individual professors might choose not to do so. Someone at the university should be able to give you some information about this.
  14. Hi, and welcome to the forums. These are basically user-to-user forums, so generally the people here don't have any knowledge to share on upcoming feature developments. Evernote staff do look in, but they rarely if ever comment on features to be added, if only because software development can be unpredictable. Have you tried any of the workarounds suggested above? They may be the best you can do for now.
  15. I've got v. 6.12.0 of the Web beta in Opera and v. 5.32.0 in Firefox, and they both do the same thing. But of course it is still a beta under development, and allowing first-line indentation (or hanging indentation) may simply be farther down the list of features to be implemented. FWIW, it does work in the older version of the Web client (click the account initial at top left and select the option to switch). Since you're a Premium user, you could raise this with Evernote support. Also definitely use the Feedback button at bottom right in the Web client.
  16. I can confirm the exact same problem, using Opera as my browser (it appears that you are also using Opera) and v. 6.12.0 of the Evernote Web beta. However, in Firefox 76.0.1, using v. 5.32.0 of Evernote, there is no problem. Also, even in Opera there is no problem if I switch to the older version of Evernote instead of the beta (click the account initial at top left and select the option). So you could try either using a different browser or using the older version of Evernote until they fix this bug.
  17. Hi, @Esther Ran, and welcome to the forums. Are you getting an error message when you try to sync? Or do the edits simply not show up when you use Evernote on other platforms, such as the Web, Windows, or Mac?
  18. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Web clipping is really meant for a displayed Web page, i.e., the HTML as displayed in a browser. You could just attach the .HTML file to an Evernote note, if you only want the code. But to record what it looks like in Evernote, you have to open it in a browser first and then clip (using the Android Share function).
  19. The storage issue on the Mac is under discussion in this thread in the Web client tech support forum (where you could also post your other issues):
  20. Or it might be good to redeploy at least some of that space to separate the title more clearly from the body of the note.
  21. Good catch. But I'm not sure how up to date that information is. It still says that saved Web searches can't be done in the beta, but they can, at least in v. 6.12.0 (which I now have on Opera).
  22. The block of 3 non-notes seem to have disappeared now that the Web beta has updated to v. 6.12.0 in Opera.
  23. An update: I've now experienced this too, after editing a note produced multiple duplications of it, and then a process I tried to use to remove the duplicates ended up permanently deleting the note itself--but leaving these stupid blank entries. See my post here: EDIT: I see that the block of non-notes seems to have disappeared now that the Web beta has updated to v. 6.12.0 in Opera.
  24. Evernote support reports that they've issued a new update which should have fixed this. It's intermittent, so I'll have to watch and see.
  25. Hmm. I honestly don't see a problem. The blue of the outline box around the selected note is distinct enough from the black of the side menu that I can see it; and even if it weren't, the rest of the outline is plenty of indication for me that this is the selected note. So this may be something that is an issue for some, but not for others.
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