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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Of course this is totally dependent on the device and operating system. Looks like it works on iOS, and I know it works on Android. Windows, though, not so much.
  2. @jefito, to me the weirdest part is that it only becomes uneditable in a separate window, not in the main program window. I agree that this needs a support ticket. I suppose you could (if you're inclined to put yet more time into this) perform the operation one step at a time, opening in a separate window after each step, to try and identify the step that produces the uneditable independent window.
  3. I've seen this all too many times. What works for many people is to delete the cache and/or cookies using your browser's settings. I usually only have to delete items from within the last hour. It's very annoying, but fortunately the fix is pretty fast.
  4. I don't think so. But take a look at the Help & Learning article on it, including the articles that link from there, to get full info.
  5. The Web client updates automatically, I think. I actually got an update notice in the Windows app, but I tried this in v. 37 and it worked as it should, and continued to do so after I updated to v. 38. IAC, as @agsteele says, you can always go to evernote.com and download the current version if it hasn't rolled out to you. They do sometimes accidentally introduce little boo-boos into an update and fix it in the next one.
  6. Always good to check the date of a blog post, especially anything with tech advice. I took a look, and that post is dated Oct. 9, 2013, so over 8 years ago. Evernote has changed greatly since them, with a major, major reworking. But almost no software is going to have all features (esp. advanced ones) stay the same over that period of time. That said, keep checking Evernote out. You may find that it does other things now that it couldn't do 8 years ago that will work well for you.
  7. Hmm. On v. 10.38.1 (Windows app) and 10.38.2 (Web), I find that Esc out of a search does leave me at the located search term--which is also how it works in my Web browser and maybe other software as well.
  8. I raised a support ticket on this, and after some struggle getting them to understand what I was talking about, they acknowledged that this is not currently possible. The rep passed it on to the development team. No commitment to getting it into the product (understandably), but at least it's on the long list.
  9. I agree that there should be a default setting for how PDFs are viewed, so that users can select attachment, single page, or all pages. I disagree quite strongly that there is never a reason to see only the first page. The first page can be quite useful in identifying a document; it can be all I need if it has a good summary of the document on it; etc. Frankly, I would prefer that the default be attachment view, so I wouldn't have to wade through screens of PDFs to get to some text that I actually want to see. Part of the genius of Evernote is its flexibility. But part of that flexibility should be allowing users to default to their preferred views. This forum, but the way, is precisely intended for feature requests. There is an arrow at the top to vote this request up. I've upvoted it; so far I'm the only one.
  10. In the Windows Evernote app, you can open multiple notes in individual windows and quit Evernote, then when you start it up again all the notes will be reopened in position. But of course that's only helpful if you will always be working on the same project; and I don't know whether it works on a Mac. If you solve this, PLEASE come back here and let us know!
  11. Would it be possible for you to install the Evernote desktop app (Windows or Mac?) Its functioning is now almost completely identical to the Web version, and since there's no browser involved in using it, it might be less likely to do this duplicating of notes.
  12. I just finally updated to v. 10 and upgraded to Professional. This was a lesser reason for going with Pro, but it was one of them. I hadn't thought about limits. But the answer seems to be yes, it now exports entire notebooks. My largest notebook has 130 notes (not huge, I admit), and it exported them all. There are a lot of notes with images in them. I set it to start each note on a new page. It took several minutes to do the job, but as I was selecting options (note separation, page numbers, etc.) it updated a preview which could be scrolled through beginning to end. Given the images and settings, it exported to 304 pages! Links in notes are functional in the PDF--this includes links to other Evernote notes, if they are Web rather than app links. Attached PDF documents within notes do not seem to print out in full, only show as an attachment, so that's a disadvantage, but maybe not unexpected. Also, in the options dialog there is a section for Other Options that leads you to a survey of preferences for future features. All in all, I would consider it very nicely done.
  13. There is also this thread in the General Discussions forum which is about Android slowness, and includes a solution involving Work Chat--worth a look:
  14. And yet, I'm telling you, it could be done easily in Evernote v. 6 and before, on Windows at least. Yes, the underlying framework has to be launched (if not already running). But that doesn't prevent opening a note in a separate window. In v. 6, the main window pops open in front of the separate window with the particular note in it, something that a number of users requested be changed; but by that time v. 10 was already in the works. My point is that even if the underlying app must be launched if not already running, the desired note can still be opened in a separate window. Or at least could previously, and can be in v. 10 if the note is called from a reminder notification--and in that case the note actually appears on top of the running main window, if it is present.
  15. Not sure this is the same problem as the one in the original post--but it is one that I have encountered many, many times over the last couple of years. For me, it is clearing the last hour's worth of cookies that usually does the job. This has been reported to Evernote support long ago. If they are still looking into it, it may simply be that the constant-sync model will cause this to happen from time to time and we're stuck with it. It's something about the way Evernote Web is handling cookies and/or caching--i.e., the stuff that EN Web itself is putting on your computer.
  16. Sigh. Honestly, I'm with @dantek on this one. I was also surprised by this bug (in the Web client), mentioned it in a forum post, and was pleased to report there when it was fixed. And it was very puzzling how that got through QA.
  17. But that is the part that is wanted! Of course, any note can be opened in a separate window by double-clicking on it in the Note List (or by clicking on a reminder notification). Edits made in that window sync automatically, just as in the main editor. In the old Evernote v. 6 on Windows (maybe not on Mac?) the process that @Boot17 describes actually did create a link that would open the note in question in its own window. That's what we're looking for in the new app. If it can be done from a reminder notification, I hope it can be done from a desktop shortcut. But of course I don't know the technicalities.
  18. Two separate links is possible. But this is (hopefully) a temporary problem that will no longer exist when I'm fully migrated to the Win10 (to become Win11) laptop, and for now I don't want to drop in a lot of links that will need to be deleted later. A way to do it with %userprofile% would be a convenience for now though.
  19. Well, here's an interesting development. If a note has a reminder, Evernote will pop up a notification in the bottom right of the screen. When you click that notification, the note in question opens up in its own separate window!! So it is technically possible.
  20. Well, here's an interesting development. If a note has a reminder, Evernote will pop up a notification in the bottom right of the screen. When you click that notification, the note in question opens up in its own separate window!! So it is technically possible.
  21. Good thought, but then Windows interprets %25 as literal text, and of course can't find the path. Sigh.
  22. All clear now. 🤣 I grew up on a farm and definitely understand the imagery. Never heard that one, though; it must not have gotten shoveled across the pond. For those who click that link, I would disregard the first entry about the railroad fireman. I mean really. People sometimes can't accept the simplicity of a bit of colloquial wisdom and have to give it a back-story (you should pardon the expression). IMHO, people who do that don't know 😬 from Shinola (an expression that, my wife says, her mother and grandmother favored). What was this thread about again?
  23. Is this something that can be done with Tasks? I ask out of ignorance?
  24. I'm using Evernote for Windows v. 10 on a Windows 10 laptop and v. 6 plus the Web client on an older Win7 desktop. I sometimes want to open a local file from within a note. The file will be in the same location in the directory structure on both machines, but the user names are different. I'm trying to link to something like file:///%userprofile%\Documents\{foldername}\{subfoldername}\Filename.docx. This works from the Windows Run dialog (with or without file:///), but Evernote regards it as a malformed link and will not act on it (and will not accept it at all without file:///). The same thing happens in the v. 10 desktop app and the Web client (haven't tried the old v. 6 yet). Any thoughts?
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