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About xmarklar

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  1. [Echo: new 85% price increases are an absolute joke. And Federico's press release, or blog post, about it claimed they hadn't had an increase in 7 years, but this thread proves that wrong, right?] ----- Er, uh... Something about Dave-in-Decatur's 4000+ posts screams out "company paid reputation management consultant". Who else is going to devote so many waking moments dedicated to the vibrant social networking site that is Evernote's customer forums? I mean, is it really that engaging? Also, he's in the weekly Top Five contributors. So.. But I'm sure he'll have some reasonable sounding explanation for his devotedness.
  2. --------- Also, is there confirmation, then, that EN data is encrypted in transit from local to cloud? Otherwise, does using EN WHILE connected a private company's VPN pass along all your private note-taking through their servers, unencrypted?
  3. Private company's vpn. Constantly trying to save after every keystroke, but either no or slow connectivity makes EN simply hang while connected to that vpn. Is there a way to FORCE OFFLINE mode? Because the vpn still appears like you're connected, EN doesn't go into offline mode, but it's for all intents & purposes USELESS at that point.
  4. My Evernote did update today, finally... 10.38.1-win-ddl-public (3408) Editor: v149.0.18202 Service: v1.53.0 and, the issue appears to be fixed, but now I'm having trouble recollecting whether I had tried this particular sequence before, and if so, what the behavior was... If I go to some random spot in my note and click to place the cursor there, and then click Ctrl+F to get the search box, then type something that takes me elsewhere... I swear just hitting Esc at that point would return me back to the previous spot, which seemed to be annoying and was thwarting my attempts to properly automate something via autohotkey (separate macro prog). However, now, after this update... hitting Esc doesn't seem like it's forcing page to return to previous spot anymore (woot), so that's good. And after hitting Esc, if I then try to use the arrow keys to move around, it WILL return me to that previous spot (where the cursor still is)... which I guess is understandable and fine. After all, I hadn't yet clicked anywhere near my search results spot, so EN wouldn't really know where to place a cursor (unless right before the found text, I suppose). To make it work right, I just need to click somewhere on the page, after hitting Esc, and before attempting to move via arrow keys... and I'll be good, I guess. So, problem solved, it would appear. The only thing I'm not clear on, is whether somehow this was the same behavior before the update, and after, but I just misinterpreted what it was supposed to be doing... However, I feel pretty confident it wasn't staying in the new location, even after a click on page.. and that as soon as I canceled (or Esc'd) the search box, it would always return me back to the old spot elsewhere in the note. Imma go with that.. Evernote goofed, and then fixed it. Yeah.
  5. Really? Oh, I'm on v10.37.3. Maybe they fixed it in new version. I checked for an update and found none. Did you update via Evernote app, or download fresh install?
  6. Something got borked in recent update. (methinks) When you search for text in your note, it moves to that text and highlights it.. but if you then hit Esc, or click the X, to close the Search box, it will return you to some previous position in the note, when it should leave you at the location of the search result. What up with dat?
  7. Evernote: Known for its attentiveness to customer requests! ☹️
  8. Evernote is the worst regarding long-wished-for or long-complained-about issues. I feel like the next software company that features -- front and center -- their new policy of listening to their customer base (what, something like .. when 20% of all registered users have clicked ✔ "I want this feature", we will make it a top priority for next release...?), they're going to become very, very popular, and quick. Why not include a current list of requested features within the app itself, and let users vote on the their top 5 favorites, or something.. direct feedback. What gets included on that requested feature list could come from an official feature/bugfix suggestion mechanism. Was going to say, and just show the top requested features/bugfixes.. but to be completely transparent, you could show the most popular, in a main list, but allow users to see the complete list as well, and if some bizarre little obscure request suddenly gets a lot of traction, it could enter the main requests list... Simple voting dictates Evernote (or whichever app) development priorities, at least on some track of the company's future efforts. If there is an unusual reason why the company cannot oblige a request, it must explain that reason in full (e.g. "feature would be too difficult to implement because of X, Y, Z.", or "here are our current priorities, and resources.. we can't do both things, pick one, or crowdfund your new feature request outside the normal roadmap timeline"..). Obviously no one thinks a customer base should be able to willy nilly dictate the direction a company takes, but if the company structures itself from the outset with that sort of mechanism in place, and offers it as a value to customers, it could work. Would be interesting to see several incarnations of that idea play out.
  9. needed! Also, just general ability to create collapsible sections, images down to thumbnails (hover zoom?). all interiors of which to be searchable. Make ORGANIZATION much easier and effective!
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