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chirmer last won the day on August 23 2016

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  1. I just want to mention that this most likely Apple's fault and not Evernote's. Apple has made extensions in Safari very complicated and difficult, and the EN clipper does A LOT. I'm sure it's a bear to get the thing working around Apple's restrictions.
  2. At 90k, you have 10k left before your account caps. This is not recommended. However, a product meant for storing photos has expandable storage offered, so you can upgrade when you need more space. If each photo were 25MB (over-estimate for JPG and under-estimate for RAW, but pretend it evens out), you're currently at 2.25 TB. Evernote will scream a horrible death if you put over 2 TB of photos in it. Evernote cannot do this. However, pretty much every photo backup solution can. Evernote really isn't built for storing large files. I tried storing .AI, .INDD and .PSD files in it as part of my project support and it was a miserable experience. They're slow to load, slow to open, and editing and then trying to save another copy won't add it to the note. You'll have to save it somewhere else and then move it into that note.
  3. Evernote is great at many things, but it is a terrible solution for photo backups. This is not what this software was created for, and it will fight you tooth-and-nail the entire way. You won't be able to batch-edit photos, the 200MB note limit will cripple you, and quickly browsing through your photos will be agony. I'm pretty sure there's an old thread on here somewhere where EN staff outright discourage this practice, but I can't find it for the life of me. Use a tool that's meant for this type of backup. Google Photos, Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox, etc. all support automatic photo backup services.
  4. Just commenting to say this is still a very, very frustrating problem. I 100% blame Google because across the board they're tanking their products, but has anyone found a solution? Right now I'm just forwarding them, which is fine but not ideal as it doesn't have a link back to the email.
  5. This has always been one of my personal gripes with how Evernote develops their apps. Specifically, each platform has its own team that, essentially, does its own thing. This leads to wildly different experiences (and apps!) on different platforms. For example, the Windows client rolled out using the Chrome PDF viewer about a year ago. It's nowhere to be found in the Mac client (thank GOD). It's a terrible experience, cut off a bunch of abilities you could previously do (like drag the PDF out of Evernote and into something else). And it's Windows only. You also have apps that look wildly different. IMO, the Mac client has a great design team. It looks nice, it looks like it belongs in macOS, there's pretty solid type hierarchy. And the Windows client... small text across the board, header text is small, the snippet view is unusable when you've got text-based PDFs/images in the note, etc. This was the first thing I thought of when I read this brand refresh. A major aspect of things like this is to get the entire company going the same direction. And when it comes with a brand overhaul (like logo tweaks and such, not just a new slogan), it usually also means a streamlining of the software appearance. I'm desperately hoping that means Mac and Windows clients that look at all remotely like they're the same software.
  6. Your quote of me didn't actually include any text. Was there a certain part you didn't like? Which comment in particular were you replying to?
  7. I absolutely understand this sentiment. I cheered when my work PC got swapped for a Mac. EN for Windows is a much, much poorer experience than its Mac counterpart. I sincerely hope the rebrand comes with an entire overhaul of that platform, myself.
  8. Hoping for an update soon for Safari's clipper - still not working here.
  9. Don't even get me STARTED on this bug. I have spent 6+ months searching for an alternative to Evernote because this is rage-inducing. Don't allow us to share notebooks at all if the implementation is going to be this craptastic IMHO. It's terrible. As I said, I've spent 6+ months looking for alternatives, and all I can say is that there isn't one. I have tried everything - even just exporting as PDFs and using my Mac's spotlight search to find stuff, and nothing works quite like Evernote. I have given up the hunt and accepted that I'm trapped in the system. You have no way of proving this -- because it's simply not true. It's kind of a ridiculous claim, actually. Does anything in the entire world work this way? That if 100 people complain and 1 person says it's fine, they go with the 1 instead of 100? No. Because it's kind of ridiculous to even suggest. You just need to accept that not everyone will agree with you. Not everyone has your priorities. Not everyone uses Evernote in such a way that they run into the bugs you do. Sorry, that's life. It doesn't mean no one is listening to your complaints -- it just means that we're all different people and have different needs and wants from Evernote. And stop it with the insinuation that Gurus work for Evernote. We don't. I'd love to work for Evernote -- those employees are guaranteed to be better paid than I am. But I don't. I'm a Super Guru because I commented enough in these forums. That's literally the criteria. Keep commenting and eventually you'll be one, too. Trying to insinuate we work for Evernote doesn't help validate your points -- it just makes it harder to have a productive conversation with you. And anyway, if you took 5 seconds to go through any of the Super Gurus comment history here, you'd see plenty of complaints. Just scroll up in this very comment to see one from me.
  10. If you're so convinced you're right and have no interest in actually learning some perspective other than yours, is it really necessary to post a topic on it here? Forums are for discussion. If you want to shout it to the world and not have anyone challenge your viewpoint, kindly create a blog and turn comments off. Thank you. For everyone else who doesn't have their fingers in their ears: Just because something doesn't have an immediately tangible effect, doesn't mean it isn't bringing good things in the near future. To think that this re-branding, of a sort, is a waste of time/money is to have a very short-sighted perspective. That, or another excuse to complain (which is what this thread reads like). This is a focusing effort for Evernote that has me excited. I have pretty much spent my last 6 months in these forums whining about the quality of the software. As is, I'm sitting here with Evernote syncing and useless, which it's been doing for an HOUR, because I had to duplicate 500 notes due to the inability to change notebook owners. I have more frustrations with Evernote than I can count. Just check my post history. But this rebrand is a sign of possibly positive change. It's an effort from Evernote to have a mission, a focus, and priorities. The company, and its product, have bloated and swelled over the years. We all know this - we complain about it constantly. Rebrands like this often serve 2 purposes: Get the company, and its employees, back on the same train, driving towards the same goals and working on the same priorities. Get the company back in the consumer eye, and to drum up interest so people start using Evernote again (in the hopes of change to come) #1 serves our interests, because it looks like the company's going to tackle its bloat problem. I am hoping, myself, that this means better feature parity between clients, for one thing. There is no reason for the Windows and Mac apps to be so wildly different. Reading between the lines, I think issues like this will be fixed. There will be greater consistency and reliability. A greater focus on core features and getting them right, versus just throwing things in and seeing what sticks. I also think it's to help morale and productivity in-house. I'm curious just how many behind-the-scenes "refreshes" will take place that we don't see. #2 serves the investors and company in that it keeps the doors open. Pretty straightforward benefit, honestly. This is a long game on Evernote's part. I imagine the staff will feel it a lot more than us, at first. But it will give the company a direction - a road to follow. When making decisions based on features, they have a framework for deciding its priority, or whether or not it should happen. Down the road, I imagine Evernote will be streamlined, refined, and a better tool for everyone. If y'all can just stop whining for a sec or to and see
  11. It's July in 2018 and this is still super annoying. I know other Super Gurus are in here who would disagree, but I find it, frankly, a bit sad that this still isn't a feature. I've been an active Evernote user since 2010, active in this forum, but have been off and on with Evernote over the past year because of little problems like this. Except in my case, this is still a major pain in the rump. I don't think it's appropriate to tell people how to manage their information in their use case, either. If people say they want to give people permission to create/edit tags in their Shared Notebooks, trying to convince them otherwise is a bit rude IMO. They know their use case best. It reads like we're trying to say Evernote shouldn't have notebook function at all because we find Tags the best way to organize information. It's our database, to pollute or organize as we see fit. And I simply don't find "we designed it this way on purpose" a reason to stop having a conversation about this very needed feature. I honestly can't use tags in my account AT ALL because this "feature" is so broken. I've got 3 different versions of essentially the same tag from different shared notebooks with different owners. Instead of just being able to do a tag:tagName search or click the tag to find things, I have to remember that there are all these different tag versions floating around and to look in each one. Pretty useless. The fact is, this "feature" cripples tags across the entirety of Evernote. Let us make this a permission setting when sharing a notebook. If you don't like it, you don't have to use it. Of course, it's been 7 years, so I have 0 hope of it becoming a feature. I'll just continue to migrate my shared data out of Evernote, because this cripples my entire account.
  12. Ah yes, the duplicate tags. IIRC, there's a setting in Evernote (I believe it to be under Help, if you hold down the Control key, and then Delete Unused Linked Tags) that got rid of my duplicates (where my tag, say "SRC", has 112 notes, but my coworker's tag "SRC" has 0). I still am not sure how we ended up with duplicates. Oh, well. The forum censor is our own little Mad Libs game, I guess!
  13. The issue with this is that we can't change notebook ownership. I'm the creator of a notebook because I was the first to download Evernote. But I'm not my department's supervisor. So my supervisor has to submit tag requests to me because we dumped everything in the notebook and now want to make her the notebook owner. We have to create a new notebook and swap everything over to that just so SHE can be the one people request tags to. It'd be really nice if Evernote used the permissions it has in place. IMHO, if someone has "Edit" permissions on a notebook, they should be able to add tags and have them show up. If someone will really ***** up the organization of the notebook, give them "View" permissions. We are three people who are really struggling to coordinate our junk in Evernote.
  14. Er, I signed up for Evernote and then forgot about it for a few years (was in college). I only used it about 6 months again before going Premium in 2013. Also, I never whined about being entitled to features while using the free version. I took what I had offered to me and was happy for it. I also never said everyone should convert to the paid version - they just shouldn't whine when features get taken away from users who aren't converting to premium. Gosh, reading comprehension's gone down in these forums as of late...
  15. I won't presume to know why Evernote hasn't implemented this yet, because I don't work there. For quite some time, the Evernote text editor handled lists pretty stinkily. People complained and complained, saying "it needs to be fixed, why hasn't it been fixed yet?!" when it turned out they had to completely rewrite the editor to make it work. So something simple, or seemingly simple, took quite a bit of work to enable. Perhaps this is the case here. But here are my thoughts. We get a recent price hike. Free users are limited on the devices they can use (as in, limited on how much data they can pull from the servers at one time). Perhaps this is on the table? Fewer free users pulling data means more bandwidth for paying users. More bandwidth for... say... not downloading all notebooks locally. Just thinking out loud... but the first thing I thought of when I saw the free user device limit was freed bandwidth. I wonder what that will bring...
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