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I'm still an EN guy

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My EN story...

I have been a paid member since 2009 and I have a "Personal" account.

During these 14 years, I primarily use the legacy EN Windows app and the iPhone app when on-the-go. I never got used to or tried hard to use EN online (via Chrome). To me, the legacy EN Windows app ( is plug-and-play. It's elegant, smooth, syncs quickly, and reliable. I have 20,000 notes and I use it daily. I never experienced notes mysteriously missing or changing without my knowledge. The legacy EN Windows app does everything I need to manage my notes. Even with a 66% price increase (from 2021 to 2022), I think it's a good deal. For just $0.19 a day, EN has served me well.

Two years ago, I tried the new EN Windows app. It was not elegant, slow, choppy, and I could not find simple capabilities that I use regularly in the legacy app. A week ago, I decided to try it again (thanks to the community experts that recently helped me out). After installing the new EN Windows app, I saw that notes that had a specific tag were not listed in that tags list. What I discovered is that a specific note would eventually appear in the tag's list once the sync would transfer that specific note from the EN db to the new "offline use" db. What surprised me was it took 5 days for my 16 GB database to completely load into an "offline use" db. To compare, legacy download takes 3 hours compared to new EN db taking 5 days. Not a great confidence builder. Now that the db sync is done, I tried using the new EN Windows app again. Unfortunately, I still find it slow, choppy, still cannot find simple capabilities that were available in legacy, it's just not elegant yet. Two years ago, I wrote EN support with my initial findings: but they are all still not available. Instead of focusing on my notes, it feels like half my attention is focused on the tool. I'm just a simple notes user that needs to store and retrieve notes. I've looked at EN's new and upcoming capabilities. For now, I can't imagine that new capabilities like collaboration or AI capabilities will be of any use to me. I guess time will tell.

For now, I'll leave it to the experts working hard to get things sorted out. I will keep the new EN Windows app installed and current. Once it can perform similar to the legacy EN Windows app, then I will switch over (unless forced to convert sooner). For now, I reinstalled the legacy EN Windows app for my daily use. The recent news of EN moving to a new Italian owner doesn't scare me. To be honest, I hope they decide to give simple EN users (like me), an easy EN version without all the futuristic capabilities. I would be happy to pay $0.19 a day to keep a basic version (like for the rest of my days : )

I am not an expert on EN's competitors. But from what I read, EN is either at the top, or in the upper quartile, of the note-taking world. As each EN competitor has different note taking styles and technologies, I doubt there are (or ever will be) an easy and reliable db plug & play conversion tools (for dummy's like me haha). Again, time will tell.

So I'm still an EN guy. It's been a great 14 years. I trust EN will figure things out.

Good luck to everybody.

Cheers, Duhtch


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28 minutes ago, Duhtch said:

still cannot find simple capabilities that were available in legacy

We can't really help with general performance, but if you can give us more of an idea about what you feel is missing,  mabe we can suggest some workarounds - or point you to where the new guys have hidden the fun bits...

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42 minutes ago, Duhtch said:

To compare, legacy download takes 3 hours compared to new EN db taking 5 days. Not a great confidence builder.

I may be off base here -- some of the more technically adept forum members might be able to tell me if I am -- but I seem to recall that notes created prior to the new sync architecture being rolled out had to be converted which might account for some of the slowness in downloading everything. Maybe that's what you experienced? If so it should be a one-time thing. Again -- I could be off-base.

45 minutes ago, Duhtch said:

Two years ago, I tried the new EN Windows app. It was not elegant, slow, choppy, and I could not find simple capabilities that I use regularly in the legacy app.

I had the same experience with v10 when it was rolled out. It was missing capabilities I liked and in general I was unhappy with it.

The problem is that Bending Spoons is moving forward with new sync and other features and eventually the legacy version will be completely unusable. If you want to keep using Evernote, you'll have to make your peace with the new version.

If it helps, even though I hated v10 at first I've come to like it. Some features I liked were permanently deprecated, which was a bummer for me. But I've learned to adopt some of the new features and I'm actually enjoying them. The Home screen has become a vital part of my daily workflow, with multiple pinned notes to walk me through some of my daily routines.

If there are specific features you feel are missing or you can't find in the new version, I suggest you post what those are specifically. Some of the more experienced users (not me, but others) might be able to help you identify how to accomplish what you need in the new version.

Oh, and there is an advantage to the new version -- because they can roll out changes and updates much more quickly now, bugs are squished more rapidly than ever before. Also, it's nice to see them rolling out new features on the regular. At one time, Evernote was stagnating. Love or hate the new changes, you can't claim it's stagnant now.

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Ok, I never give up : ) I listened... I will keep trying.
Here are today's initial issues from using the new EN Windows app:
1. The tag and shortcut lists no longer display how many notes they contain. I reported this to EN support in 2020.
2. There is no "Sync" indicator to tell me when my "offline use" db equals EN's db.  This is related to my third issue.
3. When I tried using the new EN Windows app today, there was a 7-minute delay before it recognized that I changed a tag:
* In photo A, note IMG_2915.PNG is assigned to tag "*230717 Mon" which you can see in the "FILTERS" window.
* In photo B, this is the edit tag window for note IMG_2915.PNG showing it is assigned to tag "*230717 Mon".
* In photo C, this is the edit tag window for note IMG_2915.PNG showing I changed it to tag "*230716 Sun".
* In photo D, it took 7 minutes for the note IMG_2915.PNG to finally move to tag "*230716 Sun". During those 7 minutes, the note just sat in the tag list "*230717 Mon". I just sat waiting and watching. Finally, all on its own it moved to the new tag assignment. As there is no "Sync" indicator, I still could not say if my "offline use" db equals the EN db.
I look forward to any guidance anybody might have to resolve these 3 initial issues.
Because of these extreme delays, I switched back to the legacy EN Windows app for now.
Cheers, Duhtch





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2 hours ago, Duhtch said:

1. The tag and shortcut lists no longer display how many notes they contain. I reported this to EN support in 2020.

I think this is just not having the correct setting ticked.



I'm bemused by the triangle next to your "! 3 Aged" tag. What does it do?   Ignore that, I now understand. I've only ever used lowest level tags in shortcuts.



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59 minutes ago, Duhtch said:

3. When I tried using the new EN Windows app today, there was a 7-minute delay before it recognized that I changed a tag:

I've just tried this and the change was instantaneous. Not only that, but when I removed a tag it immediately dropped out of the search list for that tag.

My general experience is that performance does depend on all sorts of factors, including whether the EN servers are having a good day. If you are new to V10, it takes several days for EN to download data to your computer in the background and that can also effect performance.

It's always worth trying the same thing on the web version of EN as yo are talking directly to the server without the complication of local storage.

This sort of time lag is no longer normal (for me at least) - it definately was in the early days of V10. So if it doesn't resolve within a few days I would definitely contact support if you are a paying member. Also make sure you are on the current version (I'm on Windows 10.58.8 and I beleive that 10.59 is in the pipeline but it has not got to me yet)

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3 hours ago, Mike P said:

I think this is just not having the correct setting ticked.



I'm bemused by the triangle next to your "! 3 Aged" tag. What does it do?   Ignore that, I now understand. I've only ever used lowest level tags in shortcuts.




Thanks Mike P. When EN support replied to my issues list back in 2020, I wish they had given me that kind of simple guidance. They didn't even mention it in their reply. During my 14 EN years, I've downloaded and installed legacy EN Windows many times. Sidebar note counts seemed like a standard functionality. When I didn't see it in the new EN Windows, I assumed they left it out. It never occurred to me they had just turned it off and expected me to find the switch in a drop down menu. Silly me. Anyway, much obliged. Cheers, Duhtch


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5 minutes ago, Duhtch said:

Thanks Mike P. When EN support replied to my issues list back in 2020, I wish they had given me that kind of simple guidance.

To be fair the current incarnation of V10 is totally different from the version back in 2020. Ii is entirely possible that the functionaility didn't exist back then - I'm afraid I don't remember.

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3 hours ago, Mike P said:

I've just tried this and the change was instantaneous. Not only that, but when I removed a tag it immediately dropped out of the search list for that tag.

My general experience is that performance does depend on all sorts of factors, including whether the EN servers are having a good day. If you are new to V10, it takes several days for EN to download data to your computer in the background and that can also effect performance.

It's always worth trying the same thing on the web version of EN as yo are talking directly to the server without the complication of local storage.

This sort of time lag is no longer normal (for me at least) - it definately was in the early days of V10. So if it doesn't resolve within a few days I would definitely contact support if you are a paying member. Also make sure you are on the current version (I'm on Windows 10.58.8 and I beleive that 10.59 is in the pipeline but it has not got to me yet)

Hi again... I've added some notes:

"My general experience is that performance does depend on all sorts of factors, including whether the EN servers are having a good day. If you are new to V10, it takes several days for EN to download data to your computer in the background and that can also effect performance."

* It took 5 days to download from the EN db to my "offline use" db. In the past using legacy EN Windows app, such a download only takes 3-4 hours. I was patient and didn't use the new EN Windows app during those 5 days. I just monitored C:\Users\duhtc\AppData\Roaming\Evernote to ensure it was done downloading before I started to use the app. So today, I'm certain the databases were synced. I'm not technical, so why it took 7 minutes for one tag change is beyond my understanding. I felt kind of silly just sitting there watching it. It's late (I'm on Singapore time), I'll try to change another tag with my morning coffee tomorrow. In 14 years, I've never had to wait for anything like this. From my perspective, changing a tag was instant. As long as there are these kinds of wait times, I have no choice but to continue using the legacy EN Windows app.

It's always worth trying the same thing on the web version of EN as yo are talking directly to the server without the complication of local storage.

* After I try a tag change in the new EN Windows app tomorrow, I'll then try a tag change using the web version.

This sort of time lag is no longer normal (for me at least) - it definately was in the early days of V10. So if it doesn't resolve within a few days I would definitely contact support if you are a paying member. Also make sure you are on the current version (I'm on Windows 10.58.8 and I beleive that 10.59 is in the pipeline but it has not got to me yet)

* Yes, I'm using 10.58.8. If I need to contact support, I hope they are more helpful than when I contacted them in 2020.

Goodnight, Duhtch


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Maybe before you test how long it takes to update a new tag in v10, reboot your PC and open only Evernote v 10.  The experts here (and I'm definitely not one!) report that the new synching engine can be slowed down if Legacy and v10 are both running.  I'm suggesting rebooting first so you can be sure that there is nothing from Legacy running in the background even if you've closed Legacy on the desktop.  There are other threads on the forum about this sync issue.

Hope you can get v10 working to your satisfaction.  Although I've been an Evernote user for years and years, I only started to use it intensively over the last couple of years, so Legacy was never an essential part of my workflow.  These days, I use Evernote intensively, largely as a result of the new features that have come with v10, and I like the new platform just fine.



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19 hours ago, VincentC said:

Maybe before you test how long it takes to update a new tag in v10, reboot your PC and open only Evernote v 10.  The experts here (and I'm definitely not one!) report that the new synching engine can be slowed down if Legacy and v10 are both running.  I'm suggesting rebooting first so you can be sure that there is nothing from Legacy running in the background even if you've closed Legacy on the desktop.  There are other threads on the forum about this sync issue.

Hope you can get v10 working to your satisfaction.  Although I've been an Evernote user for years and years, I only started to use it intensively over the last couple of years, so Legacy was never an essential part of my workflow.  These days, I use Evernote intensively, largely as a result of the new features that have come with v10, and I like the new platform just fine.



Hi Vinnie. Thanks. I followed your guidance: only open v10 after a restart. Compared to yesterday, changing tags was much improved. There are some odd things to get used to I guess. For example, when I select a tag that has 3 or 4 notes, it briefly lists a full page of notes: but after a second or so, it catches up to itself and only shows the actual notes with that tag. Another example, when I change the tag on a note, it briefly stays listed in the old tags list (makes me think I did something wrong): then after a second or so, it disappears from the list (moving to the new tag). I'm assuming these short pauses is how v10 talks to the EN db. Not really sure about the technology behind it haha. So basically, I'm slowing myself down to give the new EN those extra moments it needs to catch up to whatever changes I made. As I keep wading deeper into v10, I will update this topic when I run into issues. Thanks again, Duhtch

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Hi Duhtch,

I'm glad my suggestion was helpful.  I rarely use tags so I don't know if what you are experiencing is typical. Maybe someone more knowledgeable like  @Mike P will weigh in.  One thought: are you using a VPN?  If so, maybe try turning that off temporarily to see if it's contributing to the latency you're experiencing.



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16 hours ago, Duhtch said:

Hi Vinnie. Thanks. I followed your guidance: only open v10 after a restart. Compared to yesterday, changing tags was much improved. There are some odd things to get used to I guess. For example, when I select a tag that has 3 or 4 notes, it briefly lists a full page of notes: but after a second or so, it catches up to itself and only shows the actual notes with that tag. Another example, when I change the tag on a note, it briefly stays listed in the old tags list (makes me think I did something wrong): then after a second or so, it disappears from the list (moving to the new tag). I'm assuming these short pauses is how v10 talks to the EN db. Not really sure about the technology behind it haha. So basically, I'm slowing myself down to give the new EN those extra moments it needs to catch up to whatever changes I made. As I keep wading deeper into v10, I will update this topic when I run into issues. Thanks again, Duhtch

This is typical. Both for Android versions as the Windows version. At least for my use-cases. I change tags a lot (A LOT! like adding 2 and removing 3 tags on 5 notes at ones, doing that for about 10 times, very fast), I do that every 15 minutes, or once an hour during the day. I see the exact behaviour you describe all the time. I am constantly changing MY speed of acting to the slow level of Evernote getting in sync with itself. Sometimes the tags/searches/indices are out of sync for minutes. Most of the time max. half a minute. I've got 1gbit glass up/down, wired Internet, very new and fast computers with SSD and 32GB of memory. It is a pain to work with. I hope they get the speed of things fixed right after the data loss bugs.

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4 hours ago, MvdH said:

This is typical. Both for Android versions as the Windows version. At least for my use-cases. I change tags a lot (A LOT! like adding 2 and removing 3 tags on 5 notes at ones, doing that for about 10 times, very fast), I do that every 15 minutes, or once an hour during the day. I see the exact behaviour you describe all the time. I am constantly changing MY speed of acting to the slow level of Evernote getting in sync with itself. Sometimes the tags/searches/indices are out of sync for minutes. Most of the time max. half a minute. I've got 1gbit glass up/down, wired Internet, very new and fast computers with SSD and 32GB of memory. It is a pain to work with. I hope they get the speed of things fixed right after the data loss bugs.

Thanks Vinnie and MvdH.

Vinnie. Yes, to protect privacy my VPN always loaded at startup. But not anymore. After using v10, I've had to turn it off.

MvdH (looks like a Dutch abbreviation). Yes, it's annoying. I'm not technical, but this is how it FEELS:

* In legacy, when I change a note (like a simple tag update) in the EN Windows app, it directly updates my EN Windows db. So changes seemed instant. Then my EN Windows db would sync behind the scenes with EN. When I would log out, I always pressed the "Sync" button to make sure the db's were the same.

* In the new EN, the EN Windows app talks direct to EN. Maybe this causes the data jumping around and causes the delays. Then afterward, EN syncs with my EN Windows db. As there is no "Sync" button, I'm really not 100% confident the db's are the same when I log out.

I'm not sure if this is the new architecture. But it certainly FEELS that way.

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40 minutes ago, Duhtch said:

MvdH (looks like a Dutch abbreviation). Yes, it's annoying. I'm not technical, but this is how it FEELS:


I'm not sure if this is the new architecture. But it certainly FEELS that way.

Yes, I'm Duhtch, I mean, I am Dutch. 🙂

Yes, on one hand this is the new asynchronous architecture making waiting inherent to the de way the app is build. I encounter many racing conditions resulting in wrong actions/data in notes, due to the fact that I am on my keyboard faster then the 100-200ms delays that occur in many places in Evernote. On the other hand, good async programming should not result in any hinder to the end-users. I have hope they'll fix that. If not I'll leave. For this year I'll stick around.

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1 hour ago, MvdH said:

Yes, I'm Duhtch, I mean, I am Dutch. 🙂

Yes, on one hand this is the new asynchronous architecture making waiting inherent to the de way the app is build. I encounter many racing conditions resulting in wrong actions/data in notes, due to the fact that I am on my keyboard faster then the 100-200ms delays that occur in many places in Evernote. On the other hand, good async programming should not result in any hinder to the end-users. I have hope they'll fix that. If not I'll leave. For this year I'll stick around.

I'm Dutch, sort of. Holland has (or had) a rule that if you're married 20+ years to a Dutch national, and if you ask for citizenship, they gave it to you. I only had to have a coffee with the mayor of Hilversum to prove I spoke Dutch. Within 10 minutes, they ordered me a passport. I guess I've been Dutch for about 21 years now (2.1 passports ago haha). When I was 18 (1977), I was in the US Air Force and was stationed at Soesterberg Air Base. When PCs arrived, then Internet, I needed a nickname. As somebody else already took "dutch" as their Internet nickname, I chose "duhtch". As I'm not really Dutch, starting it with "duh" seemed appropriate haha.

Yes, I hope EN will get itself straightened out. EN (using notebooks, tags, etc) and their competition (using different user keys) make "our" user databases complicated. For a non-techie like me, I doubt there will ever be a plug-and-play conversion tool that moves EN db to some other note-taking product (I hope I'm wrong). My risk management plan is to use both EN legacy and v10 so as to keep both databases current. When EN sends a final warning for using EN legacy, AND if they haven't gotten v10 more elegant: that is when I will probably make a move. I will probably freeze my 20,000 notes in a legacy EN environment and start fresh with an EN competitor.

But at this point, I don't have any candidates (maybe I'll just buy a huge filing cabinet haha). But I'm not giving up on EN. I assume the new owners are reading these community topics and will get things fixed.

Keep the faith : ) Adios, Duhtch


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My current EN setup:

  • For my private account: Legacy because of ... (see below 😉)
    • Web interface to rework (enhance, simplify) note coming from WebClipper
  • For my business account: EN10 (so I can check it out in parallel without having to switch accounts)

Even if this seems like I'm fine with the workaround(s) - I'm not! But I'm still an EN guy...

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Interesting background, Duhtch!

I'm wondering if the web client might be faster for updating tags since you're talking directly to the server, although there are things you can't to on the web platform that might make it unworkable for you.



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1 hour ago, VincentC said:

Interesting background, Duhtch!

I'm wondering if the web client might be faster for updating tags since you're talking directly to the server, although there are things you can't to on the web platform that might make it unworkable for you.



For me: Nope. As problematic for fast usage as tagging-and-note-Ninja. 🙂

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On 7/17/2023 at 10:01 PM, Duhtch said:

Hi again... I've added some notes:

"My general experience is that performance does depend on all sorts of factors, including whether the EN servers are having a good day. If you are new to V10, it takes several days for EN to download data to your computer in the background and that can also effect performance."

* It took 5 days to download from the EN db to my "offline use" db. In the past using legacy EN Windows app, such a download only takes 3-4 hours. I was patient and didn't use the new EN Windows app during those 5 days. I just monitored C:\Users\duhtc\AppData\Roaming\Evernote to ensure it was done downloading before I started to use the app. So today, I'm certain the databases were synced. I'm not technical, so why it took 7 minutes for one tag change is beyond my understanding. I felt kind of silly just sitting there watching it. It's late (I'm on Singapore time), I'll try to change another tag with my morning coffee tomorrow. In 14 years, I've never had to wait for anything like this. From my perspective, changing a tag was instant. As long as there are these kinds of wait times, I have no choice but to continue using the legacy EN Windows app.

It's always worth trying the same thing on the web version of EN as yo are talking directly to the server without the complication of local storage.

* After I try a tag change in the new EN Windows app tomorrow, I'll then try a tag change using the web version.

This sort of time lag is no longer normal (for me at least) - it definately was in the early days of V10. So if it doesn't resolve within a few days I would definitely contact support if you are a paying member. Also make sure you are on the current version (I'm on Windows 10.58.8 and I beleive that 10.59 is in the pipeline but it has not got to me yet)

* Yes, I'm using 10.58.8. If I need to contact support, I hope they are more helpful than when I contacted them in 2020.

Goodnight, Duhtch



In legacy Windows app, when I drag & drop a note onto a "Shortcut", the note is added to that "Tag".

In v10, drag & drop won't drop into a "Shortcut": instead, the note just becomes its own "Shortcut".

Is there a hidden setting somewhere so v10 will have the same capability as legacy?

Thanks, Duhtch

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1 hour ago, Duhtch said:


In legacy Windows app, when I drag & drop a note onto a "Shortcut", the note is added to that "Tag".

In v10, drag & drop won't drop into a "Shortcut": instead, the note just becomes its own "Shortcut".

Is there a hidden setting somewhere so v10 will have the same capability as legacy?

Thanks, Duhtch

I don't fully understand you because it's a while since I used legacy. You could create a tag with whatever name you liked and assign that to the note. Then drag the tag into the shortcuts. When you hit the shortcut you would get a search result of the one note you assigned to that tag. I don't know whether that answers the question but it's the best trick I know of having the name I want in the shortcut list.

You  could I suppose do something similar with a saved search.

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  • Level 5*

I think I read somewhere that tags are no longer shortcuts because the Filter feature does the same thing.  Dragging a note into shortcuts gets you a link to that note.

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13 hours ago, gazumped said:

I think I read somewhere that tags are no longer shortcuts because the Filter feature does the same thing.  Dragging a note into shortcuts gets you a link to that note.

Thanks gazumped.

To be clear:

See "Old" video. This is legacy. I drag-and-drop a note(s) to a "Shortcut" and the notes get assigned to that "Tag". Very simple.

See "New" video. This is v10. When I try to do the same action, the note only becomes its own "Shortcut".

So in v10, are you saying that "Tags" can no longer be assigned a "Shortcut" in the way I used it in the "Old" video?


Second question. See "Notes" photo. What do the stars mean?


Last question (for today haha). v10 works very different from legacy. Daily, I try making a baby step but continue stumbling around. So many changes makes v10 feel like I'm trying to figure out how a competitor's product works. Has EN released a book explaining the "from-to" between legacy and v10? As an example, in the "Shortcut" section of their book, they would explain that notes can no longer be "Shortcut"(s): and then explain how to use "Filter"(s) instead.

Thanks, Duhtch


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  • Evernote Expert
2 hours ago, Duhtch said:

v10 works very different from legacy.

Yes, and I think that much of the struggle some users have in switching is trying to squeeze their old ways of achieving things into a product that simply does some things differently.

It certainly took me a week or two to work out that I could do most things I need but not in the same way as previously. Once I made peace with those changes I found that I made good progress.

Keep asking your questions and sharing the solutions you discover. Equally keep highlighting failures that need attention.

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2 hours ago, Duhtch said:

See "Old" video. This is legacy. I drag-and-drop a note(s) to a "Shortcut" and the notes get assigned to that "Tag". Very simple.

See "New" video. This is v10. When I try to do the same action, the note only becomes its own "Shortcut".

So in v10, are you saying that "Tags" can no longer be assigned a "Shortcut" in the way I used it in the "Old" video?

I understand what you are trying to do now. As I explained in my earlier post you can still add a tag to shortcuts.In fact you have lots of tags as shortcuts.  You are right that you cannot assign the tag in shortcuts to a note by dragging the note onto the shortcut. However you can assign a tag in shortcuts to a note by dragging the tag onto the note (ie the other way round)


2 hours ago, Duhtch said:

Second question. See "Notes" photo. What do the stars mean?

The stars means they are in the shortcut list


2 hours ago, Duhtch said:

they would explain that notes can no longer be "Shortcut"(s): and then explain how to use "Filter"(s) instead.

Notes can still be shortcuts. Shortcuts can be individual notes, tags, notebooks or saved searches. In fact in your second screen cast you illustrated how to make a shortcut to a note! If you mean "you cannot assign a tag in shortcuts directly to a note" then I covered how to do that above.

A shortcut to a tag is primarily just a filter for that tag. You obviously use it as a quick way of assigning common tags to a note, whichis fine.   You can create a complex filter using the filter and then save it and add it to shortcuts if you want to. 

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3 hours ago, agsteele said:

Keep asking your questions and sharing the solutions you discover. Equally keep highlighting failures that need attention.


Hi agsteele. Will do... "never give up" haha. In my younger days, I converted 100s (never counted, but it was probably 1000s) of legacy systems at Apple and Nike into a single ERP system called SAP. I figure with the help of you community gurus, I'm in good hands. Cheers, Duhtch


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3 hours ago, Mike P said:

I understand what you are trying to do now. As I explained in my earlier post you can still add a tag to shortcuts.In fact you have lots of tags as shortcuts.  You are right that you cannot assign the tag in shortcuts to a note by dragging the note onto the shortcut. However you can assign a tag in shortcuts to a note by dragging the tag onto the note (ie the other way round)


The stars means they are in the shortcut list


Notes can still be shortcuts. Shortcuts can be individual notes, tags, notebooks or saved searches. In fact in your second screen cast you illustrated how to make a shortcut to a note! If you mean "you cannot assign a tag in shortcuts directly to a note" then I covered how to do that above.

A shortcut to a tag is primarily just a filter for that tag. You obviously use it as a quick way of assigning common tags to a note, whichis fine.   You can create a complex filter using the filter and then save it and add it to shortcuts if you want to. 


Hi Mike P.

Thanks a bunch.

Haha, "the other way around". I spent 14 years dragging note(s) onto "Shortcuts". Never thought to drag "Shortcuts" onto note(s). It works for me.

A starred note means it's a "Shortcut"... got it. Never saw this in legacy. It must be something new.

For these kinds of examples, I keep imagining an "EN 'From-To' Dummies" guide to help dummies like me : )

Cheers, Tim


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  • Level 5

If it’s about tagging, there is another option:

Open a note with a set of tags you want to apply to another. Select the first in the tagging area at the bottom. Now hold down Shift and click on the last (selects all), or hold ctrl/cmd and click on each you want to catch.

Now ctrl/cmd-C, open the note where you want to apply, click on the tags symbol, ctrl/cmd-V. The copied tags are applied to that note.

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...or save your standard tags in another note as CSV items - <tag1>,<tag2>,<tag3>,<tag4> - and copy paste that whole line into the tags field.  Evernote politely splits the line into individual tags.

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3 hours ago, Duhtch said:

Haha, "the other way around". I spent 14 years dragging note(s) onto "Shortcuts". Never thought to drag "Shortcuts" onto note(s). It works for me.

Here's a summary of my current understanding of assigning tags to notes by dragging and dropping

  1. The only thing you can do for tags that appear in shortcuts is to drag the tag onto a note in the note list or into the body of the note
  2. If you use the full tag list further down the sidebar you can:
    1. Drag and drop a tag onto a note in the note list or into the body of the note
    2. Drag and drop a note onto a tag
    3. Select several notes and then drag and drop them together onto a tag (here dragging a tag only assigns it to the note you happen to drag it to, not all the selected notes)

I keep common special tags out of my tag hierarchy and prefix them with $. That way they appear at the top of the list are easy to assign to a note or filter by. 


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I need help with the "CALENDAR".

My expectation is a note with a reminder should appear in the "CALENDAR".

Photo A is a note with a reminder of 29 Jul, 8:00.

Photo B shows my gmail account linked to the "CALENDAR".

Photo C shows the "CALENDAR" (in list mode) on 29 Jul missing the note in photo A.

Photo D shows the "CALENDAR" (in timeline mode) on 29 Jul also missing the note in photo A.

What am I doing wrong?

Cheers, Duhtch






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28 minutes ago, Duhtch said:

My expectation is a note with a reminder should appear in the "CALENDAR".

I don't think your expectation is correct. Calendar has very few features (yet) and this isn't one of them. Maybe in the future.

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39 minutes ago, Mike P said:

My expectation is a note with a reminder should appear in the "CALENDAR".

You can connect a note to a Calander using the Blue+ on he drop down and set the reminder in the note.


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  • Evernote Expert
3 hours ago, Duhtch said:

My expectation is a note with a reminder should appear in the "CALENDAR".

Often, the Calendar widget and link is misunderstood. The widget is solely a view of the Google Calendar. Nothing in Evernote is transferred back to Google. The link is one way. So you can link the Calendar Event to a note but not the opposite direction.

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9 minutes ago, agsteele said:

Often, the Calendar widget and link is misunderstood. The widget is solely a view of the Google Calendar. Nothing in Evernote is transferred back to Google. The link is one way. So you can link the Calendar Event to a note but not the opposite direction.

You can link to a Calander Event with the Blue Drop Down, or you can Link a Calander event to a note by right-clicking on the Calendar Event in the Widget and connect to a note, but as @agsteele says this is only a link in EN nothing is linked in the Calendar


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5 hours ago, Duhtch said:

My expectation is a note with a reminder should appear in the "CALENDAR".


Thanks everyone for your comments regarding "CALENDAR".

I understand now that my expectation was wrong (for now : )

"CALENDAR" is a dumb* widget (*meaning no EN integration).

bmcl26... I learned something new from your guidance regarding "Calendar Event".

From my legacy days, I always used Evernote Calendar Connector by Cronofy.

Notes with reminders are automatically linked to Google Calendar using Cronofy.

Well, not the entire note... just the note's title gets posted to the calendar.

I guess I will stick to this solution until something more elegant is developed.

Cheers, Duhtch



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On 7/21/2023 at 7:27 PM, PinkElephant said:

If it’s about tagging, there is another option:

Open a note with a set of tags you want to apply to another. Select the first in the tagging area at the bottom. Now hold down Shift and click on the last (selects all), or hold ctrl/cmd and click on each you want to catch.

Now ctrl/cmd-C, open the note where you want to apply, click on the tags symbol, ctrl/cmd-V. The copied tags are applied to that note.


Hi PinkElephant,

Fantastic, thanks.

In legacy, I used "Assign Tags" and "Hide unassigned tags" a lot to copy tags from one note to another note(s). In my 2020 email, I asked about this capability to EN support. But they did not reply. Now I'm trying v10 again, this is another step forward to helping me make the transition. Much obliged.

Cheers, Duhtch


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I will do a clean install upgrade of my laptop to Windows 11.

Can I save C:\Users\duhtc\AppData\Roaming\Evernote to a memory card, install Windows 11, replace the EN files back onto my hard drive, then install EN so it uses the db?

FYI, to reinstall legacy, I would always save C:\Users\duhtc\Evernote and do something similar.

Thanks, Duhtch


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  • Evernote Expert

Yes you can retain your old data as you describe but I'm not sure that there is a lot to be gained. Often the associated rebuild of the data can be beneficial in resolving issues.


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1 hour ago, agsteele said:

Yes you can retain your old data as you describe but I'm not that there is a lot to be gained. Often the associated rebuild of the data can be beneficial in resolving issues.


Thanks. In legacy, downloading the db took 3 hours. But v10 took 5 days. Maybe after installing Windows 11, I will start a fresh rebuild when I go to bed. The following morning I'll check the progress to decide what to do. Cheers, Duhtch

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Forgive the intrusion. Since it seems we're here discussing missing features and a lot of precious knowledge has emerged, here is my problem, hoping I'll find some good advice.

Back in the days, on the legacy version, I was relying a lot on the "Build content list" (or something like that, I'm afraid I don't remember the exact menu item) function, where you would select a bunch of notes and a "summary" note, will links to all the notes you first selected, would be produced.

Is there anything like that now?

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  • Level 5

Select the notes - from the right click menu choose the „copy internal links“ - pick app links.

Go to the note where you want the TOC to show - insert (ctrl/cmd - V). Done - you can now use formatting like numbering or bullets, or even make a checklist out of the links.

The feature got a massive boost by the adding of backlinks. When you go from the TOC to a note, and want to go back, top right a symbol holds the links back to all linked notes. After inserting the link, it may take a little until the backlink shows.

If a note is linked to 4 different notes, you will have 4 backlinks, and can go to any of them just by clicking on the backlink from the little list.

I think this is a significant improvement over the one-directional linking in legacy. It supports strategies like Zettelkasten.

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6 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Select the notes - from the right click menu choose the „copy internal links“ - pick app links.

Go to the note where you want the TOC to show - insert (ctrl/cmd - V). Done - you can now use formatting like numbering or bullets, or even make a checklist out of the links.

The feature got a massive boost by the adding of backlinks. When you go from the TOC to a note, and want to go back, top right a symbol holds the links back to all linked notes. After inserting the link, it may take a little until the backlink shows.

If a note is linked to 4 different notes, you will have 4 backlinks, and can go to any of them just by clicking on the backlink from the little list.

I think this is a significant improvement over the one-directional linking in legacy. It supports strategies like Zettelkasten.

That's fantastic!! Thanks a bunch!! How silly of me not trying the "copy internal links" with multiple notes selected at once.

I agree: backlinks are absolutely great, and were missing in the legacy version.

OK, I think that this settles it and, as far as I'm concerned, I officially declare that now I've nothing to whine anymore about the new Evernote. (Until the next whining, I mean... 😇)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/24/2023 at 10:00 AM, Duhtch said:
On 7/24/2023 at 8:53 AM, agsteele said:

Yes you can retain your old data as you describe but I'm not that there is a lot to be gained. Often the associated rebuild of the data can be beneficial in resolving issues.


Thanks. In legacy, downloading the db took 3 hours. But v10 took 5 days. Maybe after installing Windows 11, I will start a fresh rebuild when I go to bed. The following morning I'll check the progress to decide what to do. Cheers, Duhtch


Hi folks. To prepare for the Windows 11 clean install of my laptop, I copied my legacy db and new db to a flash drive. Reminder: my db is 16 GB. The legacy db was copied within a few minutes. But the new db (1) took a few hours to copy and (2) the copied folder was smaller than the original files. Maybe agsteele's advice to use a fresh db rebuild is the best solution. However, my experience to download a fresh db took 5 days: so for now, I did not do a Windows 11 clean install. Instead, I used the Windows 10 "update" option to upgrade to Windows 11 which only replaces the Windows operating system and leaves the legacy apps / db in place. After the upgrade, both legacy EN and new EN work the same as before the upgrade. So for now, life is ok haha.

Do other people have an extremely slow download experience like I had (legacy db in a few hours, new db takes 5 days)?


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  • Level 5*
32 minutes ago, Duhtch said:

Do other people have an extremely slow download experience like I had (legacy db in a few hours, new db takes 5 days)?

AFAIK the first download can take a little time,  depending on the speed of your internet connection,  the size of your database and the amount of traffic at the time.  Evernote is still usable during this period,  if a little slow.  There's a thread somewhere about a user being surprised how quick the download was,  so YMMV.  My database is around twice yours,  and I didn't really notice any difference after a recent re-install and DB refresh.

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2 minutes ago, gazumped said:
38 minutes ago, Duhtch said:

Do other people have an extremely slow download experience like I had (legacy db in a few hours, new db takes 5 days)?

AFAIK the first download can take a little time,  depending on the speed of your internet connection,  the size of your database and the amount of traffic at the time.  Evernote is still usable during this period,  if a little slow.  There's a thread somewhere about a user being surprised how quick the download was,  so YMMV.  My database is around twice yours,  and I didn't really notice any difference after a recent re-install and DB refresh.


Thanks gazumped.

When I need to download the db again, your comments make me feel more confident. Similar to v10, I also waited 2+ years before updating Windows 11. The Windows update was easy and my old apps (including old and new EN) seem to work like before. At this time, I don't really see the necessity to do a clean install.

If you know, I have another question. I just received an EN Personal subscription notice that says the price is $129.99. I always pay a year in advance. Does EN still offer an annual discount?

Cheers, Duhtch


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Hi everyone,

I am still in the process of transitioning from old to new EN.

In EN v10.60.4, I noticed a few problems that I hadn't seen in earlier versions:

1. When looking at a tag of notes, I change one note's tag to a different tag. When done, it should disappear from that tag's list of notes. But it doesn't, it just stays in the tag's list. I thought it was caused by the very slow tagging refresh in the new EN, but I waited a long time (half an hour) and it never went away. But I know it's not really there because the number of notes on that tag does not add up to the number of notes listed next to the tag's name. To make it go away, I have to select a different tag, then go back to the first tag to see that the note is gone. Because I worry if my note really made it to the changed tag, I manually go to that tag to make sure it really moved.

2. When reviewing a note this morning, a few of the JPG images were missing inside the note. I first clicked on another note, then returned to the first note: unfortunately, the images were still missing. I checked the lower right corner of the screen and it said "All changes saved". So then I checked my iPhone and was happy to see the images were still in that note. So I restarted EN desktop and the images were there again.

In the past, I never spent time double-checking if EN was working properly. I just focused on what I was doing. I think I will temporarily revert to using v6.18.4 and wait for the next new EN update. However, if anybody has suggestions on how to prevent these two issues from recurring, please let me know and I will give it another try.

Don't worry, I'm not giving up haha. I just can't have my mind constantly distracted when I'm trying to get stuff done.

Cheers, Duhtch


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  • Level 5*

While I appreciate it's annoying to have little things apparently going wrong,  diving back into Legacy "until they're fixed" doesn't necessarily mean that anyone is actually working on that issue or that it will ever be 'fixed'.  You're basically relying on someone else having the same issue and taking the time to report it to Support,  send them Activity Logs where necessary and generally help to identify what's happening and how (if necessary) to fix it.

If everyone accepted the new version and worked with Support to resolve their perceived issues,  things would get better a lot faster.  And if Evernote didn't have to double-engineer everything to maintain compatibility with Legacy they could commit more resources to improving things too!

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12 minutes ago, gazumped said:

While I appreciate it's annoying to have little things apparently going wrong,  diving back into Legacy "until they're fixed" doesn't necessarily mean that anyone is actually working on that issue or that it will ever be 'fixed'.  You're basically relying on someone else having the same issue and taking the time to report it to Support,  send them Activity Logs where necessary and generally help to identify what's happening and how (if necessary) to fix it.

If everyone accepted the new version and worked with Support to resolve their perceived issues,  things would get better a lot faster.  And if Evernote didn't have to double-engineer everything to maintain compatibility with Legacy they could commit more resources to improving things too!


Thanks gezumped. Reported to Support. Cheers, Duhtch


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56 minutes ago, Duhtch said:

When done, it should disappear from that tag's list of notes

This one is unfuriating. Normally for me the note disappears instantaneously. Then other times it doesn't and you have to go to another search and back. EN needs to make this happen instantaneously all the time or accept they can't and provide a search refresh button. I can't recall whetehr ctrl+R works but that tends to reset things I don't want reset.

1 hour ago, Duhtch said:

When reviewing a note this morning, a few of the JPG images were missing inside the note.

There still seem to be so many little niggling issues with images. It's getting better slowly but the progress is best measured in geological time frames!

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1 hour ago, Duhtch said:

Thanks gezumped. Reported to Support. Cheers, Duhtch


Hi again. Sorry that I'm temporarily diving back into legacy. When the next release comes out, I will try v10 again. I don't easily give in (not giving up haha), but there are circumstances. This past year, I have had health issues: specifically brain tumors that affect my thinking. Luckily radiotherapy has killed off the cancer. However, the light confusion I experience is easily triggered. Unfortunately, v10 is just too distracting and makes me question if I was the one that made mistakes. Legacy still seems to work like it did for years and I feel much more comfortable relying on it at the moment. Hopefully, the next v10 release won't cause me this kind of problem. If Support solves my problems, I will update you folks. In the meantime, keep up the good work helping EN make things better. Cheers, Duhtch


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  • Level 5

First of all, @Duhtch, I'm sorry to hear about your health issues! It's good to know you've gotten some effective treatment, and perfectly understandable that this could leave you in a place where you need to stick with what's familiar. I appreciate your positive spirit.

12 hours ago, Duhtch said:

1. When looking at a tag of notes, I change one note's tag to a different tag. When done, it should disappear from that tag's list of notes. But it doesn't, it just stays in the tag's list. I thought it was caused by the very slow tagging refresh in the new EN, but I waited a long time (half an hour) and it never went away. But I know it's not really there because the number of notes on that tag does not add up to the number of notes listed next to the tag's name. To make it go away, I have to select a different tag, then go back to the first tag to see that the note is gone. Because I worry if my note really made it to the changed tag, I manually go to that tag to make sure it really moved.


11 hours ago, Mike P said:

This one is unfuriating. Normally for me the note disappears instantaneously. Then other times it doesn't and you have to go to another search and back. EN needs to make this happen instantaneously all the time or accept they can't and provide a search refresh button. I can't recall whetehr ctrl+R works but that tends to reset things I don't want reset.

I'm in the process of going through a group of notes that I created for a specific, temporary purpose, and either archiving them for later reference, deleting them, or keeping them as is for other uses. They all have the same tag, and in the case of the deleted/trashed and archived notes I am removing that tag from all or most of them. I do this process by having the list of notes that have the tag open, and working down it. I find that when I remove a tag from one of the notes, it drops off the list in a couple of seconds, but remains open while I work on it, for instance to move it to trash or archive. This seems to correspond to @Mike P's "normal" experience. So far I haven't encountered the inconsistency, but I'm keeping alert for it. And I'm not changing tags, only removing a tag, which might behave differently (though it shouldn't).

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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone,

Support closed my ticket before everything was solved. I hope they will reopen it.

First, please don't beat me up because I'm back to using the legacy Windows version. "I'm still an EN guy" haha. I want to get on the new versions as much as anybody. I'm really trying, but I just can't work with these kinds of frequent delays: sometimes waiting up to 30 minutes for a simple change to happen.

For a quick summary of the ticket, this is my latest message to Support. If interested, here is the complete ticket: Rolling out Evernote desktop 10.61 – Evernote Help & Learning

Cheers, Duhtch


Hi Joemarc P.

All of my issues are not solved. Please reopen the ticket.

It includes 3 problems: one open, and two closed.

* Windows app. Missing images. After 30 minutes, the images mysteriously reappeared.
* Web app. Cannot display all tags. Nobody from Support offered me help. Instead, I got advice from the Community. It turns out that I was still using the legacy Web app and it no longer showed all of the tags on a note. Apparently, it's because I always logged into the Web app using a "Bookmark", so it sent me to the legacy Web app. As far as I know, Evernote never informed me about the actions required to upgrade to the new Web app. I wonder how many other users have or are still incorrectly using the legacy Web app. Now I am on the new Web app and I can see all of the tags on a note. However, the Web app has the same problem that I discovered earlier in the Windows app: frequently when the tag on a note is changed, it can take up to 30 minutes before the note actually moves to the new tag.

* In the Windows app and also in the new Web app, there are frequently very long delays (up to 30 minutes) when tags on a note are changed. Details of this are explained in detail earlier in this ticket.

I am a big user of tagging. The long tagging delays, using both the Windows app and the Web app, make it impossible for me to use either of these platforms. Until this is fixed, I have reverted to using the legacy Windows app. For me, it works correctly like before. There are no delayed tagging problems. When I change a tag, it happens immediately. I keep hearing rumors that Evernote may somehow kill off the legacy Windows app. I hope the Technical Support Team finds a solution to this tagging problem before legacy is retired.

Please confirm that my ticket stays open until Evernote finds a solution. If needed, I am willing to help the Technical Support Team in any way I can. Thanks.

Cheers, Duhtch

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  • Level 5*
6 hours ago, Duhtch said:

I hope they will reopen it.

Hi again - you did exactly the right thing getting back to them.  Support seem to have the habit of closing tickets when they refer issues upwards,  but surely they should have told you what was going on.  Let us know what happens.  If you didn't know,  you can sign in here https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/ to see ticket status,  and add your own comments on any ticket. 

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2 minutes ago, gazumped said:

Hi again - you did exactly the right thing getting back to them.  Support seem to have the habit of closing tickets when they refer issues upwards,  but surely they should have told you what was going on.  Let us know what happens.  If you didn't know,  you can sign in here https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/ to see ticket status,  and add your own comments on any ticket. 


Thanks gazumped... yes, I will keep everyone updated on both the ticket and the solution 🤠


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1 hour ago, Duhtch said:

A quick (probably silly) question: how can I completely delete a Tag in EN Web?

  • Go to the tags pop out menu by pressing "tags" in the sidebar.
  • Hover over the  tag you want to delete and press the three dots that appear
  • Choose "delete tag"


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5 hours ago, Duhtch said:

A quick (probably silly) question: how can I completely delete a Tag in EN Web?

Regarding Support ticket*: in the last 5 days, I requested twice to reopen it... so far, nothing : (

Rolling out Evernote desktop 10.61 – Evernote Help & Learning

Hi everyone,

The Support Team posted this on my ticket today "Hello there, Thank you for the additional details. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and would like to reassure you that we're doing our best to improve Evernote's performance continuously. Our team is working hard to find a solution to the issue you are experiencing with slow syncing time. We’ll let you know if any additional information is needed to possibly find a solution. In the meantime, please don't hesitate to contact us again whenever you need. Best regards, Evernote Support Team".

... enough said : )


Hi Mike P.

Much obliged. I once hovered over it but it only displayed "New Tag", so I moved on. I've looked for days trying to find it haha. I'm curious, how did you discover this? I once read somewhere in the "Community" that there are hidden features that I may be missing out on. If there's a guidebook like "Evernote 10 for DUMMIES", that would be great. Anyway, thanks again.

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  • 1 month later...


Hi everybody. For the last couple of hours in EN Windows, changing tags leaves the notes assigned to the old tag. So for now, I've switched over to using EN Web where the changes take effect. Has anybody else noticed this problem? Cheers, Duhtch


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On 10/30/2023 at 3:52 PM, Duhtch said:


Hi everybody. For the last couple of hours in EN Windows, changing tags leaves the notes assigned to the old tag. So for now, I've switched over to using EN Web where the changes take effect. Has anybody else noticed this problem? Cheers, Duhtch



Hi again. The long delays I reported on Monday lasted through Tuesday. Notes were stuck on the wrong tag for more than a day. On Wednesday, things were almost back to V10 normal. That means notes were stuck on the wrong tag until I selected a different tag, then returned to the original tag and the note finally disappeared. Today we are back to V10 "normal". After changing a tag assignment, the delays are only 2-10 seconds.

I started to think it was on my end, so I was about to delete EN / my database, and then rebuild everything from scratch. I hated to do it because it takes 3-4 days for my database to rebuild. Luckily I just waited it out and something somewhere fixed itself. I'm no longer thinking it was on my end.

I'm not technical, so I can't explain it. Can any of you experts explain what probably happened?

Thanks, Duhtch


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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, Duhtch said:

Can any of you experts explain what probably happened?

Sorry but <crosses fingers> AFAIK everything has continued to work smoothly and quickly on my account.  So,  no - you'd have to contact Support with Activity Logs and wait for a while to (possibly) get an answer to that...


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  • 1 month later...


Hi everybody. Quick question. In Windows, I click on a shortcut called "!!Desktop" and it appears (that's good). The 4 assigned notes appear (that's good). However, in the "FILTERS" list extra "FILTERS" ("Social Security", "*240103 Wed", "Pension") just show in the list and have nothing to do with what I am doing. How can I prevent these extra "FILTERS" from appearing?


Screenshot 2023-12-03 152416.png

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22 minutes ago, Duhtch said:


Hi everybody. Quick question. In Windows, I click on a shortcut called "!!Desktop" and it appears (that's good). The 4 assigned notes appear (that's good). However, in the "FILTERS" list extra "FILTERS" ("Social Security", "*240103 Wed", "Pension") just show in the list and have nothing to do with what I am doing. How can I prevent these extra "FILTERS" from appearing?


Screenshot 2023-12-03 152416.png

You can't. The grayed out tags are a selection of the tags that are in the notes that you have selected. Presumably EN thinks that these are the most likely ones that you want to add next to further refine your filter - you do that obviously by clicking one of the tags. In my case, the extra tags are almost never the ones I do actually want to add next.

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38 minutes ago, Mike P said:

The grayed out tags are a selection of the tags that are in the notes that you have selected.


Hey Mike. In my case, it's different. None of the three extra tag "FILTERS" ("Social Security", "*240103 Wed", "Pension") are linked to the 4 assigned notes. It's like EN just randomly picked them and put them on the "FILTERS" list. Other ideas?


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12 minutes ago, Duhtch said:


Hey Mike. In my case, it's different. None of the three extra tag "FILTERS" ("Social Security", "*240103 Wed", "Pension") are linked to the 4 assigned notes. It's like EN just randomly picked them and put them on the "FILTERS" list. Other ideas?


OK. my fault. That's how it used to work. It seems to have changed. You are right, they are now random tags or possibly tags specially chosen to not be in the selected notes. 

So basically there is now a bug in a system that never worked for me when it was working as intended.

No other ideas. Somebody who found the original behaviour useful should raise a support ticket.

I do wonder whether EN are now deliberately breaking things to see if anybody complains - surely their QA can't be this bad. 90% of my gripes with the current version are things that used to work in previous incarnations of V10, not functionaility that we lost going from Legacy to V10. I supose it's a much cheaper way of getting feedback than focus groups!

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/3/2023 at 3:37 PM, Duhtch said:


Hi everybody,

I submitted a ticket regarding these extra "FILTERS". I will update you when there is a solution. Cheers, Duhtch

"Using EN Windows, I click on a shortcut called "!!Desktop" and it appears (that's good). The 4 assigned notes appear (that's good). However, in the "FILTERS" list there are extra "FILTERS" ("Social Security", "*240103 Wed", "Pension"). They just show up on the list, they take up precious space, and have nothing to do with anything that I am doing. None of the 4 assigned notes have anything to do with these extra "Filters". How can I prevent these extra "FILTERS" from appearing?"

Cheers, Duhtch


On 12/3/2023 at 3:37 PM, Duhtch said:

Hi everybody. Quick question. In Windows, I click on a shortcut called "!!Desktop" and it appears (that's good). The 4 assigned notes appear (that's good). However, in the "FILTERS" list extra "FILTERS" ("Social Security", "*240103 Wed", "Pension") just show in the list and have nothing to do with what I am doing. How can I prevent these extra "FILTERS" from appearing?


Screenshot 2023-12-03 152416.png


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Hi again. During the EN upgrade, I paused using Penultimate. I've started using it again, but having a problem. After creating a Penultimate note, I must sync it many times, sometimes syncing a few times over a few hours, before the updated note will appear in EN. Any recommendations? Thanks, Duhtch


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1 hour ago, Mike P said:

At the moment for me no other tags appear when I select a tag. The suggested grey filters are filters for images, webclips and attachments, irrespective of the initial tag selected.


Hey Mike P

The 3 extra Filter tags in my example serve no purpose for what I'm doing in EN at that moment... "irrespective of the initial tag selected". Is that the same case with your "Images", "Attachments", and "Webclips" grey filters?

Thanks, Duhtch


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10 hours ago, Duhtch said:

The 3 extra Filter tags in my example serve no purpose for what I'm doing in EN at that moment

Agreed, but at least it is better than a selection of tags which are completely unrelated to the filtered notes!

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20 hours ago, Duhtch said:

Hi again. During the EN upgrade, I paused using Penultimate. I've started using it again, but having a problem. After creating a Penultimate note, I must sync it many times, sometimes syncing a few times over a few hours, before the updated note will appear in EN. Any recommendations? Thanks, Duhtch

Hi folks. Opened a ticket. When Support solved it, I'll post an update. Adios, Duhtch

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Hey folks,

"Evernote Customer Support" responded to my recent tickets. It's at the end of this posting. But first, here is my reply:

Dear Evernote Customer Support,

I've been an Evernote "paid" member for 14 years. I wonder how many of us are still around. I currently have an "Evernote Personal" account.

Evernote Customer Support restructuring is your problem. I do not accept Evernote's apology. My last annual $129.99 payment was due and paid on September 1, 2023. As Evernote cannot support my tickets, I think Evernote should offer me a discount for this current year's annual subscription. In other forums like "Evernote General Discussions" or Reddit, other customers who first declined to upgrade their next year's subscription are offered a 40% discount from Evernote. That sounds fair to me. As my tickets are "delay(ed) in response time", please offer me that discount. Please send me a $52 discount on my earlier payment of $129.99.

Regarding my tickets, I first posted on "Evernote General Discussions" using my community account named "Duhtch". I did not get a solution from the community. Second, I checked "Help & Learning" where I also did not get a solution. That is why I opened the tickets that Evernote has decided to delay replying to.

I look forward to hearing back from you folks.


Tim Richmond


Hi there, 

Evernote Customer Support here!

We are currently restructuring the Evernote Customer Support department to ensure we can deliver a better service to you and all our customers. Some delay in response time is expected. We apologize for the inconvenience. 

Although you can be sure that our team is actively working to catch up and provide all users with the assistance they need as soon as possible, we would also like to invite you to take a look at the resources available on our Help & Learning. We hope that you find useful information there! 

If you still have doubts after following the instructions and suggestions available there and if you still need support, please reply to this email making sure to include the following information: 

As many details as possible regarding your request and experience
All the steps that you took to resolve your doubts or issues after referring to the Help & Learning resources.
Without a significant level of detail, we won’t be able to process your request quickly.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation very much!

Kind regards,

Evernote Customer Support


Have fun, Duhtch 🤠


  • Haha 1
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  • Evernote Expert

The response you quoted is the standard, automated boilerplate content. Generated by the computer, it isn't the reply of a human. It will be interesting to see what response you receive. I think I can guarantee you won't get a partial refund. You may be offered an extension to your contract period. You might even get a full refund but that seems less likely.

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Hey agsteele (I'm curious, pronounced a.g.steele?)... haha, a human response(s) to my reply(ies) will cost more than $52 (€47)... that's 10 Starbuck Caffè Lattes... I'm just making a point : ) Adios, Duhtch


12 minutes ago, agsteele said:

The response you quoted is the standard, automated boilerplate content. Generated by the computer, it isn't the reply of a human. It will be interesting to see what response you receive. I think I can guarantee you won't get a partial refund. You may be offered an extension to your contract period. You might even get a full refund but that seems less likely.


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  • 2 months later...


Hi folks. Please see the orange bar. When I open a note, there are always 3 random lists that appear. I don't use them and don't want them to use my limited UI space. How can I make them disappear? Thanks, Duhtch



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  • Level 5*

Hmmn.  What Evernote version is that?  None of my Evernote sidebars have a 'filters' section...  What happens if you long-press or right click (or whatever)?

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Hi gazumped : ) it's Windows EN 10.77.3. It's been like this ever since I switched to V10 long ago. I just keep clicking around (including your suggestions) but cannot find a solution to make them just simply disappear. Any other suggestions?


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  • Level 5*

OK - I went through everything I could think of and I still haven't been able to match your screen.  This is as close as I could get - and the web view looks the same.desktop1.thumb.jpg.23bde055399d0d962f6c8da53aec0331.jpg

Unless someone else comes up with something I missed I can only suggest you do the exit / delete local data / uninstall with Revo / power cycle / reinstall dance to see if that helps!

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  • Level 5*

Click on the filter icon to see what you have selected there.  What @gazumped and I have are the default filters shown for us.  Maybe you have something selected in the filter section that is overriding the defaults?  Or maybe the default filters shown are based on some individual usage AI?  Ours are similar except his shows PDF and mine shows Webclips.  I do tend to have a lot of webclips ...



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  • Level 5
On 2/24/2024 at 11:14 AM, gazumped said:

Hmmn.  What Evernote version is that?  None of my Evernote sidebars have a 'filters' section...  What happens if you long-press or right click (or whatever)?

More importantly maybe, what device and OS? Android on a tablet by chance? (Only a guess.)

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