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[BUG] Gboard feature to quickly change capitalization will DELETE the word instead

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Google Gboard has an extremely useful feature to quickly change the capitalization of a word after you've already typed it. Simply highlight the word and then tap the shift key to cycle through uncapitalized, first letter capitalized, or all letters capitalized. See animated gif below.

Unfortunately, since the very first Android beta release (before the public launch of V10) this useful feature instead results in Evernote deleting the word instead. Confirmed still present for me as of the latest version 10.11 (1114563). As of recent Evernote versions, not only does the word get deleted but now the view jumps to the top of the note, making it extra annoying (particularly in a longer note).

There's a long thread in the Android private beta forum tracking this issue but I didn't see one in the public issues forum so I wanted to post this and gain some visibility.



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  • Evernote Expert

I learn something new everyday on these forums ;) Never knew about this function in Gboard so never knew that there was a problem.

Gboard and Evernote 10 have not played well together since the EN 10 launch. There was also the issue with jumping over the next word when typing a space instead of adding the space. That issue was fixed in EN 10.14

Easy to replicate. I'd 'upvote' if I could...

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  • 1 month later...
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Bug still exists in v10.15, to which I was recently upgraded.

@Scott T.I'm not sure if this is your area, but I see you regularly logging and acknowledging bugs and would love if you could confirm if this will ever be fixed. It's been a reproducible bug since the original Android v10 beta (before public release). Thanks.

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  • Ex Employees

@Paul A.Took a quick look. We have a ticket in for this and it's got a higher priority. But the editor team has been knocking out a whole lot of other high priority issues as part of the overall effort to improve the quality and performance of the V10 clients. I'm not part of the editor team, so can't speak to when this might get fixed. But, I will ping the manager about it and see what I can do. Can't promise more beyond that. 🙂 

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On 8/18/2021 at 9:45 AM, Scott T. said:

@Paul A.Took a quick look. We have a ticket in for this and it's got a higher priority. But the editor team has been knocking out a whole lot of other high priority issues as part of the overall effort to improve the quality and performance of the V10 clients. I'm not part of the editor team, so can't speak to when this might get fixed. But, I will ping the manager about it and see what I can do. Can't promise more beyond that. 🙂 

Thanks so much @Scott T.! I'm happy to know it's on the list to eventually(?) get fixed. If you find out anything more from the product manager, I would appreciate it. This bug has been around for over a year (pre-release, as I mentioned) and it's quite frustrating to "forget" that I can't use this feature in Evernote due to muscle memory of using this all the time in Gmail and other apps, and then to find my selection is deleted.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/18/2021 at 9:45 AM, Scott T. said:

@Paul A.Took a quick look. We have a ticket in for this and it's got a higher priority. But the editor team has been knocking out a whole lot of other high priority issues as part of the overall effort to improve the quality and performance of the V10 clients. I'm not part of the editor team, so can't speak to when this might get fixed. But, I will ping the manager about it and see what I can do. Can't promise more beyond that. 🙂 

Just updated to the latest release, 10.16, and the bug remains. 😕 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/18/2021 at 9:45 AM, Scott T. said:

@Paul A.Took a quick look. We have a ticket in for this and it's got a higher priority. But the editor team has been knocking out a whole lot of other high priority issues as part of the overall effort to improve the quality and performance of the V10 clients. I'm not part of the editor team, so can't speak to when this might get fixed. But, I will ping the manager about it and see what I can do. Can't promise more beyond that. 🙂 

Tested 10.17, and just now 10.18. Bug remains. /sadface. :(


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  • 4 weeks later...

Updated to 10.19, and bug remains. :( 

It's coming up on a whole year since this bug was first acknowledged by Evernote staff (not in this thread). I know lots of hard work is going into all the apps and I appreciate that, but it's hard not to be disappointed when another update drops that doesn't fix a bug that's been languishing for so long. I have well over 100 apps on Android that I've used across multiple phones, and Evernote is the only app that has ever demonstrated this issue. Frustrating.

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Bug continues to reproduce in version 10.27.

Interestingly, for several versions now that bug does not reproduce in the "Scratch Pad" area. This area does not have the same formatting options as a normal note, which I assume is the reason why.

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On 2/17/2022 at 1:46 PM, PinkElephant said:

Have you send them a support ticket with that observation yet ?

I have not. I dropped my subscription renewal primarily in protest of the lack of attention on the Android client (my perception, at least, even if it's not reality). They keep trying to woo me back with special offers, but so far I'm holding firm.

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  • Level 5

Uhhhh - visions of the last man standing against the attack of the green marketing elephant hordes are crossing my mind. Arrows with poisoned rebate-tips cutting through the air, pointed at the lone soldier … will he dodge the next barrage again ? Stay tuned to know !

Just to mention it: My impression is the Android client is mainly suffering from the diversity of the Android ecosystem itself. The iOS client is running quite smoothly, the last main issues sorted out with release 10.6 . I think they don’t neglect Android, I think they somehow ran into deep trouble with that framework-embedded app design. Maybe a bad framework choice, and now no easy way out.

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44 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

..I think they somehow ran into deep trouble with that framework-embedded app design. Maybe a bad framework choice, and now no easy way out.

That's it. Since the launch of EN10 Android users literally lost their Evernote on mobile and it never came back. Evernote being reduced to the desktop... It is so sad 😞


1 hour ago, Paul A. said:

... of the lack of attention on the Android client ....

So yes @Paul A., management has to neglect Android client. CEO celebrates his success on EN10 without acknowledging anything about their obvious Android disaster. The blog post was a hard contest to read for Android users!

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  • Evernote Expert

Except that this isn't a universal experience. EN v10 works absolutely fine for me on my OnePlus 8 with Android 11.

It does everything I could ask for and is far more reliable than the old version. 

I know that this isn't the experience for everyone but it is OK for many.

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Cheers to Paul!

My complaints was never in this forum because I was dealing with it in direct communication with support.  

He was one month ahead of me!


  •  --------
    From: support-webform@evernote.com
    Date: 7/23/21 3:22 PM (GMT-05:00)
    Subject: Ticket# 3350122 - Capitalize/change case runs the cursor up to the top


    Shane J. (Evernote Help and Learning)

    Jul 23, 2021, 12:22 PDT

    Hello there,

    My name is Shane and I am a member of the technical support team. I received your ticket from the customer support agent you previously spoke with. Let's see what I can do to help you out in regards to this shift key issue you are experiencing. We have just today started releasing a new version of Evernote for Android today. Please search for this update in the Google Play Store and update your app accordingly. After the update, are you still experiencing the same behavior when entering the shift key over highlighted text?

    I look forward to hearing back from you,



    Abigail Vallejos (Evernote Help and Learning)

    Jul 21, 2021, 20:21 PDT

    Hello there!

    Thank you for making time to reach out to Evernote Customer Support. I am Abigail, and I am more than willing to assist you today!

    I understand that when you are trying to change the case formatting the cursor runs on top, and it also deletes the word. You have also been requesting for the change case functionality for years now, and still have no updates about it. Let me help you with this.

    With the request of having change case functionality for Windows, at the moment, I do apologize that this feature is not yet available in Evernote for Windows. As much as I would like to provide an exact time frame of when this will be added into the new Evernote, I don't have enough resources for that, since this is by design.

    With the gboard issues that you have, I have gone, and tested this on my side. Upon testing, I was able to reproduce the issue. The words that I try to change case formatting have been deleted also.

    I'm transferring this ticket now to our technical support team who will continue to assist you. Please know that they are working on your case, and will reply after they've had the opportunity to review the information you've provided.

    Thank you, and stay safe!


    Abigail V.

    Customer Support Representative

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2 hours ago, rosingm said:

Cheers to Paul!

My complaints was never in this forum because I was dealing with it in direct communication with support.  

He was one month ahead of me!

Glad to see more people advocating for this! The squeaky wheel gets the grease, so the more people who raise this issue the higher the chance of seeing some action on it. While I'm at it, there are a few other folks who also indicated they may be interested in this issue on the beta thread from 2020-2021, so I'll ping them here in case they want to centralize additional feedback here so it's all in one thread: @Roy Douglas @Chriswaterguy @Rulesr4rookies

By the way, I actually first raised this issue almost a year earlier, before Evernote v10 for Android ever released. (I was in the beta program then.) An Evernote staff member (Hector C.) finally acknowledged the bug in December of 2020 (after v10 for Evernote had already gone live). He gave just a single update, in March, 2021:


Hey everyone, the issue is being worked and has been prioritized within a larger set of input improvements we are making within our editor. Definitely not ideal and most certainly frustrating but our developers are aware.

Sadly, more than a year and a half later and nothing (with respect to this issue) has changed. :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's been so long that I've essentially forgotten that that was a (much loved) feature that I really enjoyed.  I've had to stop using that feature everywhere because of this bug in Evernote.  While I've enjoyed *some* of the new features in Evernote, mostly the home page, it baffles me that Evernote continues to ignore the many notable bugs around basic text input, such as this one.  It really puts one off of the app.  I'm pretty embedded with the app so it's hard to go anywhere else, but I use it kicking and screaming and uttering all kinds of expletives in the process.  It certainly is not an elegant experience and does not spark joy.  I don't advocate for it anymore to others. It's just too buggy.

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On 2/23/2022 at 10:30 PM, agsteele said:

Except that this isn't a universal experience. EN v10 works absolutely fine for me on my OnePlus 8 with Android 11.

It does everything I could ask for and is far more reliable than the old version. 

I know that this isn't the experience for everyone but it is OK for many.

My experience as well (Samsung A70) no issues with it.

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  • 1 year later...
2 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Clearly Evernote doesn't work well with Gboard, at least in some specific functions. It's possible, I suppose, that it's Gboard's error and they'll have to fix it.

It's not. I've reported this to Gboard. It's Evernote's issue.

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  • 1 month later...
  • Evernote Expert

Interesting.  It's not a function I typically use but I just checked and I still have the same experience that @Paul A. has been unhappy with for three years.

@bmcl26, what version of the Evernote Android app, Gboard and Android are you running?

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12 hours ago, agsteele said:

Interesting.  It's not a function I typically use but I just checked and I still have the same experience that @Paul A. has been unhappy with for three years.

@bmcl26, what version of the Evernote Android app, Gboard and Android are you running?

Like you, I was not aware of Gboard, and on checking, I don't have it installed.  I Use Grammarly Keyboard running Android 11 (Samsung A70) and EN 10.64.0.

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In all honesty, as they are working on improving basic functionality and getting back-end issues sorted (oh, and a new, dysfunctional UI for the desktop apps), I would doubt that issues interacting with particular keyboards are high on the priority list. Maybe they should be, and I hope they'll get some attention soon (other aspects of the Android app could use work too, as the threads in this forum attest), but I suspect that that's the current state of things.

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The problem is that we are waiting for some Android bug fixes that are very basic, easily repeatable and very well documented here and to the email support. These problems exist since the v10 release (soon 3 years anniversary! 🎂🎉🍾) and here we are... still no Evernote stuff interacting on the forum, still no use from email support. Only promises on paper and higher subscription prices.

And what are they doing... a new UI. 🙃

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