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EdH last won the day on January 12 2019

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  1. I have a saved search that is this: tag:"Dad Jokes" notebook:"Dad Jokes" -tag:Completed tag:"Dad Jokes" notebook:"Dad Jokes" -tag:Completed This search works fine on Windows (old version - not upgrading that!) and on the mac as a regular search. But if I save the search to the shortcut bar then use the shortcut to search. it return nothing. Any assistance here? This was reported a few weeks ago here but not fixed in the 10.17.6 build. No one from Evernote responded to/acknowledged the thread.
  2. Does anyone from Evernote monitor these bug reports? Seems several people have confirmed this is a legit bug in this thread, not just something weird with my search. Would be nice to get an acknowledgement, and commitment to fix in the next cycle.
  3. That isn't close to acceptable unfortunately. If I was on one machine, maybe. But I need iOS, Windows, Mac, and Web to save and use my saved searches properly.
  4. This has been an ask since checklists were created, probably 12-15 years ago. I'd love to see it, but don't hold your breath.
  5. I probably will. I do like finally the mac version will merge notes in the order selected, but when fundamental searching is broken, it is like using a word processor where some words aren't spell checked. Kinda core to the product.
  6. Note: I saved it as a new shortcut too, and it works fine on Windows client, as well as the iOS 8.x version (never upgraded there either), but not on the new Mac client. Not all saved searches in shortcuts are broken, but this one is. I haven't tested all of them.
  7. I finally gave in and upgraded from the old Evernote client for Mac to the new one, and instantly regret it. Simple things like search are broken. I have a saved search that is this: tag:"Dad Jokes" notebook:"Dad Jokes" -tag:Completed tag:"Dad Jokes" notebook:"Dad Jokes" -tag:Completed This search works fine on Windows (old version - not upgrading that!) and on the mac as a regular search. But if I save the search to the shortcut bar then use the shortcut to search. it return nothing. Any assistance here?
  8. @Jeshi - the Apple Watch does not count as an additional device. it is considered 1 with your iPhone. I do think your iPhone has to be active as a device. You cannot, for example, set up your iphone, connect your watch, then deactivate your iphone in favor of an iPad. The watch would stop working at that point. All kind of moot right now given that unless, like me, you are still on 8.x, there is no watch app right now.
  9. I am still holding fast with 8.x on my phone. If you got to the App Store for iOS and sort reviews by "Most Recent" it is overwhelmingly 1/2 star ratings. I would definitely install it if, like Windows/Mac versions, Evernote put an "Evernote Classic" app back in the app store that was the latest 8.x build and test and offer feedback on issues, but I cannot rely on it as is as my main app.
  10. I've seen this as well. It happened to me when I allowed Evernote access to selected photos vs all photos. It is a new iOS 14 feature. But it keeps asking. In fairness, I have seen this with other apps too though, so not sure if this is an ios 14 bug or the devs aren't 100% sure how to use the new feature. For me the fix was to go into iphone privacy settings and give evernote access to ALL photos, then go back in and deny access. But if you try to import photos again and give it selected access this loop will happen again, so if you do it frequently, give evernote access to all photos. That was all you could do with ios 13 and earlier anyway.
  11. This sadly doesn't seem to be a new version of Evernote. It is an entirely different product that has access to our Evernote data in the cloud, but bears little resemblance in functionality to the Windows version of Evernote. So many features missing. This is worse than the iOS version, which, after being in the beta for a few weeks, opted out, installed Evernote 8.x from the App Store, then turned off automatic updates. So much is broken. No import folders? No global note shortcut keys? This is unusable to anyone that has used Evernote for over a decade. ☹️
  12. I would recommend anyone that has not updated, don't. I turned off my Automatic App updates from the App Store when I saw 10 was released. So much is broken. I would love it if they would make everyone's live easier and release Evernote Classic on the App store giving people the option to use 8.x until they fix 10. It was released way too soon.
  13. EdH

    Manual Sync Button

    Change your sort to be on the updated column so it is always at the top/bottom, whichever. You may have it sorting on title and it alphabetically just vanishes on you going to where it needs to be.
  14. EdH

    Manual Sync Button

    What version is this? I have 7.14 on my mac, and it is the latest and the sync button is there. If it is gone from a future version, I wholeheartedly agree, it needs to be there. I am careful on my machines (Windows and Mac) to do a final manual refresh and wait until it stops spinning until I suspend either laptop. I cannot afford to have notes orphaned on one machine because it didn't sync.
  15. We have voted for it. The frustration is the Windows client does this. What is the point of merging notes of they merge in a seemingly random order, or any order that is not what the user wants? I'm thankful I have a Windows machine. This is so back on macOS that when I need to merge there, I just move those notes into a tempMerge folder and merge them later on my Windows PC. The vote feature here is kinda lame. Not many Evernote users are even on this forum, much less understand how the voting works. But this idea has been around going on 5 years and it never happens. We just get more stuff we don't vote for, like increasingly large NEW NOTE buttons, removal of note toolbars, etc.
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