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Everything posted by gustavgi

  1. Would that limit apply to the "Tag Kingdom" as well? While I am most likely a unique user case (I use the tag hierarchy as a combined tag + mind mapping-system, with 45000+ tags with long names and 30+ levels) and I respect that the product development can't take such rare user cases into consideration, I still want to voice my concerns when a new version messes with my current work flow like the changes to the Android version might.
  2. This sounds like a great step in the right direction for iOS and I am greatful for the focus put on improving the tag experience. I am however a bit concerned for Android. As already mentioned above, you do get a hierarchy on Android when browsing the tags. One of the good things with how the hierarchy has been implemented today is that when you navigate to the child tags of a parent tag, all the screen estate is given to browsing the child tags. My concern with the implementation in the video is that it is unclear whether you can scroll horizontally in the hamburger menu/left panel, or what would happen when you have nested tags with longer names nested in several levels. My other general concern is the "Unassign tag from all notes", which I pray for has a confirm box as I will most likely end up hitting that by mistake several times on a touch screen. I still wish for that confirm box to be implemented on Windows, as I even with a mouse have been through times where I have unassigned tags through a click misfire..
  3. As long as this basic way of implementing nested tags isn't carried over onto other versions I am grateful for a welcomed improvement. So, while it's a good way to test new ideas and such on the web, the web is still going to be a bottle neck for power use and desktop versions of Evernote from 10 years ago are still going to be more powerful. The only worrisome part of the video is 0.51 where the list of notebooks to choose from hasn't (yet) been adapted to the lenght of the names of the notebooks. This has always been the worst part of how tags have been displayed/handled on iOS. It gives you like 15 letters max..
  4. I strongly agree with this as well. The current tag system and the Windows left panel tag list, together with the option of also using the Tag view in the right window and dragging and dropping in between the two is the most productive and resource effective way of working with tags. I also rely heavily on the "scroll left panel item into view when the item is selected"-feature in options. I pray before every major update that no one messes with this on Windows. But if the idea is to bring the best of this also into other client and implementing them in a way that would be the best fit for that system, I am of course all for that! And, like @PinkElephant mentioned, it would also be great if some additional visual tag/note functions based on the idea of Mohio map or Bubble browser etc. were implemented. I also think the potential of the current Context feature is criminally underused when it is now limited to only a couple of notes. It would also be great if it suggested related tags and gave some type of explanation why the notes are suggested.
  5. Only thing that has worked for me and my 30.000+ notes, when Evernote has started lagging in the past, is using Optimize Database under the Help menu if you press Help while holding the Ctrl-key.
  6. But with Evernote Business and Work chat they do a pretty good job at suggesting that Evernote is a tool for serious work (or at least aims to be)..
  7. Easiest way is to change the display scaling settings in Windows. https://www.cnet.com/how-to/6-display-settings-you-should-be-using-in-windows-10/
  8. No because no mobile OS that I know of lets you create different login profiles. So if you share a computer you may create additional login profiles for every user, but if you share your phone with someone else you can't. But sure, an extra layer of security would always be nice.
  9. I agree. I usually don't post in threads like this, but keeping this bug for so long is kind of ridiculous.. Thank god for the Home button on the keyboard..
  10. Not really, but I was thinking of some way to make it more clear what a certain Space is really about, as well as making relevant tags more accessible just like the pinning of notes makes accessing important notes makes it more productive. In the example picture in the original post I don't really have any idea what the processes located in the Space is about except for the main title Newsletter Redesign. Allowing for pinning clickable tags or at least some sort of tag cloud would therefore be more helpful. I am also wondering if there will be a limit on the number of Spaces.
  11. Are you planning to implement pinning Tags into Spaces as well?
  12. A better workaround that has been introduced more recently is that you can now drag and drop a search result from the ctrl+q search onto the note body.
  13. Are you talking about the left panel? Try View and Left Panel, or hit F10 on the keyboard.
  14. Yeah but this is not simply issues with fonts between systems, this is forced simplified formatting of a note across all platforms if you make the slightest edit..
  15. These problems still exists two months later, which makes this GA version cause the same data loss by corrupting clipped notes.
  16. It was implemented last year. Ctrl+scroll wheel for zoom, and pinch to zoom on touch screens.
  17. I agree! The workaround, which is not as fast, is to use Ctrl+Q and then drag-and-drop the tag anywhere in the note.
  18. A form of selective sync has been added in the latest beta. The desktop version will only download the content that you are accessing. But you aren't really given a choice of what you want online and offline.
  19. While I see your point that this is a native feature that would be nice to have in Evernote, you can just as easily add this functionality yourself by using PhraseExpress or AutoHotKey. I recommend PhraseExpress since you create macros by choosing features from a dropdown menu.
  20. If I want two notes to have identical tags, I usually select them both, open Assign tags (Ctrl+Alt+T), tick the box "Hide unassigned tags" and tick all the remaining tags by using arrow down and space bar on the keyboard.
  21. Like mentioned above, this isn't really helpful if you want to pick up where you left of at some later time. But If you only want to make some quick notes or drawings in Evernote there is an even faster way with less clicks than yours: Click on the pen (Windows Ink) next to the clock at the far right of the Windows taskbar. Pick Sketchpad. After you have drawn/written what you want in Sketchpad, you press the copy button (in between the save button and share button) and then close Sketchpad. Long press (right click) on the Evernote icon in the taskbar and pick "Paste clipboard". Done. If you have a Microsoft Surface, it's even faster if you configure the pen eraser button to open Sketchpad with just a click on the pen. This will also let you open up Sketchpad directly with that single click on the pen even if your Surface is in hibernation.
  22. I don't know if I understood you exactly but I suggest you create a "master" tag where you put all your tags, and then hold down the Shift key when you collapse it to collapse everything while in Tag view.
  23. While I also wish for this dedicated feature, I've been using the 'Code block' feature as a quick workaround (Ctrl+Shift+L). The borders, background color and alternate font/size makes it stand out in a text.
  24. I don't think any of those will update the old Evernote note in real time as you write though, or let you pick up right where you left off earlier and still be able to delete old single pen strokes. They both seem to work more like Evernote/OneNote themselves, and not like an annotation tool directly integrated with Evernote.
  25. I can't reproduce this, even after some changes in options. I do have other temp freeze problems pretty often.
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