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Everything posted by gustavgi

  1. What I meant was that tags in most other software, including this forum, are used only as a keyword to help identify the content that has been tagged and to make collections. The latter is very much the purpose of EN notebooks as the software is today, where you are not allowed to have more than 250 collections/notebooks (a physical notebook is a collection of notes). Outside of EN they also have a flat structure where every tag has the same visual value, and if you are lucky they will be somewhere sorted in an non-hierarchical alphabetical list similar to EN notebooks or maybe displayed in a tag cloud. In EN they have been given a locational and navigational function. A tag can be a child-tag to a parent-tag, like a folder can be sub-folder inside another folder. And like folders (and unlike other software where hierarchical tags have been implemented) you can have a file tagged with a child-tag without it also showing up in the parent-tag. And depending on how picky you are, one could easily say that the first tag a EN note is tagged with is the "actual location" of the note, while the other tags represent Windows folders where you have placed a file-shortcut to the text-file. In EN, there is no similar way to place a shortcut to a file in a different notebook, inside another notebook. Either way, I will always have a hard time to see why it would be a negative thing to have an OPTION, to also put a note inside more than one location.
  2. I think the limit has to do with the risk of bogging down the client if single notes are very large. Evernote do OCR processes on pictures as well. EN recently teamed up with Google Drive, and I guess that has to do with the fact that EN themselves realise that they have no clear intention to compete with file backup cloud services.
  3. It's not about trolling or being a fan of tags, but it's about the fact that the request to nest notebooks is basically a request to make notebooks into tags (in the way Evernote has implemented tags). To give a dumb example, you are basically asking the creator of floppy disks to create a floppy disk with 4,7 gig storage because you prefer floppy disks instead of DVDs. One of the main problems with making nesting of notebooks possible today, is that you also have a limitation of 250 notebooks and you can't give two notebooks the same name. As a lot of new EN users don't know that there is a 250 notebook limit, I'm pretty sure that EN would receive a lot of complaints from users that start to create a notebook nest system they like, and then would suddenly get the message that you are not allowed to create anymore notebooks at 250. The funny thing as well is that Evernote notebooks has more in common with tags in other software, than Evernote tags themselves.
  4. "Great movie and sci-fi noir thriller where Harrison Ford probably is a robot"
  5. Well, my system is not for everyone that is for sure. The main reason for why the number is so large is that a lot of my tags are a description of a single note/just a couple of notes, in a complete sentence, which makes tag search work partly like seach suggestions on google, only personalised. Not that this is the best example, but let me give a fictive example: Say I have a note about the movie Se7en. I might tag it with "Movies" "Thriller" "Scary" "Morgan Freeman" "Brad Pitt" and "Deadly sins" My tags would be nested like: Movies Actors(empty tag just for sorting) Brad Pitt Morgan Freeman Movie genres(empty tag just for sorting) Thriller Topics(empty tag just for sorting) Deadly sins Emotion(empty tag just for sorting) Scary But I might also IN ADDITION to those tags, tag it with "Se7en - Great movie and scary thriller about deadly sins starring Brad Pitt & Morgan Freeman". In that way I have myself decided that those are the values i consider extra important for that movie/note. Now if I am in the mood for a scary movie, and do a tag search for "scary" - the whole description for Se7en will show up among the tag suggestions. So why put this description in a tag and not in the note body? Because then that note about Se7en will compete with 200 other notes that are clipped reviews of different movies where the reviewer thought the movie was "scary" (which I may not agree with at all) or "NOT scary" which will still be displayed in the search results. The search result will also show a note containing an interview with a hockey player, that in one of his irrelevant answers mention a scary cat he saw once.. So why not put it in the note title instead and search intitle:? Because if I then were to clip a note called "10 best thrillers of all time", I can still tag it with "Se7en - Great movie and scary thriller about deadly sins starring Brad Pitt & Morgan Freeman" along with a new tag called "Memento - Great movie and weird thriller that deals with amnesia starring Guy Pearce".
  6. It sounds to me like you are comparing tags in Evernote with tags in other software, which is unfair since I have yet to come across any other software which has implemented tags in any way similar to the way Evernote does. The most fair description of tags in Evernote would be "Folders on a PC, except you can also place the same file in more than one folder". However to mirror folders on a PC you now have to uncheck "automatically select child tags" in options in v6, as this new function makes Evernote behave more similar to how other software uses tags (like labels for filtering). Take OPs post as an example. Notebook Stack: To-Do Work Job1234 On-Site Notes Off-Site Notes Manufacturing Job4321 On-Site Notes Off-Site Notes Manufacturing Home To-Buy Shoprite Costco Lowes To-Fix Kitchen Master Bedroom This can be solved in many ways but the most easy way would be the following: 1. Have only ONE notebook called "My notes". 2. Create and drag and drop tags in a nest just like above. Done. Now say I am fixing the kitchen and for that I have to buy a sink. I find a sink online on the Costco website and I clip it. If I am using a folder on a pc or a notebook to store it in, i would be forced to chose between putting the file in Costco under To-buy or in Kitchen under To-fix. With tags, I put it in both. Now if i want to find it again later, i just navigate the tag nest/tag tree... And since v6 you don't even have to type the first tag when creating a new note, if it already exists. You just navigate and click the desired tag in the nest and then click new note. The note will then automatically be placed under that tag (like creating a new file in a folder, or a new file in a notebook). As a side note Evernote is also limited to 250 notebooks, but I have 11.000 tags..
  7. You can't have two notebooks with the same name either. Notebooks are not in any way like folders on a PC. Since v6, tags will be added automatically to a new note if the desired tag is selected (just like if you create a note in a notebook). Therefore the only big sorting issue that separated the two earlier, is no longer an issue. Color coding tags is possible as well. PS. People need to stop "confusing" notebooks with folders. Like I have written before. When was the last time you put a physical notebook within another physical notebook? It makes no sense.
  8. Noone is bending any knees for anyone here. If you read my post you saw that I too recognize both the bugs mentioned, but that I also know of other bugs as well. My point was that if people like yourself stay in spite of those bugs (maybe because they are only very annoying), there is really not enough incentive to put every priority on fixing those instead of pushing the software further. I am one of the first to say that 2012-2015 were terrible years for EN. But my reason for saying that isn't the lack of bug fixing. For me it was that there was really no effort put into making EN as a "second brain"-software better. It was all about expanding into close-by, but for me, irrelevant areas. The only thing I could see brake EN would be bad media concerning data loss/security, but they have already had those as well and survived. And like you said - listening to the customer is important. And if EN were to continue slacking when it comes to new RELEVANT features in the upcoming future, I am sure that the competition will come up with something that would make me consider moving.
  9. There is a workaround for what you are asking for here: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/83621-create-jump-links-in-your-notes-with-elin Run the program. give the "Jump name" a (hidden) name that doesn't conflict with any other words/word combinations in the note. Give the "Link text" the name you want displayed as your link, and give "Destination text" the name of the header you want to jump to in the text. After you have generated the text, you copy the first line and paste it into the note where you want the link. And the second line where you want the link to jump. The reason why this works is because the second line which looks like plain text, actually has a hidden code in it which contains the hidden "Jump name". The link is therefore searching for the hidden "jump name" and not for the plain text. It's a bit cumbersome to do, but at least it's a choice for when you really need it. You can also create a note "template" and just copy that for later uses. I doubt this will ever be implemented as a feature in the client, mainly because of how EN relies on everything to work across platforms.
  10. Sure those are some of the annoying bugs that keep showing up, but it's not what makes/breaks a multi million dollar company. Your strategy would though. EN has never been under more pressure with Apple Notes and Dropbox Paper etc. Marketing and new features are essential to the company staying relevant in the near future. Sure, there is no need for new features that tries to make EN something it's not, like what's been done in the recent past, but it needs new core-product features. If I were EN i would invest heavily in AI and functions which would make everyone's EN experience more personlized. Maybe something similar to "Google on Tap" but for your EN content etc. Even though I'm sceptical of the Context feature when it comes to external sources, the Context function of showing my own related notes was a step in the right direction. However it needs to be more easily accessable from anything and everywhere. Now it's just "hidden" at the bottom of a note.. And you should be careful with using other people's names, even if it's just as a hypotical example..
  11. You can navigate back by using the browser arrows in the menu. If you open the note in a separate window, the arrows will appear automatically in that window. If you are moving from NoteA to NoteB inside the main window, you first have to customize the main toolbar to include the navigation arrows. You do that by right clicking in the area around the current buttons (like Sync, All Notes, New Note)
  12. a Comments feature like in Dropbox would be amazing not just for working in teams. A lot of times when you have clipped an entire article, and you come back to that article, it's hard to see where in the text the relevant information is and quickly recognize why the portion was relevant. The highlighting function is there, but you are still required to read the text to find out why it was relevant. A quick comment placed visibly on the side would fix that.
  13. I'm pretty sure that this "bug" is connected to the Bootstrapper error which started to occur and prevented new update-installations back in March 2013. The necessary solution seem to have been to have the Windows installation do a more invasive clean-up of the earlier installation.
  14. I think it only affects the icons that you add yourself. Since Evernote uses the "clean utility", those icons lose their target once the .exe is gone, and Evernote isn't able to know where those icons are and update them once the exe is back in place. You can also try just restarting explorer.exe and see if that helps the next time you update.
  15. You added the Oh yourself But I tried it again just now by updating, and the icons return after I have started Evernote after a reboot.
  16. Plenty of people have this bug. I'm pretty sure it's connected to the fact that Evernote included a separate uninstall-process as a part of the update-process to deal with the 2732 windows error bug that people suffered a while back. In my experience though, the shortcuts will be restored automatically in the same place as it was if you close Evernote after updating and run Evernote at least one time. You might also have to restart the PC.
  17. Please stop posting identical content to different topics. If you want to comment, then that's fine, but do it once, and then post links. For example, I responded to your identical post here: http://discussion.evernote.com/topic/29436-user-assigned-thumbnail-images/?p=203664 That would make even more sense if it was also practiced by Evangelists, say when responding to feature requests with the standard explanation that Evernote has their own priorities in which we have no insight.
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