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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Just providing a discussion topic for user rants For specific feedback/requests please post individually in the requests forum For specific technical bugs/issues please post individually in the bugs/issues forum edit This is the best news I've seen; we can install a legacy version, and run side-by-side with v10 https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/128793-roll-back-to-714-possible-or-not/?do=findComment&comment=578723
  2. I'm guessing you're not using the public share link Send the public Share link
  3. Confirmed - No URL @CR5150 I tried clipping your example web site - no URL was copied
  4. I've encountered the dreaded missing 'share to Evernote' items I opened Evernote and waited patiently - no import I finally rebooted my iPad and all the missing shares started importing
  5. This is a known limitation of the text search indexing - only words beginning with the search term >>but but but.....? There are various requests to improve the search feature; example linked below To indicate support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion .
  6. There's no indication of Evernote planning to support Markdown natively The base format is enml (basically html)
  7. For anyone looking for the Microsoft discussion posts, they have been moved Here
  8. No change in the Windows app >>I seem to find notes with data missing in them that I know I was copying data from. You can review note versions using the Note History backup https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313858-How-to-use-note-history-to-view-older-versions-of-a-note
  9. Handwriting recognition is an Evernote feature Notes are OCR'd (actually ICR) for search indexing Information at https://evernote.com/features/search-handwriting
  10. For anyone looking for the Notability discussion posts - they've been moved Here
  11. https://discussion.evernote.com/announcement/72-issues-accessing-evernote-support-channels/
  12. I merged these posts with an ongoing discussion The missing print option has been posted as a feature request here Find-in-Note has been mentioned, but I'm not having a problem with it btw @ej8899 Special characters are a problem with the Search-Notes/text feature but work well in Find-in-Note or Search-Tags I prefix my tagnames with a special character
  13. The sort options per notebook is available on the Evernote/Windows platform. edit: (Legacy Product)
  14. So you're using a link with the format evernote:///view/... What app are you using the link in? I've tested successfully in Safari and a few other apps
  15. iCloud storage works for Mac and IOS; Not for the other platforms Also requires an Internet connection My Evernote data backups include daily incremental and weekly full export This is html format; notes are plain files/folders
  16. There's also native encryption for MS Office and Apple iWork documents
  17. For the note list panel. Evernote only supports Date/Title sort options The place to "sort my notes according to my own preference" is the Shortcuts sections Use drag and drop to arrange sort order
  18. There are three types of links - Classic In-App links (evernote:///view/...) - Private Browser Links (https://www.evernote.com/shard/...) - Public Browser Links ((https://www.evernote.com/l/AA...) Which type of link are you using? Which device/platform?
  19. There's no general direct email address Use the support ticket process >I can't seem to load an activity log into the ticket submission After submitting a ticket, you will receive a confirmation email Reply to this with your activity log
  20. Just a followup on the hyperlink part of this request As posted above, we are using scripts as work-arounds I use Keyboard Maestro and Applescript on a Mac and Keyboard Maestro supports .kmtrigger files for scripts In Evernote, I use the hyperlink file://...
  21. Yes, you have the "right" to post Evernote alternative solutions However, this is not the place for such posts. I suggest the General Discussions forum; there are ongoing discussions there Keep it posts have been moved Here
  22. We don't have to automatically install every release Review the feedback in these forums first I doubt I'll be installing the new Mac version The current version is working well for me
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