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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. IFTTT is transferring to a paid service so I'm looking for alternatives I also use a daily journal/dashboard note My process starts with a template noteMy Notes.enex I have an applescript on my Mac scheduled for 7am daily It duplicates the template, and sets up tags and title After that, I cut and paste to set up for the day; tasks/events, weather, tides, sunrise/set, ...
  2. Classic in-app links are no longer supported Supposedly they are no longer required
  3. I can understand local file links not being supported by a cloud service My work-around is to use a cloud storage service that support a web url
  4. Does anything happen when clicking on the link in v10
  5. Encryption works for me, but Evernote currently only supports text encryption within notes I've also used the native encryption in file attachments (pdfs, ...) There's a notebook encryption request Here
  6. I have increased functionality using a Mac; I still consider my iPad as supplemental I do appreciate the increased functionality v10 is bringing to our mobile devices
  7. Some users maintain data that can not be permitted to sync to the cloud
  8. I don't think so - it would take years for such development We'll see a shorter time frame if selected missing features are implemented I would have been happier if the dropped feature list was discussed ahead of the release Instead, we get the release with the notice feature x has been dropped (like Local Notebooks) And no notice for some dropped features; we had to discover ourselves (like Email)
  9. This topic is a holding area for posts discussing switching to an alternate service
  10. For example, I used an editor (Apple Pages) to create a sample note on my Mac (sample.pages) It's stored in an offline folder (/Users/DTLow/Desktop/) In Evernote, I create a note and add text I add a hyperlink url to the text The result is
  11. .. 1 1 Yes, it's the initial release of a rewritten code base and is a work-in-progress I would not consider switching to it until they complete the work and resolve issues/bugs
  12. No, still on Mac v7.14, with no issues I'll look into switching when the v10.0 work is completed
  13. We need assistance from a Windows user On my Mac, there's an automatic download from that web page
  14. I'm sure Evernote knows what it's doing The reality is Evernote is a business - decisions are not always going to be popular for users And I hope no one is "internalizing" the disparaging comments I am grateful for the work of the developers, support, and staff assisting us in these forums I'm a long term user, and am hopeful of continuing with version 10 (when work-in-progress is completed) And if I decide to switch to a different service, I will value my Evernote experience; it has served me well I made an informed decision to participate in testing the IOS platform I'm not participating in Mac platform testing (no testing device) I see my role as providing objective feedback in the forums
  15. This discussion is posted in the Requests forum To indicate support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  16. Go to your Evernote account settings and check the device list Revoke access to any devices that don't belong to you
  17. I was going to answer Local Notebooks, however Evernote has dropped support for them The notes could be stored on your computer in an external folder In Evernote, you would have a note and the contents would include a file link to the file stored externally
  18. I'm using a Mac Find the notes: search resource:application/pdf Select All; command A Save Attachments
  19. You didn't indicate a device/platform; I guessed Mac and moved the discussion to the bug/issues forum In the meantime, you can install the legacy app version
  20. This would be the Evernote Helper app from pre v10 We're waiting for the v10 version
  21. This was a great feature for dashboard use Looks like its not supported in version 10 I've moved my hyperlinks out of the images
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