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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Can you explain "take notes on evernote" further? examples? One possibility is a mail link to an Evernote account
  2. imho We have to put the "promote Evernote" on hold Check back in a month or so For pre v10 users, don't panic; stay calm Your Evernote version still works fine Same advice; check back in a month or so And don't upgrade to v10 until the work-in-progress is completed
  3. At that point, the "beating a dead horse" analogy will be completed By then, I will have converted to v10 or another service
  4. Not a good practice to have two copies of documents Evernote is my digital filing cabinet
  5. Allows access to missing features (like import folders) while continuing to access v10, a work-in-progress
  6. I'm estimating/hoping for a longer time frame (years) >>We'll be able to see quite clearly what direction EN is going by that time and Id expect most of the bugs to be shaken out too. If by then it still doesn't do what I want, I guess Ill have to shop around. I agree. I'm not making decisions based on the initial release of a work-in-progress product I also haven't installed the new version on my primary device
  7. With Windows/Mac, we can install different versions of Evernote We are not restricted to the current version There's also a special Legacy version that runs side by side with the v10 version
  8. As you pointed out, when using shared notebooks, we can end up with two tags with the same name A search for tag:aaaaaaa uses tagname and will retrieve notes with both tags
  9. I am also a fan using external editors for extended features I store the documents in Evernote as note file attachments Evernote search indexing includes Office/iWork documents
  10. This was available pre v10 In v10 the links are extracted and displayed underneath the image This was also reported as an IOS issue Here
  11. I edited my post to specify pre V10 (old world order) I'll test in v10; just having trouble with the full download DB part
  12. With IOS, the search is executed at the server when online (edit pre v10) The downloaded DB is ignored.
  13. We have the same problem on Macs; double storage It would have been so nice if a common database could be shared, however that's not realistic I look forward to learning about the new and improved database format Pre v10 - Windows have everything crammed into a single .exb database file - Macs have a small database for metadata, and separate folders for each note's content v10 ?
  14. I recommend opening a support ticket at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  15. I would say by design I moved the discussion to the requests forum Users can indicate support using the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion I rarely use headers in my notes. imho It's more of a word processing thing I knew about the header styles; surprised at a customization option
  16. I've come to terms with Evernote offering a new product I can chose to continue with the old product, or switch to the new product For now, I'm continuing with the legacy version I'll take another look at v10 when the work-in-progress is completed
  17. I always found Evernote's annotation and handwriting features to be quite basic On a Mac, I use the Preview app for basic annotation I use the Notability app on an iPad; I don't need a dedicated PDF editor No integration; I just use the share menu >>no decent competitors as a note repository and organization tool. Agreed
  18. My troubleshooting would be to delete the app and reinstall
  19. I'm still using the legacy version Tabs aren't important to me, but there are other outstanding items Actually, I"m not seeing any items in the new version that makes me want to upgrade
  20. I think Evernote will succeed with the new version 10 product; after the work-in-progress is completed They are starting with a huge userbase; over 200 million The masses don't care about the specific features being dropped Then again; the masses use non-paying Basic accounts >>As currently I have no intention of upgrading from 6.25 Same here. I'll make a decision when the work is completed
  21. Evernote Terms of Service are located here (note the Right To Modify Service) I'm sure we can claim damages if there are violations in the ToS
  22. I've come to the conclusion v10 is a new product being rolled out There are similarities with the old product, but don't count on it
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