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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Confirmed with testing Version 10.7.6 on a Mac >>I've only been doing this for a couple of days, so cannot say whether it was an issue in the past. Export with Evernote Legacy creates the correct export date
  2. So, aborts with Evernote 6.8 and Evernote Legacy My guess is that your database is corrupted and needs to be reloaded The master version of our data is stored on the Evernote servers. A reload could be triggered by deleting the local database
  3. Are you able to upgrade to Evernote Legacy (https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote)
  4. Search > right-click > export (html format) If it's important to maintain notebook/tag, I do separate exports >>Then, tell me, how do I share multiple receipts from multiple tags at once? For the sharing of mass notes, I use a notebook (Evernote Help - Share Notebooks) >>and I want to change the tag to book-research-old, how do I edit that once for all the files, and not have to change it 500 times? Evernote supports batch operation with notes It's easy to change the notebook/tag for 500 notes
  5. I suspect you're working in the Sidebar Instead, work in the notebook page (click the notebook icon)
  6. The master version of our data is stored on the Evernote servers A local copy is stored on our Window/Mac computers - Option-able in Version 10; enabled in Evernote > Preferences > Save Data >>1. How do I back up my data. I use Evernote's export feature It runs on the local computer. The data will be downloaded from the server if there's no local data copy
  7. Whatever classification system you use can be represented with either notebooks or tags. Tags have advantages: Multi assignment per note 100,000 max Unlimited levels An example from my list Note-Types, Type-Receipt, Type-Actionable, Type-...
  8. I scan receipts and store in Evernote Title: yyyy-mm-dd [description] keywords Tags: Type-Receipt, Budget-aaaaaa, Vendor-bbbbb, ... (note - no hierarchy/levels) >>Then, sometime in February I will go into my Accounting folder, in the 2021 folder, and select the January folder, then with a few clicks I will send it to my accountant. A simple search identifies the required receipts - by date - by budget No accountant but I generate monthly expense/budget reports - ... >>Also, do you use tags for all the files in your computer? No, I only use tag organization for my notes/documents
  9. The master version of our data is maintained on the servers Check for the missing notes at the server level using the web platform
  10. That's a reference to a paid feature for the IOS/Android platforms
  11. As noted, this is counted as a "device" My choice would be to drop the web access
  12. If the Legacy product is working for you, I see no problem subscribing on a monthly basis (I wouldn't commit to an annual subscription) Also, keep an eye on your post-Legacy options, but don't get hung up on the ongoing Version 10 fiasco
  13. The message should also have included a link to your device list Access the list and revoke access to any invalid entries
  14. I have no ideas on how this is implemented I do know Evernote implemented a passcode on the IOS/Android platforms, which I'm sure differs from the Mac/Window platforms
  15. I just tested with two documents;; a .pages file and a .numbers file The documents were stored in Evernote as note attachment files Both documents were edited and the updated documents uploaded to Evernote I checked on the web and documents were sync'd correctly
  16. Select the notes > Copy Note Links > Paste into a new note = Table of Contents
  17. The email carries a link to Evernote/Web In the past there was a cookie that redirected to an in-app link We lost this with a pass upgrade to the Evernote/Web app
  18. >>User > Library > Containers > Evernote > Data > Library > Application Support > Evernote > resource-cache (2.15 GB Version 10 offline database files - Change Preferences to disable "Save Data" >>Users > Library > Group Containers > (characters).com.evernote.Evernote > CoreNotes > accounts > www.evernote.com > (characters) > content (3.38 GB) Legacy Version offline database files - No disable option but can be deleted if you are no longer using the Legacy product
  19. Like the download progress for offline notebooks on the mobile platforms
  20. My solution is to type in ADP notebook:Contacts Search grammar is documented at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828
  21. This is one of the reasons I'm still using the Evernote Legacy product. I'm able to select all notes for a full export The Version 10 product does support selecting all notes in a notebook for export This requires a separate export for each notebook, with the advantage that notebook assignment is preserved
  22. I moved your post to the Version 10 Requests forum from the Legacy forum It's a valid request and I added my vote
  23. Obviously there is no such feature - that's why @FilipSposted the feature request The user has noted a format deficiency in Evernote, and I'm suggesting work-arounds (pdf and MS Word)
  24. There is a feature request posted at the top of the discussion To indicate support, use the vote button Whining troll posts are not required Background; For note organization, Evernote provides 2 metadata fields - Notebooks and Tags Tags are the primary organization tool Notebooks can be organized in stacks (2 level) Tags can be organized in a parent-child hierarchy (unlimited levels)
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