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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. afaik Yes, the limits still apply >>limits in terms of number of notes, tags and notebooks does not make much sense to me. These are arbitrary limits and could be changed (the notebook limit was raised) but there may be performance considerations
  2. This is a user discussion forum, and is "an OFFICIAL forum run by Evernote"
  3. No, the Version 10 product is a work-in-progress There's bugs and outstanding features I'm using the Legacy product while this work is ongoing
  4. I merged your posts Which platform/devices do you use? My top tip is use tags for organization, instead of notebooks Notebooks serve a different purpose, and have limitations
  5. I tag notes with tag:!Archive and exclude notes from searches using -tag;!Archive
  6. I listed some links below It's subjective which features are important to you For me - storage of all my notes/documents, sync'd to the web server all my devices - organized for easy access and retrieval; search, notebook/tags - web access, public url for sharing notes - not locked in; easy to export notes - scripting; applescript on my Mac https://evernote.com/compare-plans https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005247-Evernote-system-limits
  7. The version 10 upgrade did not delete your legacy database Running the legacy version should display your local notebooks
  8. A KB Macro executing applescripts I use an applescript directly without the KB macro My purpose is not so much renamimg; as to enforce a naming standard for notes, along with tagging yyyy-mm-dd type [subject] keywords where yyyy-mm-dd is the subject date and type/keywords are tagnames
  9. A known limitation - the search indexing excludes special characters (except for underscore) Documentation at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828
  10. You require separate exports for each notebook; either in the Legacy or Version 10 products I'm using the Legacy product, automated with an applescript on my Mac Third party Backupery is another automated solution for Legacy
  11. I'm still seeing a "local database" (optional) - available for offline use
  12. Only use that password for Evernote access Do not use the same password for other services that may be compromised
  13. Evernote has a feature for attachments like PDFs - view inline or view as attachment Just tested on my Mac; images are always viewed inline - there is no view as attachment option Images are always "open" Where are you doing all this clicking? edit; It's a Version 10 feature
  14. see https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote No - you don't have to uninstall anything
  15. You said you've "been a member since 2011" edit I guess the irony was too subtle Offline access has not been depreciated for Basic accounts It's always been a paid feature, along with much more functionality as "encouragement to subscribe"
  16. Did you allow time for data to sync to the servers?
  17. That was a feature to rebuild the local search index Generally, the Version 10 product no longer uses a local database or local search index Searches are done on the file server
  18. I use saved searches which exclude "closed notes" I assign tag:Archived, which allows me to specify -tag:Archived to exclude archived notes from saved searches My task management is based on the reminder feature which stores completed date/status I specify -reminderdonetime:* to exclude completed tasks from saved searches
  19. What method are you using for archiving notes?
  20. The Version 10 product is a work-in-progress Import Folder is a planned feature - no timetable but imminent >>Can I downgrade? How? The Evernote Legacy product can be installed from https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  21. #1 Exporting data (Notes, Attachments, metadata) - Evernote has an export feature, however it's crippled in the Version 10 product #2 Maintaining organization structure (Notebooks/Tags) #3 Replacing the EN user interface with something equally user friendly Replacing the EN features
  22. My notes rarely fit a single organization category For me, the most important point is that notes can be assigned one or more tags As you indicated, for those into folder navigation - there's notebook/tag tags tree in the sidebar I rarely use them. I indicate hierarchy in the notebook/tag name; for example Budget, Budget-Housing, Budget-Housing-Rent
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