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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. You are using the Mac Quick Look viewer to see the PDF Try right clicking to open the PDF
  2. Note the limit of 100,000 notes, and note size Also, Mac's have a full local data copy with no options btw Local Notebooks are not impacted by the upload limit I want all my notes/documents stored in Evernote In theory this should work; it would be interesting to see if Evernote chokes at that volume I'd say go for it,, but know that you might have to stop the load if there are problems
  3. I use the same technique of modifying the underlying enml/html code It works, but the style is applied to each line instead of at the note level Fortunately, the style is replicated as new lines are appended
  4. Delete the image from the bottom Drag Files Here section edit; I should have pointed out the nearly invisible delete icon at the bottom right corner of the image
  5. Did you hold down the option key (in Italian) while clicking on Help
  6. A different topic but we've actually seen this in the latest beta versions Fixed format though; no option to adjust the format styles
  7. Use intile:<word> to Search for words in titles The search feature is documented at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828 The sequence options for the note list are date, title
  8. The screenshot if from a Mac and shows the tag picker filter The list is filtered to all the tags used in the current view (@Inbox notebook)
  9. There is a backlog The screenshot is from my activity log
  10. There's no incorrect way. You have to decide what works best for you A comment on your sub/sub/sub/sub tags My hierarchy is flatter. For example, if a note has an Insurance reference, I assign tag !Insurance
  11. Log out. Log in making sure to use the correct userid/password
  12. This option is not supported in Evernote We only get sort options for notes; date, title
  13. There is no setting for this Evernote opens with the same settings as when the app was closed If you're into scripting, some controls can be implemented
  14. Yes, a full copy of our data is stored locally on the Mac Platform To identify the database location, hold down the option key and click Help > Troubleshooting > Open Database Folder You can then check the size of this folder
  15. Have you contacted Evernote support? https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  16. Moved to the feature requests forum Users can indicate their support using the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  17. I've merged your post with similar posts To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  18. I'm not a Windows user On my platforms, we don't have "Ink notes" , just notes with ink attachments
  19. This may require a new discussion topic, but I'll give an overview An important requirement is date specific tasks Due date is supported in the Reminder feature Next actions are also important, supported by non-dated reminders Reminders also support a completion date/status My current task list is generated by a saved search reminderOrder:* -reminderTime:day+1 -reminderDoneTime:* (all reminders, exclude future date, exclude completed) Finally, the Evernote note list has limited presentation options (filtered, sorted) I take the list to a spreadsheet where I have more options for presentation
  20. I'm also an Evernote fan, and use it for the storage and organization of all my notes/documents I looked at TSW but converted to a Reminder based task management process For me, Evernote's most impressive organization paradigm was the elimination of folder methodology. I'm a tagger with minimal notebooks. Basically tags cover everything, but Evernote has some special notebook features (sync'd'/local, private/shared, default, offline) Evernote uses an enml format; basically html. This is text based and doesn't support "inline ink" Ink is supported via note attachments, and Evernote also implemented handwriting OCR for search indexing The search feature is extensive I agree full Boolean is needed, and upgrades are needed for the indexing (special characters, stop words, full phrase, ...)
  21. There's a Safari icon in the top right corner, clicking switches to the btowser
  22. This discussion related more to a table of contents within a note Currently tags can only be set at the note level I also use keywords within note contents, for example[keyword1] These are searchable
  23. Make the note a constant; only change the contents I also have a "Today" note Daily, I use the duplicate note to archive the contents Then I update the title, and refresh the contents from a template This has been a constant note for years Alternative; make the header dynamic; updated daily I could script this (Mac Applescript) btw A useful concept with the header as a Table-of-Contents
  24. I just photo'd a business card and got this Image of the card is at the bottom As to Moleskine, "digitized the text" the handwriting is run through an OCR process, and indexed for searching If you can post a sample screenshot, I'll test it on my machine
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