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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Actually the Tags feature is the primary tool for this Evernote uses Notebooks to identify notes as private/shared, sync'd/local, offline, default (Inbox)
  2. I understand the beta versions have a read/edit toggle In the meantime, I use third party Filterize to lock/unlock my notes
  3. Understand this is not an "interactive calendar" - it's simply a note with 12 tables We can select any specific table and move it to the top of the note
  4. I think you're using the "View in Evernote" button Confirmed; this used to translate the url to an in-app link triggered by a cookie in the web browser We know this got broken in the new Evernote/web
  5. Web clipper has always saved to the Evernote servers Second later the data is sync'd to the desktop
  6. My emails are imported to my default notebook (@Inbox) In subsequent processing, I update the title, assign notebook/tags etc As I posted, I use a script to assist with this (Mac Applescript)
  7. Must be a Windows thing Note History is still working on the Mac platform; viewing versions, downloads a .enex file, imported into a local notebook
  8. The latest beta versions support header formatting However there's no option for an internal table-of-contents
  9. Which device platform do you use? My standard for note title is: subject-date note-type [description] keywords I use a Mac and applescript to insert the date into the note title There's also keyboard shortcuts
  10. There is a request posted at the note linked below To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the request discussion There are currently 21 votes
  11. Open the note in it's own window - the name of the note appears as the tab name >>I don't see why the name of the tab should be based on what appears on the middle pane. That's exactly what I expect to see I'd prefer it actually show the query context
  12. For Windows users, check out Enscript to launch Evernote with a custom query Mac users can use Applescript This can be used to exclude nsfw notes
  13. I merged your request with an existing discussion on this topic To indicate your support. use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  14. I merged your post with an existing discussion To indicate your support. use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion What are your requirements for the archive function? Personally, I assign a !Archive tag. This allows me to exclude archived notes from searches
  15. I use yyyy-mm-dd >>I have made some tags. And have 1 entry in each tag category. I can't seem to add to that one entry in each tag. I am attaching a screenprint. I have been highlighting text and then clicking on the tag. But the new attempts don't show up in my list of tags. It's not clear what you're attempting Notes are assigned one or more tags Your screenshot shows a note with 4 tag assignments
  16. Evernote is a cloud service with the master version of our data stored on the cloud servers Adding a new device is simply logging in with the correct userid and password >>i can't use evernote on the new one What error are you getting? If it's the two device limit, Yes, revoke access to the old phone (account settings) You won't lose notes assuming the device has been sync'd
  17. If the content is a single note, the note title is shown If the content is a note list (like AllNotes), the list title is shown
  18. No, the evernote's list feature is quite basic - we get bullets or numbers
  19. If you're using local notebooks there should be no impact to your monthly allowance
  20. Evernote does not currently support encryption for tables (or Notebooks or Notes) To indicate your support for this request, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion In the meantime, I can use attachments for encrypted tables; spreadsheet or word processing There's also more table options using these external editors Office/iWork documents have a native encryption option
  21. For Apple users, there's Evernote's Scannable app. Works great with an iPhone or iPad I haven't used a scanner for years >>I now have multiple services for varying purposes I use various editors but there's a benefit in using a single service for storage/organization Evernote is my digital filing cabinet
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